Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1482 Siege

Looking at Monica, who did not deny what Daliang said, but looked proud, Feigmina knew that she had guessed wrong.

When she saw Da Liang, the first thing Feigmina thought of was...the prince of the first empire of the main world, who has two ships, invests in two black elf groups at the same time, and then chooses which one can bring them the greatest benefits. one of.

As long as you can open a higher overweight, you can save this disadvantage.

But now it seems that they never thought about cooperation from the beginning.

"Your Highness, so everything you did to the Black Elves of the Golden Cave... was a scam?" Being deceived definitely made Fegmina even more angry than losing the Golden Cave City. She roared loudly: " I am the black elf favored by the dragon of darkness. He gave me the power of the law, and I am destined to become the queen of the black elf.

Jincao City is just one of the many cities I control, and the army here is only a very small part of my subordinate army. Losing it here will not have any impact on my strength.

I will make you pay the price.

Regardless of whether you are the First Empire of the Main World or the Five Color Flag Alliance, the Dragon of Darkness will guide me back and take away everything that belongs to me..."

Da Liang took out the Dark Blazing Sword and said to the extremely corrupt Fegmina: "Mother Fegmina, my power is greater than you imagine... If you are willing to admit defeat, you are willing to blacken the Golden Cave. The elves merged with the black elves of Thorny River. In the black elf kingdom established by Monica, I can leave you a position second only to the queen.

If you plan to be my enemy, I guarantee that there will be no place for you in this world except being sealed by me. "

An extremely angry Fegmina laughed loudly: "Your Highness, I will not be scared into surrender by you... Cloud City will not watch you control the black elf race; King Scripps will definitely take advantage of the black elf race." When the time comes for the elf civil war, Golden Cave City is his primary target.

You will be flanked by me and the Darkwing Kingdom, and you will soon be driven out of the endless maze by me. "

Daliang signaled his subordinate heroes to prepare for the attack, and then said to Feigmina: "Stop talking nonsense... Do you think the army lent to you by the Eviscerate Lord is to help you attack the Darkwing Kingdom?

I estimate that the undead army has now occupied several of your most important border cities. With them resisting... the Darkwing Kingdom cannot reach here.

As for you... escape from my hands first, and then talk about the future! "

Sophia led the vampire guards to form a battle formation around Da Liang. Having learned the flying skills, they could fly freely in the air in a fighting posture without transforming into bats. They drew their swords together, cast spells with one hand, and released status skills and defensive skills with a clear division of labor...

The night, night light, and night wind appeared in the higher airspace. The city's fire reflected the golden light on the cave roof, and also illuminated their piano-colored bodies. The four sword-shaped limbs reflected the cold light.

Monica cuts her palm with a dagger, and the blood drips and then expands into blood mist.

Deception, deception...all is deception...

Fegmina originally thought that arranging the undead mercenaries on the front line of the battle would not cause any harm to her, but she did not expect that this was also part of the opponent's plan. The undead troops borrowed by the Eviscerate Monarch are at key points on the battle line. Once they occupy these strategic locations, the Darkwing Kingdom will not be able to attack them in a short time.

Moreover, the undead mercenaries not only blocked the Darkwing King's army. After the Cihe Black Elves captured the Golden Cave City, the main force of the Golden Cave Black Elves was caught in the middle. As long as the Cihe Black Elves acted quickly, they could cut off the Golden Cave Black Elves. All the elves' escape routes to the wild lands.

When the time comes, the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, who are under attack from both sides, will be completely devoured without external aid or supplies.

You must kill the black elf Monica, she is the leader of the black elves of the Thorny River. She is dead... The human race alone cannot control the Black Elves of the Thorny River, so there is still room for maneuver in this war.

When she saw Da Liang bringing his subordinates to prepare for a fight, Feigmina targeted Monica. She could tell that Monica was not a hero who understood the power of the law... and prepared to kill her.

The eight spider claws released magic together, and eight magic beams were fired, including attack magic directed at Da Liang, control magic directed at Monica, and status magic applied to Fegmina herself.

A cloud of black poisonous smoke spurted out from Fegmina's mouth, and the poisonous smoke spread and completely concealed her body.

As soon as Fegmina moved, the black elf heroes gathered around her also launched an attack on Da Liang and his subordinates.

Sophia led her vampire guards to release magic at the charging black elf heroes, then waved her sword and charged towards the enemy. For a time, various magic beams flew, lightning, thunder, wind and rain, and burning meteorites fell like meteors towards the city below.

When the two sides took action, the poisonous mist rolled towards Monica. Monica danced a long whip, and whipped out a wind blade from the tip of the whip to cut the poisonous mist in the middle, and the rolling airflow blew the poisonous mist to both sides.

The poisonous mist faded, and Fegmina's figure was revealed from inside. Her movement was extremely agile, three spider legs sprayed explosive flames backwards, and the remaining five spider legs stabbed Monica's vitals from five directions. . The barbed toes were glowing with venomous dark blue.

But Fegmina did not stab Monica. The same spider legs deflected her attack, and before Fegmina could see clearly, a series of magic beams shot out like a machine gun, knocking Fegmina away. Submerged in a sea of ​​explosions and halo.

Encountering an attack, Feigmina in a hurry also continuously released defensive spells to resist the stormy attack, and quickly retreated to distance herself from the attacker. She could feel that the other party was a strong person who understood the power of the law. Although she regretted not killing Monica, she should still give priority to saving herself at this time.

After the series of attacks stopped, Feigmina looked at the opposite her in shock.

She has the same shape as herself, the body of a black elf, with eight spider legs extending from her lower back. The difference is that the opponent's skin has patterns composed of black lines, and his eyes reveal the bloodthirsty that only monsters can have.

What is this?

Fegmina looked at Monica. She was floating next to the monster with a winner's smile on her face. It was obvious... she had summoned this law-level monster.

"Do you think you can defeat me by summoning a law-level monster? No matter how strong the monster is, it is still a monster... I will kill Da Liang first, and then I will slowly deal with you."

Feigmina decided to temporarily let go of Monica, who needed a lot of effort, and aimed her attack at Da Liang.

Repeating her old tricks, she used magic and skills to contain Monica and Abigail, breathed out smoke, hid her figure and rushed towards Da Liang's position.

But... before Fegmina could get closer, red flames exploded and burned the poisonous mist she released completely. The sudden exposure made Fegmina unable to carry out all subsequent attacks. What made her even more at a loss was... Da Liang ran somewhere and an extremely burly Flame Commander appeared in his position. He released a law-level weapon. In the flame field, a blazing spear was condensed in his hand and thrown out.

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