Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1465 The meeting between black and white

After listening to Daliang's words, the prophet laughed. He poured Daliang a cup of potion that could temporarily increase the upper limit of magic power, and then said: "You are still so good at persuading others. Indeed... knowing some things too clearly will change your life. It's very boring. And God will eventually come to our world.

When Nicole, Geese and I were searching for the Poseidon's treasure, we did collect some information about the magical rainbow and the Golden Crow's lair. And Giese’s explorer friend also left behind a lot of information.

All this information is here with me. We can sort it out together and maybe we can find something useful. "

While Da Liang was drinking the magic potion, the prophet used space magic to move a large wooden box filled with various charts, notes and some bundled manuscripts.

It seems that it will take some time to find what you have among such mixed information.

Nicole is still studying the alchemy puppet in the Torch Tower; the war in Golden Cave City is still in the preparation stage; in the big tomb, Princess Ziling and Minia are leading the alchemists to research and create the materials needed to open the crystal wall of the God's plane. Alchemy equipment.

There is still no sign of the end of the War in Furnace City. Perhaps only when the undead army enters hell in large numbers can this unprecedented war be ended.

After a little leisure time, I went to the Garden of Truth and looked for traces of the magical rainbow with the prophet.

Cloud City, Angel Birth Pool.

Metatron would stand by the pool on time every day, waiting for the newborn angel to come out of the birth pool. Baptize them, introduce them to the world, and teach them their first knowledge.

Let them know... what is kindness and what is justice.

Today, Metatron brought a group of angels to the birth pool as usual, and then he discovered that the person coming from the fallen angels was not the fallen angel king Beria, but the new owner of hell, Lucifer.

Across the birth pool, Metatron looked at his former comrade wearing black wings. He still looked so handsome, his expression was elegant and charming, but his eyes were as sharp as a sword.

Lucifer also looked at Metatron. This angel mentor has a very high prestige in both the angel clan and the fallen angel clan. If you want the plan to be implemented smoothly, you must first shake Metatron's support for Michael and raise the banner of overthrowing Michael.

Hell can't hold on any longer.

The onslaught from the good camp drained the last potential of hell. The Abyss Furnace is now the real abyss of death. Countless warriors came to support from every corner of hell, and then died on the battlefield of the lava river, and were sent into the abyss by the flowing river water.

Nearly one-third of the fallen angels who followed Lucifer and rebelled against Cloud City have been killed in the battle. This was the casualty caused by Lucifer's intention to protect the fallen angels. Now the demons have also suffered heavy losses, forcing Lucifer to let the fallen angels carry out extremely dangerous battles. If the war continues, I don’t know how many of Lucifer’s disciples will be left in the end.

The recent situation in the Kingdom of Death also made Lucifer feel a sense of crisis.

The Sad Pope re-canonized the nine death monarchs in the City of Sighs. On behalf of the Kingdom of Death, he resolved the contradiction between the old and new Unsullied Holy See and moved from monarchy to papal centralization.

The Kingdom of Death got rid of many internal problems and formed a force. Its strength did not decrease but increased. In particular, the number of level 16 heroes in the main plane is the largest, and it is even more frightening to the world.

Lucifer should have been happy when his allies became stronger.

But... when Lucifer, as the leader of the evil camp, ordered the Sad Pope to fully support the battlefield of Furnace City, what he received was a very limited army of undead.

According to the intelligence obtained by Hell from the Kingdom of Death, the entire plane of the undead is mobilizing for a comprehensive war, and the army of the undead is countless. But they were all standing in formation, standing outside their respective main cities of the undead in the form of military formations, but there was no sign of any departure.

Despite Lucifer's repeated urging, the Sad Pope always refused to fully support the Crucible City on the grounds that the undead army had not yet completed its war preparations.

What do these undead people want to do?

Lucifer, who had replaced Satan's position, naturally figured it out quickly.

The strength of hell is declining, while the strength of the kingdom of death is increasing... These dead people have been the second child for too long and want to be the boss.

There is Michael on the outside who wants to kill him, and there is Sadness on the inside who wants to replace him. Lucifer found that the crisis he faced now was more serious than when he faced Satan. At that time, the fallen angels still had strength, and they still had the Sulfur Cave as a retreat.

Now the entire fallen angel clan is trapped in the Furnace Battlefield, and the Sulfur Cave is already a member of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Thinking of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, Lucifer could guess: Daliang must have played a key role in the decision-making changes of the entire Kingdom of Death. The world's largest behind-the-scenes mastermind has all the planes at his fingertips. Not only did he plot against Michael, he also plotted against himself.

Under this situation, if Lucifer wants to maintain his strength and position, he must end the War in the Furnace City as soon as possible.

If he couldn't convince Michael, he could only convince Metatron.

"Metatron, long time no see. You still look that wise, and there has never been a combative look in your eyes. Even if you see me here, it has not disturbed your mood."

Regarding Lucifer's greetings, Metatron said very calmly: "Every angel knows... At this time, I will definitely be here; I will not leave before a new angel is born. You should be here You came here to see me, so there is no need to say anything else.

Michael will not give you too long in the Furnace City. Please try to express your meaning clearly in the shortest possible language. "

Facing Metatron's sharp words, Lucifer did not show anger. He said: "Okay... I can't hide anything from you. I came to the birth pool this time to see you. There are some things I need to talk to alone. You talk.

You see, I came alone. Please also let your angels go. "

Metatron saw that Lucifer was indeed alone, so he asked the angels who had followed him to leave the birth pool. Anyway, there was no way to use force within the Angel Birth Pool, so he was not afraid of Lucifer plotting against him.

After the angels left and only Metatron and Lucifer were left in the birth pool, the water in the pool began to rise, and new angels were being conceived.

Metatron looked at the water, then looked at Lucifer, and said: "Before the new angel is born, there are only you and me here. After the angel is born, I will leave no matter what you say.

You'd better hurry up. "

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