Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1458 Can’t afford to fight

How could anyone dare to speak like this to Fegmina, especially when she was a "lowly" male.

Fegmina's murderous intention is even stronger...

Julian, who was standing behind Daliang, put his hand on the hilt of his sword after sensing the danger, while Juliet was extremely excited, looking forward to the event changing in the direction she imagined.

Sophia and the vampire guards were also ready to draw their swords and fight when the black elf turned against him.

Feigmina glared at Da Liang, her momentum flying, showing the posture of a 16th-level powerhouse, as if she would transform into her full form at any time to attack her enemy.

But Fegmina still tried her best to control her impulse to take action, because Daliang was so relaxed under the pressure of her momentum, and his guards did not show any nervousness when facing a 16th-level hero. Exuding a fierce fighting spirit.

Fegmina glanced at the extremely calm Holy Angel and another unknown level 15 hero with a smile on her face, and sensed a sense of crisis in them.

There are also those sword guards and war tramplers who seem to be undead, and their posture does not waver in the slightest.

They are not afraid of breaking with the Black Elves of the Golden Cave or starting a war here.

Even if Golden Cave City can block the space here and prevent the support of the First Empire of the Main World and the Five Color Flag Alliance, they still have the strength to fight against a 16th-level hero from the Golden Cave Black Elf and so many similar 15th-level heroes. .

At least they have the confidence to fight all the way out of Golden Cave City.

This is what Fegmina felt from Daliang... Moreover, Fegmina also knew that what really made Daliang feel confident was that... she simply could not afford the consequences of breaking with the first empire of the main world.

As Daliang said, Yunzhong City has no time to take care of the black elves of the Golden Cave now.

If Shangjiang City no longer provides war equipment to Jincao City, then when these two batches of weapons are destroyed, the Jincao Black Elves will return to the time when they could only fight surprise attacks. Moreover, the Darkwing Kingdom continues to continuously arm the dwarves with weapons... One after another, the land that the Black Elves of the Golden Cave have lost so many warriors will be taken back by the king's army.

Even the Golden Cave City will be lost from Fegmina's hands.

Without the gold in Golden Cave City, the Golden Cave Black Elf tribe would cease to exist, and they would have no choice but to return to the wilderness and continue their previous life of worrying about survival.

How could the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, who were already used to delicious food, swallow the food they had before?

Only now did Fegmina realize that the last time Daliang visited Golden Cave City, he did not bring any goodwill. He just wanted to put a shackles on himself and force himself to send all the wealth of Golden Cave City to Shangjiang.

If the war ends easily, how will these profiteers make money? As long as the war continues, the Black Elves of the Golden Cave and the Dark Wing Kingdom, who are unwilling to lose, must continue to purchase war supplies from Shangjiang City.

Now...the bloodletting has just begun.

When she was just promoted to level 16, Feigmina believed that force could solve all problems. And now...she found that she had no law-level power, but she couldn't even lift her hand.

This is the law of the mainstream world!

The Dark Elf's method... doesn't work...

Fegmina tried her best to suppress her anger, slow down her emotions, and ease the tense atmosphere. He said to Daliang in a gentle tone: "Your Highness the Prince... I think there may be some misunderstandings between us. Jinku City has no intention of interrupting the transaction with Shangjiang City. I am concerned about what the personnel of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce have experienced in Jinku City these days. Very sorry.

This is not the place for conversation. His Royal Highness the Prince has come all the way, and I have prepared a banquet to express the Golden Cave City’s welcome to Prince Feichen’s visit again. "

Daliang laughed and said: "I also think there is a misunderstanding between us. After all, the black elves have just begun to contact the mainstream world, and it is understandable that they do not know the business rules.

Since the Mistress feels that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has not harmed the interests of Jincao City, should all those imprisoned be released? "

The corners of Fegmina's eyes couldn't help but tremble. She tied up all the people from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in the square, just to give Daliang a blow. Now with one word from Da Liang, he would let them all go. How would the black elves of the Golden Cave lose their dignity?

The black elf race respects the strong and favors the weak. They can arrest and kill people without any reason, but releasing people without any reason is a huge blow to Fegmina's prestige.

But Da Liang remained motionless when faced with Fegmina's invitation. It seems that as long as he is not released, he will not enter the city lord's mansion...

Fegmina found that she had shot herself in the foot. Once she was let go, she was admitting that she was being unreasonable, and the initiative was no longer in her hands.

But the rope around his neck is still being held by others, so what can he do if he doesn't let him go?

Feigmina, who had lost all her momentum, summoned a shadow matriarch and said: "Let all the people from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce be released, and those who are injured should be treated as soon as possible and properly placed."

With Fegmina's order, although the bloody girls waiting for the execution were extremely reluctant, they still put the people down from the cross and helped the trembling "male" humans out of the square.

After the last member of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was released and sent away, Daliang said to Feigmina: "The time has been delayed a lot. Let's go in now and explain the misunderstanding between us... clearly."

Feigmina reluctantly smiled and welcomed Daliang and his party into the city lord's palace.

It was still the same reception room, but the atmosphere was far less enthusiastic than the first meeting between the two parties. At that time, there was a blueprint for the Black Elf Kingdom in front of Fegmina's eyes, but now it is a sea of ​​blood...

Fegmina thought hard about how she could break free from the shackles and get rid of the "vampire" in front of her.

"Your Highness...The war will end one day. Whether we are defeated or victorious, the Black Elves are worth your emotional investment...

Although your current business practices will allow you to gain great benefits during the war, after the war... you will also lose your two business partners, the Golden Cave Black Elves and the Darkwing Kingdom.

There is endless gold in Golden Cave City. I think you should take a longer-term view of our cooperative relationship.

A hundred years, a thousand years...

The benefits you gain from Golden Cave City are far more than the huge profits given to you during the war.

You said last time that the Black Elves are an emerging race and the First Empire is an emerging plane. We have natural similarities and the most majestic vitality. We should be close partners, not just a business relationship.

The black elves are bound to integrate into the mainstream world. I very much hope that the first empire of the main world will be our guide and establish our eternal friendship. "

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