Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1461 Double Act

Upon hearing that Fegmina was the city lord of the Endless Labyrinth Golden Cave City, Marquis Stanley's voice immediately became flattering. He said to Fegmina: "I know Golden Cave City... it was built in the golden cave. City. According to legend, in the Golden Cave, if you break open any stone, you will find several gold nuggets.

That is the place I long for most. Living in a golden cave must be the happiest thing.

Mistress Fegmina, I am so happy that you can come to my city.

You are the richest man in the world, and I feel like a beggar in front of you. "

Fegmina stepped on the ground paved with gold tiles and looked at the surrounding stone pillars, the gems inlaid on the walls, and the Marquis Stanley hidden in the pile of jewelry. No one who saw these could possibly draw him and the beggar. The equal sign.

Before entering the Jiading City area, Feigmina thought that Golden Cave City was the most prosperous city she had ever seen; but after entering the Jiading area, she finally saw what true prosperity was.

There are only three things on this piece of ground that is larger than the entire Golden Cave, roads, houses, and goods. Looking around, there is no free land at all...the goods are piled up like mountains, and the convoys are connected end to end. Businessmen of all races came and left in a hurry with their caravans.

This is the headquarters of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Just seeing the volume of goods transactions contained in the prosperity has already made Fegmina a little suffocated. Compared with the transaction volume of Jinku City and Shangjiang City, it is simply not worth mentioning.

And when she saw this gem castle, she was truly shocked by the wealth owned by the owner of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, Marquis Stanley.

The daily gold output of Golden Cave City is very high, but it cannot be saved. Fegmina's treasury is always empty. Therefore, when Marquis Stanley compared himself to a beggar in front of her, the black elf mistress turned red and thought: I am the beggar...

After seeing the prosperous Jiading City and the wealthy Marquis Stanley, Matron Fegmina tried her best not to show envy and greed. She learned to use the etiquette of the nobles of the main world to salute Marquis Stanley and said: "Dear Stan. Marquis Li, I apologize for my presumptuous visit. I came to Jiading City with Prince Feichen this time just to ask the Marquis to help me introduce the Eviscerate Lord of the Unsullied Holy See of the Kingdom of Death."

Marquis Stanley felt guilty for showing off his wealth in front of the Lord of Golden Cave City. After all, their city was built in a cave rich in gold, but I just laid a layer of gold floor tiles in the castle and built a gold tomb.

It’s really like a small witch can’t stand up to a big witch and can’t do anything...

However, Marquis Stanley was very happy to meet the Lord of Golden Cave City who was "richer" than himself. And she came with Daliang, probably to give herself money.

Marquis Stanley laughed heartily in his heart, but he did not expect that Matron Fegmina would actually ask to see the Eviscerating Lord.

Isn’t the Eviscerating Gentleman standing next to you?

Although Marquis Stanley is greedy for money and informal, he still has a bright mind and is reliable at critical moments. Otherwise, Daliang would not dare to bring Fegmina to him without saying hello.

"The Mistress wants to see the Eviscerate Lord..." Marquis Stanley glanced at Daliang, and then said vaguely: "You have His Highness the Prince to bring you, of course you can... but the Eviscerate Lord is very busy. , even I don’t get to see him every time.

I can arrange this meeting for you, but I can't guarantee that the Eviscerate Lord will be available.

Also...why does the Mistress want to see the Eviscerating Lord? It is much easier to meet the monarch if your affairs interest him. "

Feigmina did not see the tacit understanding between Daliang and Marquis Stanley. She said: "Master Marquis, you should know that a war is breaking out between our Golden Cave Black Elves and the Darkwing Kingdom. In order to defeat my enemy as soon as possible, I need more More and more powerful armies.

His Highness the Prince told me that your Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has hired many undead mercenaries from the Eviscerate Lord to protect your trade routes. This time I ask you to recommend the Eviscerate Lord, also in order to hire an army of undead from the Kingdom of Death to help me win this war that is of great significance to the black elves. "

Marquis Stanley did not make any promise to Mistress Fegmina until he found out what was the real purpose of Da Liang in deceiving Fegmina here. He said: "The undead army is definitely the most useful mercenary in the world. No matter what order you give, they will complete it without discount. It does not require too many supplies and keeps moving forward... The mistress chooses the undead mercenary. , absolutely nothing wrong.

Okay...I will convey to the Eviscerate Lord as soon as possible that Golden Cave City wants to hire an undead army. It's up to him to decide... whether to see you or not.

Mistress, you can stay in my castle and take a look at the market in Jiading City. I think there must be something you like and need here. "

Feigmina knew that the Eviscerated Lord, whose status in the Kingdom of Death was second only to the Sad Pope, was not something she could just meet.

She briefly considered the battle situation in the Endless Labyrinth. Now the Black Elves of the Golden Cave have weakened their offensive against the Dark Wing Kingdom, and the Dark Wing Kingdom has no signs of counterattacking the Golden Cave City.

After just experiencing a big war, both sides needed to rest and replenish the war's consumption. Waiting in Jiading City for a few days would not have much impact on the war. Moreover, as a level 16 hero, Feigmina has the ability to open dimensional passages. As long as there is an emergency in Golden Cave City, she can return to the city at any time to provide support.

However, due to her suspicious character, Feigmina did not choose to live in Marquis Stanley's castle. She said: "Thank you, Lord Marquis, for your help and kindness... But as a black elf, I am afraid that I will not be able to live in the undead tribe." Castle. But I am very willing to visit the market in Jiading City. I can live in the market and it will be more convenient to buy whatever I want."

Marquis Stanley did not retain Fegmina. In fact, if a level 16 hero lived in the castle, he would have to worry about the black elf eavesdropping when talking to Daliang.

"Yes... the rooms of the undead are all tombs, and the beds are all coffins. They are indeed not suitable for living beings to live in. I will send my subordinates to the mistress and your followers to find a suitable residence in the market.

You can go there to rest now and wait for the Eviscerate Lord's reply. "

After Fegmina left the Gem Castle with her followers, Marquis Stanley immediately took Da Liang to a room with the highest defense magic.

After leaving all the attendants who brought him in, Marquis Stanley checked the anti-reconnaissance magic in the room, and after confirming that they were all running, he said to Daliang: "Brother Daliang, what do you want to do? That is the Golden Cave City! If This is a profitable business, but don’t forget about me, brother..."

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