Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1468 Angel’s Divine Plane Crystal Wall

Metatron didn't know how true or false Lucifer's words were, but he knew that Lucifer's purpose of coming this time was to alienate his relationship with Michael and divide the power of Cloud City... But if it was true, In that case, the Angel Clan simply cannot bear the final result.

At this time, Metatron was already confused. He didn't know whether he should continue to support Michael for the sake of the overall situation, or preserve the power of the angels in advance to defend Yunzhong City in order to prepare for the worst outcome.

However, at this time, the support to the battlefield of Furnace City is slowed down. Once the good camp is defeated, the matter of Michael being contaminated is Lucifer's fabrication.

He is the one who lost the war because of the good camp.

I have to admit that Lucifer came this time... to roast Metatron on the fire rack, and any decision he made would lead to an irreversible outcome.

What should I do?

At this time, Metatron thought of Uriel. He is the most sober-minded supreme angel in Yunzhong City. He is relatively close to himself and belongs to the moderate faction. Moreover, Uriel is good at defense. If there are changes in the battlefield of Furnace City that are not conducive to Yunzhong City, his position should be in Yunzhong City, not in the Kingdom of Death looking for the obelisk that was stolen by someone.

But Urie has not contacted Yunzhong City for a long time.

Where is he?

Metatron immediately sent angels to the Kingdom of Death to find Uriel and ask him to return to Cloud City immediately. Metatron then went to the alchemy laboratory in Cloud City to study the crystal wall of the God Plane. If Michael was really contaminated by the power of the God Plane, then clues should be found in the crystal wall of the God Plane.

But when Metatron arrived at the Alchemy Laboratory in Cloud City, he was stopped by the guarding angels outside the door of the palace where the Alchemy Laboratory was located.

"Teacher of the Supreme Metatron..." A holy angel saluted Metatron, and behind him the palace door was closed tightly: "The archangel issued an order. No one is allowed to enter the alchemy laboratory without her permission. .”

Metatron looked at the palace illuminated by the holy light. All the doors and windows were blocked and sealed. He asked the guarding holy angel: "Now I am the supreme angel with the highest status in Yunzhong City. I should have the final say on whether you can enter the alchemy laboratory. Get out of the way. I want to see the alchemy masters inside to confirm that it is correct." Research progress on the crystal wall of the God Plane."

Facing Metatron's power, the guarding angels did not move a step.

The Holy Angel said: "I'm sorry, Lord Metatron. The Archangel's order is of the highest priority, and the research on the divine plane is the most confidential matter in Cloud City. It is only responsible to the Archangel and no one is allowed to interfere.

Including all the supreme angels. "

The guarding angels refused to let him go, and Metatron could not force his way in in order to maintain Michael's prestige. He asked, "I don't have to go in. You can ask Master Coffdale to come out, and I can ask outside."

The guarding angels still did not take any action: "According to the order of the archangel, in order to ensure the progress of research on the divine plane, all alchemist masters are not allowed to leave the alchemy laboratory."

The research on the divine plane is the top secret of Yunzhong City. Michael didn't allow anyone to enter, which was reasonable... but it was very strange that the alchemist inside was not allowed to come out.

Was it because Michael was taking extreme measures in his eagerness to open the divine plane first, or was she covering up some secret?

Without access to the alchemy laboratory, there was no way to solve Metatron's questions, but he was already thinking more and more in a bad direction.

"Tell Meredith to come see me."

Metatron has already prepared for the worst. If things really develop in the direction he least wants to see, he must win over the support of the supreme angels who also stay in Cloud City.

"Immediately send an envoy to Shangjiang City to invite Prince Feichen of the First Empire of the Main World to visit Yunzhong City."

The Alchemy Laboratory in Yunzhong City is... empty.

The crystal wall channel on the plane of God that should have been opened is also closed. Because of Michael's order, the outside knew nothing about what was going on inside.

In the crystal wall space of the God Plane found in Yunzhong City, the alchemy equipment built by the angel alchemists around the crystal wall has stopped operating, and there are no alchemists to be seen on the empty circular platform.

However, on the crystal wall of the divine plane exuding extremely good divine power, a long crack appeared shocking.

The crack is about ten meters long, eight centimeters wide and more than ten centimeters deep. More intense divine power emitted blood-red light from the crack.

At this time, Michael was standing in front of the crack in the crystal wall, and beside her was Uriel who was suffering from the irradiation of divine power.

"About a thousand years ago, Master Kovdel told me a plan to try to open the crystal wall of the plane of God..." Michael said to himself, regardless of whether Uriel was listening or not. : "Since we can't open the crystal wall of the God's plane with the power of our world, let's try using the power of God.

So I stood on this side of the God's plane like this, to understand the realm of God, and try to control the divine power.

This is a very difficult process, and divine power is not easy to control. If you are not careful, you will be backlashed by it. But...I succeeded.

When I used my divine power to swing the sword with all my strength against the crystal wall of the God Plane, it showed extremely slight scars. Although I can't see it, I know that I did it... We found a way to open the plane of God.

This method is indeed very stupid. We don’t know when we can open the divine plane if we cut it like this.

So I would absorb the divine power here every day, and then swing the sword with all my strength when my body couldn't bear it. Day after day, with one sword strike every day, I finally made this sword mark.

I can feel that I am very close to the divine plane, and maybe I can open it with the next sword.

Or maybe it will take another thousand years..."

When Michael was sighing at the sword mark, Uriel suddenly spoke: "Where is Master Kovdel? I haven't seen him for a while... and the angel alchemist who is studying the crystal wall here. Why aren't they here?"

"Originally, when I cut down the crystal wall of the God Plane, I would ask the alchemists here to leave. But after you lost the obelisk tower in the Kingdom of Death, Coffdale suddenly broke in and saw what I looked like now, and they stopped me. I continued to absorb divine power, saying that I was contaminated by divine power, saying that I was leading the angel race to destruction... so I killed them all." Michael began to absorb the divine power emanating from the sword marks, and the blazing fire behind her The wings of the sky changed from blazing white to blood red, and the eyes also turned the same blood color. She held the angel sword high, concentrating her divine power on it, and said like a god executing divine punishment: "You are as ignorant as them. This is not pollution, but a sublimation to a higher power..."

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