Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1479 Mercenary Delivery

Golden Cave City.

After returning from the Kingdom of Death, Feigmina has been preparing to attack the Darkwing Kingdom. She purchased a large number of war weapons from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce through mortgage loans and sent most of the weapons to the fighting front lines.

The attacking army of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave has been strengthened again, and Feigmina mobilized as many troops as possible from everywhere to use in this attack. As long as the death mercenaries are delivered, she can let the mercenaries take the lead, and she will lead the main force of black elves to attack Dragon Cave City directly.

Therefore, when the messenger from the Mist City came to the Golden Cave City, it meant that the death mercenaries provided by the Evisceration Legion had completed their assembly and could be sent to the endless maze battlefield at any time. Feigmina was overjoyed and immediately asked the plane teleportation array built on the front line to welcome the mercenaries as they transitioned.

"After the death army was transferred, all ministries immediately launched an attack on the Dark Wing King's army according to the plan..."

In several frontline cities occupied by the Golden Cave Black Elves, the plane teleportation arrays that had been built in advance began to operate. Rare resources are injected into the energy array, and a white halo rises...

Then the clanging sound of metal rubbing against each other came from the halo.

Metal boots knocked neatly on the ground, and a queue of fully armed skeleton soldiers walked out of the plane teleportation array. They all wore shiny metallic chainmail, iron helmets on their heads, a steel sword stuck on the belt around their waists, and a round wooden shield inlaid with iron hung on their backs.

All the skeleton soldiers marched in step, and the troops that came out continuously exuded an unstoppable momentum.

In the small city, all the black elf warriors stared at this undead army... Strict military discipline prevented the entire transition process from pausing for a moment. They marched along the cleared streets into the wilderness outside the city, rolling forward. The torrent of steel... made only one sound.

The black elf warriors were all excited. They thought that the so-called undead mercenaries were just a large number of skeletons. Their function was to replace the casualties of the black elf warriors and consume the physical strength and weapons of the king's army. What they saw now were undead elites who were even better equipped than them.

With such an armored army that is not afraid of death and will always move forward when ordered to attack, their attack on the king's army will only be easier this time.

It took about two days for all the 2.2 million undead mercenaries hired by Fegmina from the Kingdom of Death to complete the transition. The dead phalanxes were arranged in attack positions on each front. They were silent and motionless, facing the direction of the king's army, waiting for the order to attack.

Fegmina rushed to the front line from the Golden Cave City, and then saw the strange scene she saw outside the City of Sighs.

Not only are all the soldiers in this undead mercenary army wearing armor, but the proportion of war equipment in the army is also unusually high. The skeleton carriages were filled with parts that could be assembled into heavy war equipment. She was also envious of the various alchemy equipment standing in the military formation.

"The Eviscerate Lord said that the army lent to me was an elite undead force, but I still didn't expect it to be so elite. Compared with this undead army, my black elf army lags far behind in terms of equipment." Feige Mina expressed her feelings to Commander Jonathan who came to hand over the army, and then she also raised her own question: "If such an undead soldier died in battle, the pension I would pay would not be comparable to The value of this undead soldier.”

"Of course the pension is not as valuable as an undead soldier..." Captain Jonathan and Feigmina stood on the city wall, looking at the undead army ready to go, and said: "But we don't want to see this. After the mercenary transaction ended, all our warriors became pensions. My monarch believes that... the longer a warrior survives, the more wealth he can create and the more enemies he can kill...

This idea also influenced other monarchs and sad popes.

We also want to use the war in the endless maze to see whether the new war mode for the undead is suitable for the kingdom of the dead. "

According to the undead mercenary agreement signed by Jonathan and Fegmina, after the death of the undead soldier, Fegmina must pay three more weeks of commission as the undead soldier's pension. If an undead warrior survives four weeks, it will earn more in commissions than if it died.

This army rented by the Eviscerate Monarch is obviously to maximize their offensive and defensive capabilities and increase their chances of survival in the war while the number of soldiers remains unchanged. In this way, not only can this army continue to make money for him, but most of them can also survive until the end of the war and participate in other wars after returning to the Kingdom of Death.

Of course... the investment in this army is also costly.

Compared with the previous tactics of undead and skeleton sea naked armor push, the new tactics are not feasible and need to be tested by war.

The Kingdom of Death wants to use this war to test their new tactical ideas, and Feigmina certainly agrees with it. Spending the price of a cannon fodder skeleton soldier to hire a fully armed skeleton soldier is definitely a profit!

Feigmina complimented Jonathan: "I have heard long ago... that the Sad Pope was able to unify the Immaculate Holy See in the Kingdom of Death, all relying on the assistance of the Eviscerate Monarch.

Just seeing this army today, I can feel what kind of intelligence the Eviscerate Lord possesses, and all his achievements are definitely not accidental.

Take me to greet the Eviscerate Lord. I am very much looking forward to having a formal meeting with him after establishing the Black Elf Kingdom. "

Jonathan said: "I think my monarch will also be very happy to meet with the Black Elf Queen to discuss the situation in the Endless Labyrinth and the entire plane.

Now that all the mercenaries we loaned to the Mistress have been transferred, you can count the numbers... If there is anything missing, you can tell me. "

Feigmina's face showed a smile welcoming victory, and she said: "Just seeing this army armed with steel, why should I not trust the Eviscerate Lord and the regiment leader?

There is no need to count the number. This is a far more powerful army than I imagined. I think the Darkwing King's army on the opposite side was so scared that they peed their pants after seeing this army walking out of my city.

Ha ha ha ha……

What would you do if King Scripps approached Lord Eviscerate and asked you to withdraw this mercenary army. "

Jonathan did not answer directly: "Mother Feigmina, the evil camp is ushering in a new change. Hell has fallen, and the kingdom of death is unprecedentedly powerful... All the death monarchs believe that the Pope of Sorrow should bear the responsibility Heavier responsibility.

We need Endless Labyrinth to have voices that support us. "

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