Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1464 Preparation Stage

It took five days for Jonathan and Feigmina to sign the mercenary lease agreement. Jonathan said that he would complete the formation of this undead army as soon as possible and send it to the Endless Maze to accept the command of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave.

Feigmina left the kingdom of death contentedly.

Daliang also left the Kingdom of Death and returned to Songjiang City in the main world, where he found Monica to discuss attacking Jincao City.

"Want to attack Golden Cave City?"

In a room with the highest security level, Da Liang, who had just sat down, suddenly revealed his strategic arrangements, which surprised Monica. But she soon turned to ecstasy... The Black Elf of the Golden Cave is now the biggest competitor of the Black Elf of the Thorny River, and because Daliang insists on keeping a low profile and biding his time, the entire Endless Maze is still unaware of the existence of the Black Elf of the Thorny River.

The Black Elves of the Golden Cave, with level 16 heroes at their command, expanded rapidly during the war against the Darkwing Kingdom, and were certainly stronger than the Black Elves of the Thorny River, who relied on buying slaves to increase their population. Although Daliang has controlled the black elves of the Golden Cave in terms of war supplies, Monica is still very anxious, fearing that Fegmina will accidentally establish a country.

Of course, Monica is in favor of attacking the Golden Cave City this time.

"Master, please rest assured, I will definitely capture the Golden Cave City for the master..." As she spoke, Monica unfolded a map on the table, pointed to the location of the Golden Cave City and said to Daliang: "Actually, I have been making plans. Tactics for attacking Golden Cave City. I have sent a large number of assassins and spies to Golden Cave City. The Red Helmets are responsible for spying on the defense of Golden Cave City.

Thanks to our low profile, the Black Elves of the Golden Cave have not yet discovered the existence of the Black Elves of the Thorny River. They are not too wary of the Black Elves who have gone to seek refuge, and the entire spying process went very smoothly. If we want to attack Jincao City, I can also arrange for more assassins to sneak into Jincao City as internal support for the main army.

In addition, I have already found the route to Jincao City.

Most of the black elves have left the wild areas and are in the seven dungeon kingdoms. We took a detour from the wilderness to approach Jincao City, so the chance of being discovered was very low. I have sent people to find several extremely secret routes and cleared out all underground creatures along the way.

After entering the core area of ​​the underground world from the wild area, we marched towards the Golden Cave City under the banner of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave. After the enemy noticed the unusual size of our army, we had already entered the Golden Cave and began to attack the Golden Cave. Cave City. "

Monica regards Golden Cave City as the number one enemy that hinders her from reaching the peak of power, and she is always thinking about how to defeat it. Although Daliang did not allow the Black Elves of Thorn River to move openly, under Monica's order, the Black Elves of Thorn River had already begun to infiltrate the Golden Cave City.

Of course Daliang knew about some of Monica's little moves, but since she didn't cross the line and undermine the big plan she had formulated, Daliang acquiesced to some of Monica's actions. After all, Monica is an important war commander in the Blackfire Lords, and she must be given a certain amount of tactical and strategic decision-making power.

Now that Daliang suddenly wants to attack Jincao City, Monica's arrangement comes in handy.

Monica's idea of ​​how to attack Jincao City was the same as that of Da Liang, which was to approach Jincao City secretly, and then send Nei to attack and open the city gate. For some of these details, a full-time war commanding hero thinks more comprehensively than Daliang.

Daliang watched Monica make a deduction about the attack on Jincao City, and said: "The attack on Jincao City is of great significance, and there must be no mistakes. I will ask Kuka from Snowfield City to come here, and you will each lead a team. Alternate attack and defense to conduct war drills in Jincao City, and be sure to have plans to resolve all emergencies."

Monica said: "Yes, Master... we will make it foolproof."

After Daliang recalled the details of Monica's investigation of Jincao City, he felt that there was no problem and said: "We can start preparations for attacking Jincao City... After the offensive troops and lurking troops are in place, notify me immediately. I Will let Marquis Stanley lead his undead army to help you block the Darkwing Kingdom.

The goal of this battle... is to annex the entire Golden Cave Black Elf group. "

Monica asked: "Where is Jianguo?"

"Yes, and the establishment of the Black Elf Kingdom."

Finally waiting for this day, Monica said: "Master, the black elf race will become the most skilled sword in your hand."

Daliang smiled and said: "Jincao City... Even if I give it to you, it will be a gift to congratulate you on becoming the Queen of the Black Elf."

At this moment, Monica's belief in capturing Golden Cave City was even more firm.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the last moment to arrive.

Monica returned to Thorny River City urgently, summoned the army to collect supplies, and prepared to march to Golden Cave City. Daliang did not stay in Songjiang City Lord's Mansion for long. He left the city and entered the Garden of Truth underground next to the city.

In the thatched house next to the magic fountain. After waiting for a moment, Da Liang saw the prophet who had returned from tending the herbs in the medicine garden.

Regarding the progress of the Great Tomb's research on the divine plane, Daliang gave the prophet a brief overview, and then talked about the alchemy puppet in the Flame Temple of the Torch Tower, as well as Nicole's speculation.

"Master Nicole believes that the alchemy puppet is the work of the Nine-headed Golden Crow in the elemental plane. The energy control technology used in it is very helpful in opening up the divine plane.

Now Master Nicole is studying the alchemy puppet in the Torch Tower. She asked me to come to the Garden of Truth to find information about the magical rainbow and the Golden Crow's lair. Maybe we need to enter the Golden Crow's lair to find some necessary things. "

"Open the plane of God..." The prophet's voice became a bit vicissitudes, and he said after a sigh: "My ability cannot predict how this world will become like life after God comes.

But it is certain that different gods will make the world more complicated. The odds of us having a disaster are definitely higher than the odds of us having a boom.

Is it right or wrong to open the divine plane..."

Daliang knew that the prophet had been worried that God would bring disaster to the world. Perhaps he felt something about his prophetic ability. Daliang said: "Opening the God Plane has nothing to do with right or wrong... Our world's research on the God Plane has reached the final stage. Even if we don't open the God Plane, Cloud City and Furnace City will be opened...

There is also the City of Sighs...and all the organizations that have studied God and are about to study God.

There are legends about gods that have been circulating in our world, and some races are unswerving believers in certain gods. Curiosity about God far outweighs fear of God.

The advent of the theocratic era is unstoppable.

Instead of worrying about gains and losses, it is better to face it positively. Prophet...don't you think that those unpredictable things can make our lives more exciting? "

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