Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1471 Lobbying

Daliang's words made Metatron, who was a little excited, start to think about Michael.

If we put aside Michael's identity as an archangel and a kind leader, what she has done over the years is indeed very inconsistent with the racial character of an angel. Especially after the plane war broke out, Michael even became terrifying.

In some decisions, allies become tools; angels become objects that can be casually sacrificed.

And the attitude towards evil... Metatron and Meredith talked about it. Michael's support of the black elves in the endless labyrinth is not a rumor, but a fact.

Have angels ever discussed conspiracies with evil races? Even when establishing a wizard guild in the Kingdom of Death, the original idea was to try to lead some of the undead to good... Of course, that was the excuse given by Michael.

What happened to Michael? What on earth does she want to do?

"Tell me, everything you know...about Michael. What evidence do you have to prove that she has been contaminated by some kind of power and is no longer a holy angel? And what is the reason that prevents me from detecting her... Energy changes?

If you don’t want Cloud City to close its door to you forever, don’t be deceived anymore. "

Faced with Metatron's direct gaze, Daliang said without hesitation: "If I promise you that I will no longer cheat, that in itself is cheating. I respect the friendship between us, but after all, our positions are different.

But I can tell you the truth about Michael.

I have no evidence, Lucifer has no evidence... Michael has done so many things to make you suspicious, and that's what we want.

Whether Michael was contaminated or not, I'm afraid you want to know the truth more than we do.

Just like Urie..."

"Urie? Have you seen Uriel?" Metatron has not found Uriel yet. The angels sent to the kingdom of death have no way to contact him using any method. When he heard Daliang say Uriya's name, he asked worriedly: "Did you arrest him?"

From Metatron's performance, Da Liang could see that Uriel could not be found in Cloud City. He avoided suspicion and said, "Of course not... He did break into the Cathedral of Misty City to look for me. But at that time, Sadness and I The pope was busy with the sectarian struggles within the Immaculate Curia, so we did not take action against Uriel even when he showed no aggressive tendencies.

The purpose of Uriel looking for me is related to the wizards' guild's research on becoming a god. He is very interested in the research results of the former Sighing City branch. But because of Elder Quentin's unexpected death, we lost the most critical research data.

When talking with Uriel, I led him to doubt Michael's changes.

Then he left... I haven't seen him since then. Is there no news about him in Yunzhong City? "

Metatron did not expect that Uriel had seen Da Liang. He is the newly promoted supreme angel and is in charge of combat duties. He is definitely not as experienced as himself in handling some special matters. If he was really led by Daliang to doubt Michael, would he go directly to Michael for confirmation?

If he really went to find Michael... No news so far means the worst outcome.

Metatron's contemplation made Daliang quickly understand what he was worried about. He said, "Do you think Michael has sealed him?"

After realizing that Da Liang was still beside him, Metatron immediately said: "No... Uriel is performing a very important mission, which prevents him from exposing his identity easily.

Let’s not talk about Urie anymore…

As for Michael, without any proof that she is no longer a holy angel, she is still our Archangel. Even if she is really contaminated, that is an internal matter among us angels.

The main reason I invite the Prince to come here this time is to talk about the War in Furnace City.

There is no point in continuing this war... and even this confrontation between good and evil should not happen.

You are the main ally of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, the Eviscerating Lord of the Kingdom of Death, and the World-Destroying Demon King of Hell... I think you can completely influence the decisions of the evil camp as long as you are willing.

I am responsible for convincing Michael. I guess she doesn’t want this war to continue. "

Seeing that Metatron was still protecting Michael for the angels, Daliang said: "The real purpose of this war is to overthrow Michael's rule over Yunzhong City.

Because once this war ends, she will definitely change her target and attack our Five Color Flag Alliance.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance currently does not have the ability to fight against the good camp on its own, so I will not take such a big risk.

Metatron, I know you are afraid that the angel race will fall into division and civil war, and you want to deal with Michael's problem bit by bit. But I can tell you for sure that your fate will definitely be the same as Uriel's.

And Lucifer would never let Michael continue to sit in the position of archangel even after making such a big sacrifice.

None of us will miss this opportunity.

You shouldn't miss this opportunity either.

Only by cooperation can we have a future for angels, and hesitation will only lead to the true destruction of the angel clan. "

Metatron became very painful, and he said: "But we don't have any evidence yet, and all doubts about Michael are based on assumptions. Angels cannot bear the consequences of errors in judgment...

Even if we can prove that Michael is no longer a holy angel, she can still take away some of the angel followers, just like Lucifer...even enough to eliminate us in the civil war and occupy Cloud City.

Can you imagine what the world will be like at that time? Without Michael, the good camp will become a mess. Lucifer will not miss this great opportunity.

The war will never end...

He will definitely attack Yunzhong City during the Angel Civil War. The evil camp will flood the entire world with death and killing whenever it has the opportunity. Your Five Color Flag Alliance will also become the target of the evil camp.

Lucifer is untrustworthy, and his goal is to lead all angels into fall.

I will not cooperate with you to deal with Michael. At least she is fighting for the survival of the angel clan now. "

Metatron will never easily cooperate with evil to harm the leader of the angels. Regardless of whether this plan succeeds or not, it will bring disaster to the angel race. Compared to the capricious Lucifer, Metatron is more willing to continue to maintain Michael, who is still a righteous image.

There are too many things involved in this matter, and no one can bear the final result if it is handled incorrectly.

Daliang said at this time: "Lord Metatron, I did not ask you to cooperate with Lucifer, and I also do not believe that Lucifer is a trustworthy guy.

Now I will present to you a vision for a new world order. "

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