Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1469 Visit Invitation

Michael gathered all his strength and slashed hard at the sword marks on the crystal wall of the God's Plane. The sword light split the red light radiating outward from the sword marks, revealing the white-gold cross section inside.

The shock wave generated by the impact spread outward in a ring shape, setting off a turbulent flow of energy throughout the crystal wall space of the God Plane.

Michael once used the excuse that energy turbulence would harm the angel alchemists to let them leave at this time. Now she does not need to worry about who will break in at this time.

Michael was in a very bad condition after slashing out a sword. Her body could not absorb and use too much divine power. To slash out a sword that could destroy the crystal wall of the God Plane, she had to absorb divine power beyond the limit. So much so that after swinging this sword, she would enter a period of extreme weakness, and then gradually regain her strength within half an hour.

But if she wanted to strike again, she had to wait until the next day, otherwise the period of weakness would be extended to three days.

It's not as efficient as cutting one sword a day.

Uriel, who was sealed and exposed to the blood-red divine power, looked at Michael at this time and said: "Why is the divine power emanating from this sword mark so red, and also full of rage and murder?" The aura is completely different from the feeling given to me by the extremely good divine power."

Michael, who was in the recovery period, was in no rush to leave here. If her strength is not restored, there will be no way for her to hide her current state.

Regarding Uriel's question, Michael said: "The extremely good divine power we see is actually a mixture of multiple good-side divine powers, and depending on the priesthood, the divine power has its own personality.

Uriel, you have also seen... killing can also be good. As long as the god who uses it thinks that he is good, then the divine power is good.

God sees good and evil differently than we do. We set standards for good and evil and use these standards to regulate our behavior. And what God says is good is good, and what God says is evil is evil. Our rules are just our rules and have nothing to do with God.

Don't be obsessed with your so-called angelic spirit. A kind-hearted God will not protect you because of the kindness of angels. If you want to be a true guardian angel, you must have the power of God and adapt to God's rules.

I chose killing, and killing chose me.

When the divine plane is opened, I will act as the God of Slaughter and let the gods recognize the good order of angels. "

"So... your true identity now is the Killing Angel." Uriel knew that Michael was not lying to him. This blood-red killing power is indeed part of the extremely good power, and pure killing is defined in this world as evil. Uriel was somewhat shaken in his opinion, but after feeling the vast murderous intent exuded by Michael's current killing angel form, he said: "The rules we make are our rules, and God's rules are also the same as ours. It doesn't matter at all.

Kindness as defined by angels is the most beautiful thing in this world. We help the weak and protect peace, so that all creatures who believe in kindness can sleep peacefully every night. Let everyone who believes in light have angels to pray to when they encounter setbacks.

When divine power can define goodness at will, I don’t know what else in this world is worthy of being protected by angels.

The angels at that time were no longer angels, but just a group of divine slaves.

Michael, again... I don’t know whether the path you have chosen is right or wrong, but I insist on what I insist on, and I will use my shield to defend to the death all the beautiful things in this world, and to defend the angels. Spirit.

Not even God can shake me. "

Even when facing the divine power, Uriel did not give in. Michael had no way to deal with this tough guy. She was able to break through the absolute defense and defeat Urie, but she did not have the strength to break through the law-level defense and kill him completely.

Michael glanced at Uriel and said: "It seems that you still haven't truly felt God's thoughts and power. You should continue to realize the divine power of killing here.

Once a race perishes, its spirit will also be lost over time.

Those things you insist on... are the most ignorant things and will eventually be eliminated by the new era. "

After finishing speaking, Michael's strength recovered. She borrowed the power of the Blazing Wings to suppress the killing power in her body, and changed from the killing angel state back to the holy angel state.

Then he opened the space door and left the crystal wall of the god plane.

After Michael left and the space door closed, the red light emanating from the long sword mark gradually faded away, and then the white-gold light lit up, wrapping the astonished Uriel in it.

Songjiang City, Garden of Truth.

Da Liang immersed himself in a large amount of information, looking for clues about the magical rainbow and the Golden Crow's lair. The prophet on the side is also looking for it, and uses divination from time to time to locate the magic rainbow based on a few words.

However, because the Magic Rainbow was interfered by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, the information divined by the prophet was extremely vague, and he could only get closer to the truth bit by bit.

Just as Da Liang and the Prophet were slowly sorting out their thoughts, news came from Shangjiang City: Metatron, the supreme angel of Yunzhong City, invited Prince Feichen of the first empire of the main world to visit Yunzhong City...

An important message is revealed here.

Because of Michael's position, Metatron has never publicly recognized the legitimacy of the First Empire of the Overworld. However, in this formal diplomatic invitation, Metatron named "the first empire of the main world", which is of great significance.

When Michael was commanding the war in the Crucible City, Metatron, who stayed behind in Cloud City, was the highest authority in the world of heroes. His recognition of the first empire in the main world represents the world of heroic spirits...the strongest plane in the world guarded by Yunzhong City, which recognizes the first empire in the main world.

This is a major diplomatic breakthrough!

But while Daliang was happy, he also had many questions.

From the last meeting and conversation with Metatron, it can be seen that although Metatron has differences with Michael on the plane war, he still maintains the authority of Michael, the archangel.

On some important matters, Metatron would never go against Michael's firm decision-making.

Will Michael recognize the first empire of the main world at this time?

There is a possibility... She wants to get rid of the war in Furnace City, and the most effective way is to win over the Five Color Flag Alliance. But with her high self-esteem, she would never recognize the first empire of the main world and then invite herself to negotiate...

Even if it was an invitation, it was to her Super Cross Sky Fortress in Crucible City, not to meet Metatron in Cloud City.

What is certain is... Metatron recognized the first empire of the main world without Michael's approval. This was his private decision.

What happened in Yunzhong City?

Did Metatron change his attitude towards Michael?

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