Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1463 Mercenaries

The wealth contained in the Golden Cave City made Marquis Stanley couldn't help but take matters into his own hands to perfect the entire strategy of attacking the Golden Cave.

Originally, Da Liang was still considering who would lead this undead army to block the Dark Wing Kingdom's attack. After all, with an army of more than two million undead, it is a very arduous task to block the strongest underground city king's army.

The Blackfire Territory really doesn't have an undead hero who can shoulder the important task of commanding the troops.

As for Marquis Stanley, he had followed the old King of East China Sea in battles and established the first glorious period of Shangjiang City. His ability to command troops was naturally trustworthy. In the Battle of Shangjiang, Marquis Stanley led the undead army in Jiading City, which was the main force against the orc army. In order to protect his wealth, the old city lord exerted his commanding ability to 200%.

Under his command, the orcs had no chance to enter Jiading City, and the city's economy was not greatly affected by this war.

This time it was still a defensive battle, and it was still a fight to protect wealth... Daliang believed that Marquis Stanley would never let the Dark Wing King's army cross the battle line.

The soldiers have been borrowed, and Marquis Stanley is willing to cooperate fully. All that remains is to let Mistress Fegmina take the army away.

Under the arrangement of Marquis Stanley, Mother Feigmina quickly came from Jiading City to the Mist City in the Kingdom of Death.

In the Cathedral of Misty City, Mother Feigmina was waiting for the summons of the Eviscerating Army in the temple. A city within a city within the City of Sighs, showing how high the Eviscerate Lord is in the kingdom of death.

Along the way, Feigmina saw the strength possessed by the undead plane. Outside the city, tens of thousands of people were lined up neatly in a phalanx, all the way out of sight. The Cathedral of the City of Sighs is floating in the air, and dozens of aerial battleships of various types are guarding this aerial fortress that is still under construction. The entire city is filled with an atmosphere of preparation for war, as if it can travel to other dimensions at any time to spread death.

If we can really get help from the Kingdom of Death, then all the difficulties that the black elves face in establishing their kingdom will be easily solved.

Fegmina stood nervously in the temple. Only green will-o'-wisps flickered in the dim hall. On both sides were the knights of the Holy See standing like statues, and the voices of the priests chanting the Immaculate Doctrine were always echoing in their ears.

Without waiting too long, a group of senior Holy See knights came to the foot of the statue of the God of Death, surrounded by an Eviscerate monarch wearing a monarch's divine robe.

Daliang covered his face and stood in the shadow of the statue, speaking to Fegmina in the language of the dead: "Mother Fegmina, I am very happy that you have come to my church. Regarding the purpose of your coming... Stanley has already told everything I.

As you can see, the Kingdom of Death is preparing to change the decline of the evil camp since the Plane War and take the initiative to launch an attack on the good camp. I'm very busy, and now I'm about to go to the Cathedral of Sighs to attend a meeting of the Melancholic Pope.

So let’s make a long story short.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Shangjiang City has been hiring troops from Sigh City to maintain their trade routes, and we are willing to use our excess strength in exchange for funds to increase military strength.

I'm not interested in anyone you want to attack. Anyway, I can't count on allies in the Endless Labyrinth for the time being in this plane war. And maybe some fresh blood can make the kings who were beaten by the warlocks sober up. They were too embarrassing for the evil camp.

I'm also really looking forward to the Dark Elf becoming one of the evil ones.

Regarding the number and size of the troops that can be loaned to you... I can't give you much because we still have a war to fight. Two million and two million undead warriors is the limit I can give you, and the reward you have to pay is the same as that of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

As for the details, I entrust my knight Jonathan, the head of the Knights of the Holy See, to discuss it with you on my behalf.

I'm so sorry, I have to go see the Sad Pope now.

Finally, I want to say, Mother Feigmina, I wish you realize your wish as soon as possible, I guarantee that what you take away from me is definitely the most elite undead army..."

Da Liang was afraid that he would be recognized by Fegmina if he stayed with her for too long, so he found an excuse to leave and asked Jonathan to help him complete the subsequent employment details.

Feigmina saw the undead army ready to go outside the City of Sighs, so she didn't have too much doubt about Daliang's excuse. Anyway, it was impossible for anyone else to pretend to be the Eviscerating Lord in the Cathedral of the Misty City.

The Eviscerated Monarch was willing to lend troops, and Feigmina was very happy. She said, "I feel honored that the Monarch could take the time to see me. I will discuss the rest with Captain Jonathan... "

Da Liang left the temple surrounded by the knights of the Holy See. Jonathan invited Feigmina to the reception room of the church to discuss the number of mercenary troops in Golden Cave City and how to trade everything.

Daliang had already told Jonathan how to talk to Fegmina.

This undead army cannot be delivered immediately.

Because it takes time to mobilize the Black Elves of Thorny River, Monica's main force needs to detour through the wilderness to the vicinity of Golden Cave City. It is also necessary to arrange for some black elves to enter the Golden Cave City from other dungeon kingdoms in the name of the defeated army, and open the city gate for Monica when the siege begins.

If this mercenary army is delivered too early, Feigmina will use this undead army in the attack on the Darkwing Kingdom, causing unnecessary losses.

The best time is... when Monica is preparing to attack Golden Cave City, Marquis Stanley has just led the undead army to the frontline battlefield.

At that time, Fegmina, whose military strength has increased dramatically, will definitely be eager to launch an attack on the Darkwing Kingdom.

Golden Cave City will be in a military gap period, which is convenient for Monica to rush into Golden Cave City in one fell swoop.

In Da Liang's remote control, Jonathan discussed the specific matters of the mercenary deal with Fegmina.

The number of mercenaries Feigmina had in mind was between 2.5 million and 3 million. In this case, she could start from the seven occupied dungeons and launch a nationwide attack on the Darkwing Kingdom at the same time. While the Darkwing King's army was busy dealing with the undead attack, she led the main force of the black elves to attack Dragon's Cave City, determining victory in one fell swoop, and then quickly annexed the entire Darkwing Kingdom.

The cost of hiring so many undead troops is not a small amount. Jincao City cannot afford the long-term consumption of this army. This war must be fought quickly. Establish the Dark Elf Kingdom before other dungeon kingdoms support the Darkwing Kingdom on a large scale.

Of course, Fegmina has also thought about what to do if this undead army loses control.

Strengthen defensive forces in the city behind the battlefield front line and block all passes and roads leading to Jincao City. By then, even if the undead mercenaries rebel, Golden Cave City will have enough time to adjust its strategy.

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