Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1470 Terminator

But no matter what happens in Yunzhong City, Daliang must go on this trip.

And go in a grand way.

Daliang left the matter of finding the magic rainbow and the Golden Crow's nest to the prophet, and returned to Shangjiang first.

Howard also attaches great importance to this official visit to Yunzhong City... Until now, no member of the good camp has recognized the first empire of the main world. Only the Kingdom of Death, Hell and some small forces recognized the First Empire.

The attitude of Yunzhong City determines the attitude of the good camp. Metatron has given a very optimistic signal, but it is still just an invitation. If Metatron can declare to the whole plane after Da Liang's visit this time that he recognizes the legitimacy of the first empire of the main world, the first The empire can take back control of the main world faster.

In order to show the majesty of the empire, Howard handed over his newly formed Dragon Warrior Guard Corps to Da Liang to take to Yunzhong City as a basis for this visit.

At the same time, Shangjiang City also prepared a batch of gifts to show its friendship with Yunzhong City.

After getting ready, Daliang put on the prince's attire, put on the crown, and got into the royal carriage... leading the mighty envoys and entering the world of heroic spirits through the plane portal.

Yunzhong City also prepared a grand welcome ceremony for the visit of the first empire of the main world. The human cities along the way, under the orders of Yunzhong City, all sent troops to escort the envoys to Yunzhong City alternately.

After the envoys entered Yunzhong City, the flying city deliberately lowered its height and lowered the magic rainbow bridge connecting the ground to welcome the First Empire's envoys into Yunzhong City.

Such an honor can only be obtained by the supreme rulers of the other three planes of the good camp when they make the most official visit to Yunzhong City.

Da Liang sat in the carriage and watched the mission march along the sloping Hong Bridge toward the low-altitude Yunzhong City. In the air on both sides of the Hong Bridge were archangels responsible for escorting them.

This is respect for Yunzhong City, and it is also Yunzhong City's respect for itself.

But as a prince of the First Empire, he obviously does not meet this standard of etiquette...

What is Metatron doing?

Yunzhong City's 180-degree change in attitude made Da Liang's doubts deepen. But he couldn't figure out what was behind this visit, so he could only wait until he saw Metatron to inquire in detail.

Da Liang was taken to the garden again. Metatron seemed to like it very much. Not only could he see the flowers blooming in different periods, but he could also stand on the terrace and overlook the sea of ​​clouds and the earth.

At this time, Metatron was standing on the suspended terrace. His back was to Daliang, his figure was tall and straight, and he exuded the aura of a strong man, which also made Daliang feel a bit unfamiliar.

All the angels left, and Daliang did not bring any attendants. There were only two of them in this circular garden.

Daliang walked onto the suspended terrace and stood side by side with Metatron. The low-altitude floating city in the clouds was so close to the ground, and he could clearly see the human towns and wild fields. It felt if the whole earth was being trampled underfoot.

"Angels are really a favored race..." Looking at the angels flying in the sky, Da Liang couldn't help but feel: "You have this unfailing city since you were born, and you have a lifespan and talent that are envied by all races. , controlling a vast, fertile, and product-rich plane.

Under the rule of angels, there seemed to be no wars in the cities in the world of heroes. This is unimaginable in other planes..."

Metatron took a deep breath and said: "But we launched a war that spread across the entire plane and caused death to envelope the entire world. Maybe angels are not as good as you said, and maybe one day angels will perish...

At that time, Yunzhong City will usher in its new owner. "

Daliang didn't know why Metatron said such pessimistic words. Maybe it had something to do with his invitation to come to Cloud City this time, so Daliang asked directly: "Sir Metatron... When we meet again, I feel that you care about me." The strange attitude also makes you feel depressed emotionally.

Has Yunzhong City encountered any difficulties?

If I can help, I won't refuse. "

At this time, Metatron turned around, looked at Daliang and said, "If I want the Five-Color Flag Alliance to support the good camp and send troops to participate in the Crucible City War, will you help me?"

Da Liang was stunned for a moment, then touched the tip of his nose and said: "Lord Metatron... you know, the Five Color Flag Alliance adheres to neutrality..."

"That's enough, don't say neutral to me anymore..." Metatron stopped Da Liang from continuing and said: "Lucifer came to me and he told me everything about you.

The fifth main alliance and actual leader of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance; the Bone Eviscerating Monarch of the Kingdom of Death, the Immortal King, and the Death Mentor; and the World-Destroying Demon King of Hell.

Do you I feel when I hear these identities?

Do you feel cheated?


It's fear... From the things you did, I seemed to see the terminator of the angel race. Lucifer told me that Michael is no longer a holy angel... It was you who gave him the idea, right? I know Lucifer, I can feel that he is also afraid..."

Da Liang finally understood why Metatron greeted him with such high standards. The long list of titles taken together really deserved the attention of Yunzhong City.

But Daliang still didn't expect... Lucifer would sell himself out so simply. He was probably good at usurping the throne, but he felt threatened by the kingdom of death.

Now that his identity was exposed, Daliang did not quibble or cover up.

He said to Metatron: "That's how fate plays tricks on people. Some things I don't want to do, but there are always reasons why I have to do them. I push forward step by step. When I looked back, I found that I was already standing on reached the pinnacle of the world.

And the source of all this started when I let Ergos go.

Now, before you is the little priest who made a great mistake and was let off because of your mercy.

He is also the fifth main ally of the Five Color Flag Alliance, the Eviscerating Lord of the Kingdom of Death, and the World-Destroying Demon King of Hell.

I am grateful for all the things you have done for me, and I have never thought about destroying the angels and taking Cloud City as their own. Angels once fought against the evil camp to protect this world, and the kindness you preach is still the most basic morality of the human race.

But now Yunzhong City has violated the kindness you have always protected, and is trying to eliminate all those who are unwilling to listen to you through war and killing.

The angels have now gone astray, and it is Michael who is causing all this.

She is no longer a good angel, in her eyes there are only enemies who should be destroyed. Now it is the evil camp. After the evil camp is eliminated, it will become the Five Color Flag Alliance...

Who's next?

It must be the orcs of the Stoney Wilderness.

In the end, can the World Factory and the Dream Forest be preserved under Michael's bloody sword?

What will she do when the angel becomes an obstacle to Michael? "

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