Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1459 Invincible

When coercion failed, Feigmina began to play the emotional card against Daliang. The Black Elves of the Golden Cave have just emerged, and their diplomatic relations are completely blank. There is only one Yunzhong City with ulterior motives, who will abandon them and turn into enemies at any time. Compared with the Darkwing Kingdom, which has been dissolved into the evil camp and has fixed interests, for the first empire of the main world, investing in the Black Elves of the Golden Cave is obviously more cost-effective.

Seeing that the pensive Daliang seemed to be persuaded by her, Feigmina added: "Last time, because of the relationship between Yunzhong City, we did not reach a deeper cooperation.

This time, as long as the First Empire of the main world is willing to help us defeat the Darkwing Kingdom, Golden Cave City is willing to terminate all agreements with Yunzhong City and fully cooperate with the First Empire.

The mining area we occupy can be handed over to Shangjiang City for development, and part of the gold mines in Jinku City can also be given to you as collateral for investment.

There is no problem even if we join the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Our only request is... Shangjiang City immediately stops all trade with the Dark Wing Kingdom and fully supports Jincao City. "

The conditions offered by Fegmina are very tempting. The gold mines around Golden Cave City can be obtained at any cost, and Daliang also wants them. But his appetite is greater, and he is not interested in the corner of the cake...

But all of them.

Therefore, unless Fegmina packaged herself and Golden Cave City to Daliang, Daliang would not like any conditions she proposed.

After Daliang pretended to think deeply about Feigmina's proposal, he said: "Mother Fegmina... there are some opportunities. If you miss them, you miss them. If you want to go back and catch him again... it will be very difficult.

The first empire of the main world has a comprehensive consideration of the endless maze and the situation in all dimensions, and it is impossible to arbitrarily change the strategies we have formulated.

When I first came to Jincao City, I came with sincerity for full cooperation. If you had thought this way at that time, there would be nothing like today.

But you rejected our kindness because of Cloud City, and the huge first empire of the main world cannot wait for you to change your mind. The business agreement with the Darkwing Kingdom was initiated by King Scripps after I left Golden Cave City. I didn't go to Dragon's Cave City, I never had...but I had to receive the king of Darkwing Kingdom when he came. He made an offer that I couldn't refuse. Without reaching strategic cooperation with the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, I could only sign a trade agreement with him.

This is a commercial contract that is valid for a long time and is a purely commercial trade without any political conditions.

As businessmen, casually tearing up the agreement we just signed will cause us to lose our integrity.

King Scripps has a very great influence in the Endless Labyrinth and has a high status in the whole plane. If he says that we do not keep our credibility and do not have the professional ethics of a businessman, it will seriously affect the commercial activities of the first empire in the world.

That kind of loss cannot be compensated by a Golden Cave City.

I'm sorry, Mistress, but some things are so helpless. We all want to stand closer, but the rules of this world make us miss each other. "

Da Liang placed a magical image ball on the table, and then looked at Fegmina, with a sense of apology in his eyes.

What is playing in the magic video ball is the scene of King Scripps landing on the "Prince". It can be seen from the background of the scene that this is definitely not in Dragon Cave City, nor in any dungeon, but in a normal place. During the voyage, he was suddenly visited by King Scripps.

At this moment, Fegmina's heart was filled with self-blame and regret.

When Daliang first came to Jincao City, he did have the intention of forming an alliance. But she just wanted to wait for the price, and wanted to occupy a favorable position in future negotiations so that she could get more benefits from the first empire of the main world.

The result was self-defeating... I didn't expect King Scripps to react so quickly and sign a commercial agreement with the First Empire first, balancing the power ratio between the two sides on the battlefield.

Who can blame this?

Looking at King Scripps slamming the table at Daliang in the video, Matron Figmina knew that she had wrongly blamed Daliang. He did not take the initiative to find King Scripps, nor did he deliberately plot against himself. Without any commitment from Golden Cave City, he had no obligation to take sides on the battlefield.

The only fault was that she was too greedy. If she had agreed to form an alliance with the First Empire when Daliang first visited Golden Cave City, now she was already thinking about how to invade Dragon Cave City.

Regret will not help.

Fegmina's attitude towards Daliang has changed a lot. It is no longer hatred. After all, she has failed the other party's good intentions. Someone gave me the opportunity to conquer the Darkwing Kingdom, but I didn't take it.

If you miss it, you miss it.

What you should be thinking about now is how to make up for it.

Feigmina humbly asked Daliang: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I wrongly blamed you. I apologize to you for all my hostile behavior. You are still the most distinguished guest of Golden Cave City.

Obviously, the current situation is caused by me. There is still a big gap between me and King Scripps in judging some things. My hesitation allowed my enemies to seize the opportunity.

I missed the perfect opportunity to conquer the Darkwing Kingdom.

The black elves in other places are retreating under the encirclement and suppression of the king's army. This has certainly allowed the strength of the black elves in the Golden Cave to continue to expand, but it has also allowed us to gradually attract the attention of the seven dungeon kingdoms.

Future wars will be more difficult, and I need more support from the first empire in the main world. I need your wisdom to clear the fog ahead for me, so that the black elves can build our own kingdom. "

Da Liang could sense the change in Fegmina's attitude towards her. She called for the attendant to pour red wine for the two of them, and her expression was not so full of vigilance.

Da Liang picked up the wine glass and took a sip of red wine, and then said: "The First Empire of the main world cannot make too big a change in the attitude of all parties in the Endless Labyrinth for the sake of Golden Cave City. According to the business agreement, we must supply the Dark Wing Kingdom with what they want to buy. All items for sale.

But the emerging race of black elves is indeed suitable for long-term investment.

We can use our abilities to prevent other dungeon kingdoms from interfering in the war between you and King Scripps. Coupled with the constraints of the World Factory and the influence of the Crucible City battlefield, the Darkwing Kingdom will not receive much support.

As for military assistance?

I can help you contact the owner of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the Lord of Jiading City, Marquis Stanley. He has a close relationship with the Immortal King, Death Mentor, and Eviscerate Lord of the Realm of Death, and should be able to help you hire an undead mercenary army.

An army that is not afraid of death will make your attack invincible. "

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