Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1481 The alert Fegmina

The fire burned in the city, illuminating the entire Golden Cave even more brightly; various magics flew from the city walls into the city, causing explosions wherever they passed.

The horns of attack sounded one after another, and the sounds of fighting were endless.

The defenders of Golden Cave City had long been beaten into chaos. They didn't know who the enemy was. They clearly saw fellow black elves, but when they were stunned, they were bombarded indiscriminately. The black dragon passed by at low altitude, spurting out its hot dragon breath, pulling out a wall of fire on the street; the griffons let out a high-pitched cry, and they gathered and circled in groups, suppressing the few air units in Golden Cave City. The single enemies swarmed up and were quickly annihilated and left quickly.

After the Dark Cavalry entered the city, they rampaged. Under the guidance of air power, they charged at all enemies who tried to gather resistance.

Soon... the other gates of Jincao City were captured one after another, and all the city walls were lost. Faced with this lightning-like attack, the defenders lost control of the battlefield in a short period of time.

Feigmina did not attack the black elf warriors who rushed into the city. Even if she exhausted her magic power and physical strength, she could not kill all the enemies. And she could tell that this was definitely a long-planned attack, not the crazy work of a certain black elf tribe matron, as she had initially guessed.

There must be a powerful force behind this well-trained black elf army. Perhaps there are level 16 heroes hiding in the dark at this moment, preparing to ambush him.

She flew upwards and transformed into a fighting form, with eight spider claws extending from her lower back, alert to changes in everything around her.

Then she used amplification magic to speak to the attacking black elf army: "I am the master of Golden Cave City... Fegmina, no matter who is leading the attack on my city, I request a meeting at the same level... "

Monica had already climbed onto the wall of Golden Cave City. Due to her careful planning, attacking this empty city did not cost her too much energy. Now that the black elves of Thorny River have gained control of the war, as long as the defenders are eliminated in an orderly manner, this city rich in gold will become the capital of the black elf kingdom in the future.

It's just that Fegmina's reaction was a little beyond Monica's expectations. She had already discovered Feigmina's appearance on the battlefield, but this cunning level 16 hero did not lose her cool because of this attack. Without enough defense around her, she did not directly attack the Thorny River entering the city. The black elf also made the magic trap that Monica prepared for Fegmina useless.

Feigmina stood in the empty airspace, and when she asked to meet the siege commander, she also let the Golden Cave City defenders know of her arrival. The dispersed defenders gathered towards the city below Fegmina, and some black elf heroes took off quickly to form a guard that could provide support for Fegmina.

At this time, Daliang rode a royal griffon and landed next to Monica in a very low-key manner.

Monica said to Daliang: "Master... I will be able to capture the Golden Cave City soon, but... Fegmina is very difficult. Fighting in such an open area without the assistance of the Arbitration Angel, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to conquer it." She captures and seals them.”

At this time, Julian and Juliet merged into the Arbitration Angel and stayed with Marquis Stanley... When the Darkwing Kingdom knew that Golden Grotto City was attacked, they would definitely seize the opportunity to counterattack and regain the lost land. Marquis Stanley led the death mercenaries to resist the Darkwing King's army, while the Arbiter Angel was responsible for resisting King Scripps.

Without a level 16 hero, even if Monica can summon Abigail and the bright flame command state, it will be difficult to catch Feigmina without a specific combat environment.

What's more, so many black elf heroes from Golden Cave City have gathered around Fegmina, which makes it even more difficult to capture her.

If Fegmina is allowed to leave here, the Black Elves of the Thorn River will not be able to annex the territory of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave in a short time. Moreover, the decisive battle in the Crucible City is imminent, and neither Da Liang nor the Arbitration Angel can protect Monica in the endless maze for a long time...

Da Liang looked at Fegmina, who was gathering his men in the air, and said: "Monica, you accompany me to see Fegmina, and be ready to summon Abigail. Night follows. If a fight breaks out, you will be responsible. Interfere with the space coordinates to prevent Fegmina from escaping; Ye Guang, Ye Feng, and Sophia, you are responsible for protecting the night.

In the night, your mission is very heavy... keep an eye on Fegmina, no matter where she escapes, you must find her. "

A faint voice came from Daliang's side: "Yes, Your Highness... I will keep an eye on Fegmina."

Daliang unfolded his fallen angel wings and said to his subordinates: "Let's go and meet the Black Elf Mistress who is about to become our prisoner!"

Fegmina looked at the city that had been flooded by the war. Even though the defenders were gathering in the city below her, she knew... this would not bring much change to the battle situation.

At the same time, Feigmina also knew that the most correct thing to do at this time was to leave here as soon as possible. Golden Cave City is just one of the many cities she owns, and the main force of her army is not here. As long as her strength is still there, whether she is counterattacking Jincao City or waiting for an opportunity, she will have a lot of room for maneuver.

But Fegmina was unwilling to not even know who the enemy was, so she fled in a hurry.

She said to herself: Just wait a few minutes... If the other party doesn't show up, I will leave.

Then she saw someone she least expected.

Da Liang slowly flapped his black wings and floated in front of Fegmina. Beside him were the Dark Saint Monica, Sophia and the vampire guards. The night, night light and night wind were hiding in the surrounding air.

Seeing Da Liang, Feigmina already understood a lot of things, but she still asked: "Your Highness, what is going on? I think the black elves of the Golden Cave have shown enough sincerity, and we are willing to cooperate with the main world's third An empire can fully cooperate and even join the Five-Color Flag Alliance.

You can gain influence in the Endless Labyrinth through the Black Elves of the Golden Cave.

But why did the First Empire support other black elf groups?

Your Highness, no matter what the black elf mistress beside you can give you, I can give you more..."

Da Liang saluted Feigmina, and then said: "Hello, Mistress Fegmina, please allow me to introduce to you the black elf lady next to me... She is the favored god of the Dark Dragon, and she was resurrected from the dead. The angel of darkness, the beloved Monica.

He commands the Black Elves of the Thorny River.

At the same time, she was my subordinate and gave me...her loyalty...

If Mistress Fegmina is really willing to abide by what you say... and become my subordinate, then all disputes between us will be easily resolved. "

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