Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1480 The War in Golden Cave City

Although Jonathan said something cryptic, Fegmina already understood what he meant.

It is the nature of the black elf to be the boss, so he can naturally understand the idea of ​​the Kingdom of Death wanting to get closer. Moreover, the war in Furnace City indeed caused heavy losses to Hell, and outside the City of Sighs... Fegmina saw countless dead armies, but this army that had completed war preparations did not appear in Hell.

Even the Eviscerate Lord would rather put these more than two million elite undead warriors in the endless maze to help the black elves fight, instead of supporting the battlefield of the Crucible City.

This is very obvious. The Kingdom of Death needs the good camp to continue to consume hell and casually set foot in the important evil plane of the endless maze.

King Scripps is the representative of the seven kingdoms in the dungeon... If the kingdom of death wants to lead the evil camp, it naturally needs to replace the original team with its own people.

own people...

Fegmina was even more happy. It is almost certain that as long as the Black Elf Kingdom is established, the Kingdom of Death will be the first to express its support. Then the undead will support the black elves and suppress other dungeon kings, making the endless maze divided into two factions easier to control.

Feigmina, who thought she had figured everything out, smiled and said: "As long as I get what I want, the Black Elf will fully support the Sad Pope and the Eviscerated Lord..."

"Thank you, Mistress... If there are no problems, I will return to Misty City to return my life to my Lord."

Feigmina sent Jonathan to the plane teleportation array and said: "Thank you again, Eviscerate Lord..."

After Jonathan left, the ambitious Feigmina immediately began to prepare to launch an attack on the Darkwing Kingdom... The undead mercenaries were responsible for the main frontal attack. Before the battle started, the black elf armies from cities along the entire battle line attacked together. Follow the mercenaries and rush into the hinterland of the Darkwing Kingdom.

And Feigmina will follow the main force of the black elves, and she will deliver a fatal blow to Dragon's Lair City like a poisonous snake.

When all the Black Elves of the Golden Cave were mobilized and prepared to launch the strongest offensive against the Darkwing Kingdom, Monica was leading the Black Elves of the Thorn River to quietly advance towards the Golden Cave City.

At this time, the main force of the Cihe black elves had detoured from the wilderness area into the core area of ​​the underground world. The entire army was broken into pieces and marched towards the Golden Cave City from multiple routes.

Under the guise of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, they eluded the Black Elves patrols they encountered along the way.

The rapid expansion of the black elves in the Golden Cave, and as the military strength continues to grow, the internal black elf tribes and clans are also extremely complex. Moreover, the Black Elves of Thorny River have been hiding behind Obsidian City. The entire Black Elf race only knows that the Black Elves of Golden Cave are the strongest ethnic group, so naturally there is no doubt about the identity of this Black Elf army.

Black elves from all walks of life approached Jincao City without concealing their secrets.

Before the plan to attack Golden Cave City was proposed, Monica had long coveted this city and done enough research. An army of black elves from the Spur River gathered together as they marched along the most remote road, and the trickle slowly gathered into a large tide that moved forward. When the black elves of the Golden Cave discovered that an abnormal number of black elves were approaching, Monica had already led her army into the Golden Cave.

The horn of war sounded in the hinterland of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, and the roar of the dragon echoed in this huge artificially dug cave.

The invading armies coming from all directions continued to cast lighting magic upwards, illuminating the entire cave with its splendor. In order to prevent various accidents from happening, Daliang strengthened the air power of Monica's army. Amidst the cries of eagles, the griffins hidden in the black elf army soared into the sky.

The dark cavalry picked up his lance, and the underground lizard quickly moved its two powerful hind legs and galloped towards the Golden Cave City ahead.

Magic rays were thrown from the rear to the front, and then exploded in the air into magic water curtains, adding various buffs to the charging warriors.

In the air, a group of griffons, led by the black dragon and the giant frost dragon, had already rushed towards the hurried defenders on the city wall. Until they flew along the wall line and began to breathe dragon breath towards the city wall, Jincao City had not yet organized an effective counterattack.

At this time, Jincao City is really too weak.

The Dark Wing Kingdom is the strongest kingdom in the Endless Labyrinth. If she wants to completely win this war, Fegmina can only use all her military power. She believed that the Golden Cave City in the deep rear was safe, and she installed a large number of black elf patrols throughout the control area to prevent infiltration and sneak attacks from the Dungeon Kingdom.

She believed that as long as she discovered the enemy, she would have enough time to organize Golden Cave City to resist the invasion.

But she never imagined that... her enemy would be another powerful group of black elves.

Therefore, Fegmina, who was on the front line, preparing to command the army to attack, and dreaming of ascending the throne and becoming the queen, heard that the Golden Cave City was being attacked by an unknown army of black elves, and her original enthusiasm for a better future was instantly extinguished. It was replaced by overwhelming anger.

"Which mistress who doesn't care about life or death actually chooses to challenge my position at this time? It's simply ridiculous!" When she heard that Golden Cave City was being attacked, Feigmina had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter. He thought this was a challenge to him by an arrogant black elf matron, who wanted to seize Golden Cave City when it was at its weakest and then oust him.

With an unstable back road, it is impossible to attack... Feigmina must first deal with this sudden enemy before she can continue to attack the Darkwing Kingdom. Thinking that the enemy has discovered his attack intention, every moment of delay will cost more losses.

Fegmina had every intention of eating that black elf mistress alive.

In desperation, she could only stop the advancing army... Feigmina teleported to the Golden Cave City as quickly as possible. She wanted to use her 16th level power to suppress this challenge in the shortest possible time.

But when Fegmina returned to Golden Cave City, she found that... the enemy had entered the city.

How can this be……

No matter how empty the Golden Cave City is, it is not without defenders. Relying on the complete city defense, the defenders were able to resist for a while, but the battle had indeed spread within the city.

At this time, Fegmina also discovered that... the scale of the enemy's attack this time was far beyond her imagination.

They have already controlled a city gate, and the black elf army outside the city, which is more than ten times larger than the defenders, is continuously entering the city, rapidly advancing towards important places in the city.

Giant dragons and human griffons controlled the sky above the city. Magic towers were built on the lost city walls, pouring magic down on the defenders in the city.

There are also heavy catapults assembled against the city walls. Under the guidance of air units, they carry out focused fire bombings on the city's defensive buildings.

Feigmina looked at the chaotic city and wondered where this black elf army came from. Their coordinated and orderly war literacy, as well as the types and proportions of war weapons and alchemy equipment, all surpassed those of the Golden Cave Black Elves.

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