Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1466 Breaking the news

Lucifer also glanced at the gradually rising water, and still said unhurriedly: "Metatron, I came to see you this time to tell you two things.

To be precise...the true identities of the two people.

Once the true identities of the two of them are revealed, they can explain all kinds of mysteries and make the world change. "

Metatron did not change his expression at all because of Lucifer's exaggeration. He said: "The water in the birth pool has risen by one-third. You are wasting time."

Lucifer smiled and said: "Some time wasting is necessary, because what I am about to tell you will make you forget the changes in the water surface.

Metatron, I know that you have a very good relationship with Prince Feichen Daliang of the first empire of the main world. The holy angel beside him should be promoted by you with your help.

Would you be surprised if I said... that he is actually one of the five main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance? "

The Five-Color Flag Alliance is obviously a union of five main alliances. So far, only four main alliances, namely the First Empire of the Main World, the Enchanted Forest, the Crystal Mine, and the Sulfur Cave, have made public appearances. The fifth main alliance has always been a mystery. It seems that the existence of this fifth main alliance cannot be seen in the actions of the Flag Alliance.

Therefore, Metatron was really surprised when Lucifer said that Daliang was the fifth main alliance of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

"How did you know about such a secret thing?" Metatron asked.

When Lucifer saw that Metatron's interest was finally aroused, he smiled and said: "Because Hell participated in the entire process of establishing the Five-Color Flag Alliance.

I don't know if you know that Michael occupied the crystal mine and drove the crystal dragon to the magic forest in an attempt to trigger a war between the crystal dragon and the purple dragon so that he could take advantage of the obelisk tower of the purple dragon tribe.

Originally, this plan could be said to be unsolvable...

But Daliang helped the Crystal Dragon enter the Cathedral of Eternal Night, and exchanged the obelisk of the Kingdom of Death for the crystal veins, adjusted the contradiction between the Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon, and disintegrated Michael's conspiracy.

And use survival as a link to promote the alliance between Shangjiang City, Zilong, Crystal Dragon and Poison Dragon. Due to Daliang's contribution to the establishment of the alliance and his talent in convincing other allies, he personally became the fifth alliance of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

I have to say, this is a very correct decision. Without Da Liang, the Five Color Flag Alliance would not be as prosperous as it is now. They have begun to threaten the status of the good camp and the evil camp in the world, and determine the outcome of this war. "

Metatron recalled the sudden rise of the Five Color Flag Alliance. It seemed that Daliang could be seen in every major event, and Daliang's decision-making power was much higher than that of one of the main alliance princes.

"Perhaps what you said is right...but I have a question." Metatron did not believe Lucifer easily. He asked: "You said that Daliang helped the Crystal Dragon control the Cathedral of Eternal Night? Yunzhong City has not yet solved the problem. Understand how the crystal dragon entered the Cathedral of Eternal Night. It seems that the undead didn't know that the crystal dragon would appear in the church.

And Daliang is a human race, how did he do it? "

Lucifer smiled and said: "This involves another incredible identity of Da Liang... Do you know why Yunzhong City has worked hard to cultivate the Wizards Guild and the Cyan Alliance for so many years, and suddenly changed its flag and kicked Yunzhong City away? , the reason for joining the Immaculate Holy See?”

The cyan coalition's change of flag can be said to be a major strategic failure for Yunzhong City. From then on, the Kingdom of Death lost control, all investments were wasted, and the obelisk tower that was finally obtained was lost.

Therefore, Yunzhong City has also been investigating the inside story of the cyan coalition's change of flag, but there has been no news from Urie who was investigating in the Kingdom of Death. At this time, Yunzhong City has not received much information.

Metatron asked: "Do you know the reason why the Blue Alliance changed their flag? What does this have to do with Daliang?"

Lucifer said: "The Cyan Alliance changed its banner... The sudden rise of the Eviscerate Monarch in the Kingdom of Death played a vital role. Now the entire Death Kingdom has converted to the ultimate faith and formed the New Unsullied Holy See. And Eviscerate is The proposer and disseminator of the ultimate faith also gives him a very high status in the City of Sighs, the origin of the New Unsullied Holy See.

Eviscerate's other identity is the elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild and a close associate of President Lucas.

The ultimate belief proposed by Evisceration solved the fundamental contradiction between the Unsullied Holy See and the Wizards Guild. His status on both sides allowed Sadness, Lucas, and Desolation to sit together and talk.

The result was that the cyan coalition army belonged to the Innocent Holy See, and Daliang once again shattered Yunzhong City's layout in the Kingdom of Death. "

The Eviscerate Lord's status in the Realm of Death shows his role in the establishment of the new Unsullied Church. If he really did what Lucifer said, not only proposing the ultimate belief, but also having a very high status in the City of Sighs and the Wizards Guild, then it would be logical for the cyan coalition to change its flag.


Metatron asked: "I don't understand...the Eviscerate Lord caused the changes in the Kingdom of Death. Why do you say that Da Liang destroyed those things we did in the Kingdom of Death."

"Because Eviscerate is Daliang's identity in the Kingdom of Death. Daliang is the Immortal King, the Tutor of Death, the Eviscerate Monarch, the Lord of Mist City, and the ruler of the plane whose status is second only to the Sad Pope." Lucifer shook his head helplessly. I still can’t believe that these were all made by Daliang.

But that's what he did.

Metatron's mouth opened in surprise and he was speechless. After a while, he spoke: "I heard that the Eviscerated Lord is a human being, but you said he is Da Liang...

It's really incredible.

Are you kidding me? "

"I hope I am joking, but there is something even more unbelievable..." Daliang was unkind, and Lucifer simply shook off his many identities: "In the Crucible City, fight with me to seal Satan's destruction. In fact, it is also Daliang, and the Flame Commander is his other body.

When I was about to lose the battle with Satan, he persuaded Angela to surrender, scared away Ergos, and led the army of Despair City to attack Satan's retreat.

And then...I won.

Therefore, I canonized him as the World-Destroying Demon King to win over the Five Color Flag Alliance. "

Lucifer's continued revelations made Metatron feel like he was listening to the most absurd story in the world. Prince Feichen, the fifth main alliance of the Five Color Flag Alliance, the Eviscerating Lord, and the World-Destroying Demon King are all the same person.

Those same things he did... simply messed up the strategic layout of Yunzhong City that had been prepared for countless years. If Yunzhong City wanted to make a list of enemies, Lucifer in front of him would have to take second place...

Metatron quickly said vigilantly: "Why are you telling me this? What benefit does knowing Daliang's identity do to you?"

Lucifer's face suddenly became serious, and he replied: "I tell you Daliang's identity. The first reason is... Daliang is now my enemy. He abducted Angela to join the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and incited Sadness to try to replace her. My status in the evil camp; the second reason is... I want you to know that some people's identities are really unbelievable and unimaginable, but they are all real.

Now I want to tell you the true identity of the second person. "

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