Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1462 Borrowing Troops

Daliang said straight to the point: "Your Majesty, Marquis, I want to attack Jincao City, and I need you to lend me some troops."

Whether the Eviscerate Monarch lends it to Feegmina's army or not is a matter of one word. However, there is still a big gap between the military strength of the Black Fire Territory and the veteran Death Lord there. The opponent of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave is the strongest kingdom in the Endless Labyrinth. The demand for military power exceeds the number of troops that Daliang can lend. It cannot meet Fegmina's needs, nor can it meet Daliang's strategic needs.

And Daliang didn't want other death monarchs to participate in this plan to seize the Golden Cave City, so he thought of Marquis Stanley.

Marquis Stanley is the largest shareholder of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Jiading City has its own independent economic system, and the money earned is naturally much higher than that of Daliang. Moreover, no matter how much he spent decorating his Gemstone Castle, it could not compare to the large bone burial tomb and research into becoming a god built by Daliang.

In order to save money, Daliang has begun to control the expansion of the army. It also reduces the number of low-level units and appropriately increases the proportion of high-level units and heroes.

In addition, the army under him is not a single undead, and the military power that can be lent is really very limited.

Marquis Stanley is different. He likes to show off his wealth but also knows that showing off his wealth will definitely attract some greedy people. Therefore, Jiading City's army expansion never stopped. Marquis Stanley not only recruited troops from the recruiting buildings in his city, but also spent huge sums of money to turn the death mercenaries hired from the City of Sighs into his own army.

The corpses left on the battlefield of the Battle of Shangjiang allowed Jiading City's army to expand again.

After Jiading City was upgraded to a level 13 city, it can be said that the military strength in the hands of Marquis Stanley is not weaker than that of any death monarch, and the economic strength is crushing. If he is willing to borrow troops, things will be much easier.

As the strongest ally... Jincao City's interests, Daliang didn't feel bad if he gave a portion to Marquis Stanley.

Hearing that Daliang wanted to rob the Golden Cave City, Marquis Stanley suddenly became energetic. The two shining soul fires in the pile of gems clearly revealed his position: "Brother Daliang wants to rob the Golden Cave City! How? How many soldiers are needed?”

Da Liang briefly calculated his own strength, and then said to Marquis Stanley: "One million skeleton soldiers, one million other types of soldiers, the more high-level soldiers and heroes, the better. All soldiers must have metal armor protection, war equipment, and alchemy devices Configure it at the highest ratio. At least one thousand bone dragons and ghost dragons."

Mobilizing an elite army of two million undead is not too difficult for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, which has trade routes all over the world. However, Marquis Stanley, who has the ability to be a war commander, was worried: "Does His Highness want to use these two million undead troops to attack Golden Cave City? If I were Fegmina, I would never put these undead mercenaries in Golden Cave City. instead of using them in the attack on the Darkwing Kingdom.

Once we show signs of attacking Golden Cave City, the black elves will immediately block all roads leading to Golden Cave City. These undead armies fought all the way, and even if they were exhausted, they would not be able to enter the Golden Cave, let alone rob the Golden Cave City.

To capture Jincao City, we need more troops and appropriate tactics, otherwise our losses will be in vain. "

Daliang said: "Of course I also want to send more undead armies to the endless maze, but according to my estimate of Fegmina, more than two million undead mercenaries are her limit. Any more will make her afraid of the black elves. Can emergencies be controlled?

By controlling the number of mercenaries to this number, we can also dispel Gomina's doubts. After all, as long as these troops are not placed near Golden Cave City, she has nothing to worry about. "

Marquis Stanley agreed with Daliang's judgment and said: "Two million undead mercenaries are a safe number for Fegmina... But how can you let these armies appear near Golden Cave City at the same time?

For such large-scale strategic transmission, only Cloud City and Furnace City in the world have this capability.

And even if we can capture the Golden Cave City, how can we defend it against the Black Elves' counterattack, as well as the Darkwing Kingdom... the entire Endless Labyrinth will not be willing to let the Golden Cave City fall into our hands. "

The confident Daliang said: "These undead mercenaries we lent to Fegmina are not used to attack Jincao City. The task of attacking Jincao City is in charge of the task of attacking Jincao City. Monica, the Lord of Songjiang City, has already been here under my arrangement. A powerful black elf army has gathered in the Endless Labyrinth.

As long as the timing is right, this gold-rich city can be captured in one fell swoop.

After our mercenaries arrive in the Endless Labyrinth, Fegmina will definitely place them at the forefront of the war against the Darkwing Kingdom.

When the war in Golden Cave City began, the task of the undead mercenaries was to block the Darkwing Kingdom's attack on the spot. I asked you to equip the warriors with metal armor and enhance the proportion of war equipment and alchemy equipment, just to buy Monica as much time as possible during the Golden Cave War.

If everything goes well, we can not only occupy Golden Cave City, but also seize all the territory currently occupied by the Golden Cave Black Elves, which is a quarter of the Darkwing Kingdom's territory.

With the backing of Golden Cave City, the black elves led by Monica, and our support... this Golden Cave, which is rich in gold, belongs to our brothers. "

Marquis Stanley did not expect that Daliang would have such a large layout in the endless maze. During the Battle of Shangjiang, he had seen Monica and her black elf army. Monica's commanding ability and the combat effectiveness of her subordinate black elves left a deep impression on him.

If she can occupy the Golden Cave City, she may replace Fegmina's position in the black elf race and successfully take over the territory occupied by the Golden Cave black elves.

During the Black Elf Civil War, the mission of this death mercenary was to... block the Darkwing Kingdom's attack and cooperate with Monica to annex Feigmina's forces.

At that time, there was a sufficient buffer zone between the Golden Cave City and the Underground Kingdom.

With the black elves led by Monica stationed there, the gold weapons produced by the Golden Cave, and the support of the prince of the first empire of the main world and the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, it is absolutely impossible for the Darkwing Kingdom to snatch this Golden Cave away again.

"Hahaha..." Marquis Stanley laughed in the pile of gems: "When I capture the Golden Grotto City, I can smash rocks there every day and pick up gold.

Brother Daliang, I will do as you say. This battle will be entirely up to you. Brother, I will personally command this undead mercenary army to go to the Endless Labyrinth. As long as you support me, a level 16 hero, I will never let the Darkwing Kingdom step across the battle line. "

Marquis Stanley agreed to lend troops, and Daliang was naturally happy. However, he said worriedly: "Of course I am very reassured about the war command ability of Lord Marquis. But if you personally lead the troops, Fegmina will be suspicious."

Marquis Stanley smiled and said: "Does she know me? Have I seen what I look like?"

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