Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1483 Escape

The blazing gun thrown at close range accurately hit Fegmina's abdomen. The defensive spells and force field shields released in advance broke instantly. The tip of the gun pierced Fegmina's body, carrying her like a shot. The sharp arrow flew backward.

Feigmina, who is experienced in combat, did not panic because of this attack. When she retreated, she used a spell to weaken the damage of the blazing spear. Her eight spider claws fired at Da Liang with poisonous novae, and then at Ah Liang who was trying to sneak attack. Bigail threw up a web.

Fire had certain restraint on poison, but Da Liang still did not dare to be contaminated by the poison released by Fegmina. He summoned a black shield to block the poisonous nova, and the subsequent pursuit was not only delayed by half a beat.

Fortunately, there is Abigail.

Facing the open spider web, the eight spider legs behind Abigail sprayed out venom with a corrosive effect. After touching the venom, the originally tough spider silk dissolved instantly and was torn to pieces.

Destroying a spider web did not give Abigail any pause. She poured all her desire to kill into the target assigned to her by Monica.

Abigail attacked.

The spikes on the spider's legs are poisonous spears, and their rapid thrusts leave blue afterimages in the air.

The suffocating attack speed forced Fegmina to deal with it carefully. The eight spider legs on her lower back thrust out at the same high frequency. The sharp feet made a metallic collision sound against the pointed feet, and sparks flew everywhere.

The movement of the two 16th-level black elf matrons in the air was even more dizzying.

The size of the leader of the flames meant that he could not display exquisite and dexterous movements. Daliang, who came to support, was more direct. He expanded the flame field and rushed directly into the battle group with his high defense and high health body.

Putting the black shield in front of his body, he firmly maintained his position no matter how fast Fegmina moved, and then took the inside line to continuously oppress Fegmina. In close combat, she used the Dark Blazing Sword to attack, and when she was far away, she used various attack-type fire magics. From time to time, a thunderous bomb would shock Feigmina so much that she didn't dare to pause.

Abigail, on the other hand, clung to Fegmina like a gangrene attached to her bones, not giving her a chance to adjust her tactics.

One is close and attacks quickly, and the other is pressing forward step by step with heavy artillery.

Feigmina regretted why she wasted the most precious time to escape despite knowing that the opponent had a level 16 hero ambushing her. The strange thing is that the enemy is too cunning to appear beside him without any warning and carry out a sneak attack.

We must leave here as soon as possible.

While Feigmina was fighting, she took an urgent look at the battle situation in Golden Cave City. In the entire city, only the lower part of the city is still fighting. Once the enemy completes the occupation of Golden Cave City, more high-level heroes and ultimate creatures will surely come to support them. At the same time, the black heroes who fought with him were constantly suffering damage from the fire element in the flame field. If they continued to fight... they would only be annihilated.

Determined to escape, Fegmina forcibly cut through the space and opened a portal. Then she stopped dodging and blocked the portal. She withstood Abigail and Da Liang's attacks and defended with all her strength, releasing all the defensive skills she could use in turn regardless of consumption.

One defensive shield was broken, and the other defensive shield unfolded immediately.

Fegmina bought a moment and shouted to her subordinates fighting in the air around her: "Retreat...retreat...all retreat!"

The Black Elves of the Golden Cave who are about to be in trouble will face a more difficult war. At this time, every fighting force is very valuable. Not to mention that the black elves who can persist in fighting in the flame field must be high-level heroes. If you can take one away, you will have more power.

Feigmina is not the kind of hero who is good at head-on confrontation, but at this moment, facing the attacks of Da Liang and Abigail, she used all her tricks, endured uninterrupted damage, and stood in front of the portal without retreating or taking a step. No.

The Black Elf heroes also acted extremely decisively. They separated several defensive heroes to block the other directions of the portal. The other heroes alternately cooperated to break away from the battle with the vampire guards and evacuated from the portal as quickly as possible. …

Facing the retreat of the black elves, the vampire guards did not get too entangled. They maintained a formation that was convenient for support and cooperation, and continued to surround the enemies who could remain on the battlefield.

After a small part of the black elf heroes withdrew, Feigmina finally couldn't withstand the fierce attacks of the two level 16 heroes, especially the explosive damage of Daliang's fire skills, mixed with the power of corruption and erosion. Unconsciously, Fegmina felt weak in various attributes.

No more waiting...

Although there were still a large number of subordinates who had not evacuated from the portal, Feigmina still dodged and got into the portal after spraying out a cloud of poisonous mist.

Quickly closing the portal, Feigmina couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when she saw that no enemy was pursuing her. The battle just now was too thrilling. Being surrounded by two level 16 heroes was definitely not a good experience...



Five Color Flag Alliance!

After the panic, anger rose from Fegmina's chest again. At this moment, she was only thinking to take back the Golden Cave City and how to take revenge.

It is necessary to meet Michael. Facing the Five-Color Flag Alliance, the strength of the Golden Cave Black Elves is still too weak. They need the support of level 16 heroes from Yunzhong least so that the Five-Color Flag Alliance cannot send more A level 16 hero.

Feigmina, who thought she was safe, was thinking about the next strategy of the Black Elf of the Golden Cave. At this time, a Black Elf hero flew to her side and asked: "Mother, where is this place? Where are we going?"

Feigmina, who was disturbed by her thoughts, said angrily: "What place? Isn't this the Excavation City? This is the city closest to the Golden Cave City. You should immediately notify the surrounding cities to dispatch troops to the Excavation City. We have to stop it here. The enemy continues to attack...


where is this place? "

Feigmina, who was scolding her subordinates, also found that the scene here was very strange after seeing the surrounding environment. Surrounded by endless underground mountains, there is no shadow of any city at all, and for a while, it is impossible to even identify the direction.

Will this happen?

Law-level power can cut through space and accurately reach most of the places you want to go...unless the space is disturbed by powerful space heroes...

During the battle, Fegmina had no time to feel whether the space was disturbed, but looking at the current situation...the coordinates of the space she opened did have a very significant shift.

"The wrong location was transmitted... But it doesn't matter. You just need to leave Jincao City. Now I will open the coordinates leading to the Excavation City. You can go and gather the army immediately..."

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