Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1467 Germination

Lucifer exposed Daliang's identity, not only to drive a wedge between Daliang and Metatron, but also to pave the way for further revelations. Because there is no substantial evidence for what he said next, and it is basically all speculation.

Now that Daliang has learned from the past, his credibility will be very high if he tells another person's secret.

Daliang's multiple identities made Metatron look very bad. It can be said that the current difficulties faced by Yunzhong City are all caused by Daliang. He was thinking about how to treat this "friend" who had many noble statuses, and was waiting for Lucifer to say something unexpected.

Lucifer said in a very sincere tone: "I was once a supreme angel in Cloud City and had an extraordinary status. I know that there are some things that angels will do, and there are some things that angels will not do.

You are not like demons. As representatives of goodness, angels have a very high moral standard. Regardless of whether you treat allies or enemies...

The impression of angels on all people is that of light, clearing the way for those who are confused and thrown into confusion. "

Metatron had a very bad premonition, and he also had some doubts in his subconscious. Especially after seeing Daliang last time, what Daliang said made him even more suspicious.

But he knows... he must not think too much at this time, because it is related to the life and death of the angel clan. During the fierce battle on the battlefield of Furnace City, any split consciousness will cause the good camp to be completely defeated.

Besides, no one has any evidence to prove anything.

The main purpose of Lucifer coming this time must be the war in the Furnace City. He was exhausted from fighting, and only if something went wrong in Yunzhong City could Hell be able to breathe and recover.

"What do you want to say? Since you have turned your back on Yunzhong City, who are you qualified to comment on what Angel represents?"

Metatron was waiting for Lucifer's answer. He wanted to know what this archenemy of angels knew. What evidence do you have in your hands?

Lucifer didn't know that Metatron had his own ideas. He felt that he had taken control of the initiative in this negotiation, and now it was time to give Michael a fatal blow.

"Metatron, I can confirm that Michael is no longer a holy angel. She has been contaminated by the power from the divine plane. Just as we accept the fall and turn to evil, Michael has abandoned the code of angels.

In order to become a god first, she did not hesitate to break the balance between good and evil for thousands of years, allowed Satan to escape from prison, and triggered this war that should not happen.

And the dirty things she did to the crystal veins, the magic forest, and the kingdom of death, how could she look like an angel at all?

As the archangel of Cloud City and the leader of the good camp, Michael has made the whole world full of war. The whole plane is filled with chaos and killing. What he is doing now is exactly the same as what Satan did before.

There is a demon hidden in Michael's heart, and what he wants to destroy is not hell, not evil... but the whole world. "

Lucifer said all the things that Metatron didn't dare to think about. He had been defending Michael in his heart, thinking that she still insisted on being kind and was just being too aggressive because God was about to come.

But it was too radical.

"What evidence do you have to prove your conjecture? According to my judgment, the archangel's power still belongs to the divine. If it is... contaminated by something like you said, I will definitely be able to feel it." Metatron also said Thinking about how to defend Michael and give myself a reason to continue to support Michael.

Lucifer said with a very firm expression: "Of course I have evidence... but I will not take it out easily. You know, fighting to the death has never been my command style. In all the wars I participated in, I focused on defense first to avoid confrontation with the enemy. The sharp edges collide.

But on the battlefield of Furnace City, when the evil camp is at its weakest, I have a decisive battle with your good camp. Doesn’t it surprise you? I used all my strength in hell not just to be humiliated by Michael after failure. What I wanted was to give Michael a fatal blow at the last moment when the good camp couldn't escape.

I come to you this time not because I can’t hold it in anymore but to ask for peace...but to prepare you. When I correct Michael on the battlefield in Furnace City that he is no longer a holy angel, Yunzhong City is very It may cease to exist as a result.

You know, I hate Michael, not Cloud City. I still regard you as a brother, and all fallen angels still respect you. Although we are the mortal enemies of angels, we absolutely do not want to see them perish.

Get ready... don't let the angels be buried with Michael. "

After finishing speaking, Lucifer smiled and said: "I said... the things I said will make you forget the changes in the water surface of the birth pool. You see, 12 angels are already standing in front of you, and you haven't Know.

None of these angels are gifted, so I won't argue with you. Think carefully about what I said to you... The survival of the Angel Clan depends on whether you want to lock yourself in... a cage of your own making. "

At this time, a door to hell opened behind Lucifer. He saluted Metatron and then retreated into the door.

Metatron looked at the new-born angels who looked confused and regretted letting Lucifer say those words. Lucifer is very good at grasping people's thoughts and then using words to confuse them.

Although Metatron did not believe that Lucifer really had evidence to accuse Michael, his sudden outburst on the battlefield in Furnace City was indeed beyond all the supreme angels' knowledge of him, and Michael was also caught off guard. So much so that the entire good camp was trapped in this unexpected war.

Based on Metatron's understanding of Lucifer...he would never risk his family's fortune if there was no chance of winning. Now, on the battlefield of Furnace City, the fallen angels are fighting on the front line, and the whole hell is still fighting with all its strength.

He must have a killer plan.

At this point, it seems that he has been targeting Michael since the beginning of the war. His fundamental purpose in launching the decisive battle in Furnace City is... to drag the entire good camp into the war, and then use Michael as a breakthrough point to complete a large-scale attack on the good camp. Annihilate, kill Yunzhong City in one fell swoop to complete a feat that Satan has never accomplished.

Michael, the leader of Cloud City, the good camp, and the strongest hero, has now become a fatal weakness.

"Has Michael been contaminated? If she is really no longer a holy angel, when Lucifer comes up with something to accuse her, Cloud City will really be finished."

Just like what Daliang said to Lucifer, once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will take root and sprout on their own, growing rapidly at the appropriate time.

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