Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1484 Tracking

After saying that, Feigmina opened a portal again.

But when the black elf heroes were about to enter, Feigmina stopped them: "Stop, the opposite side is not the excavation city, and the space here is also disturbed... How is this possible?"

At this time, a voice came from above: "Fegmina... I said, today... you can't escape."

There was a bright sound. Feigmina looked up into the sky and saw the Flame Commander flying out of an open portal, followed by another spider mother and Monica, and then those powerful blood-sucking creatures.

"You are Da Liang, Prince Feichen..." Feigmina seized any opportunity to adjust her condition, and then ordered her subordinates to retreat from the portal she had just opened. No matter where the other side of the portal is, it's better than staying here.

Da Liang unfolded the flame domain, and then threw a blazing spear at the portal behind Fegmina. A red light passed through, shattering the portal, and the escaped black elf hero stayed on the other side of the space.

Da Liang waved his subordinates to outflank the remaining black elf heroes, and then led Abigail towards Feigmina.

The battle begins again.

"Fegmina, in this world, a single level 16 hero cannot bear the heavy responsibility of the rise of the race. Building the Black Elf Kingdom is not as simple as you think. If you help Yunzhong City contain the power of the evil camp, you are destined to There is no way to integrate into the two strongest camps, they will both regard you as their enemy.

Even if I don't annex you today, you will end up like this one day in the future.

Now I give you the opportunity to join the Five Color Flag Alliance. "

The portal was destroyed. Feigmina waited for the skill time to reset and opened another one, but the coordinates were interfered with and she could no longer find the subordinates who had just left. Covering the evacuation of the remaining subordinates, Feigmina said to Daliang while trying her best to resist: "Don't think about asking me to surrender. Since the Dark Dragon has decided to make black elves a mainstream race, it will not let you steal his child." civil.

I believe that the Dark Dragon will never give me the power of a Black Elf Mistress.

After I establish the Black Elf Kingdom, he will definitely give me more level 16 spider mothers! "

Da Liang broke through the heavy shields, pressed Fegmina with the power of the Dark Blazing Sword, and leaned close to her and said: "The Dragon of Darkness will indeed not give you the power of the Black Elf Mistress... See the one beside me This spider mother?

Her name is Abigail and she now takes orders from Monica.

There is another spider mother named Ingram... Unfortunately, she was sealed by me just after she obtained the power of the Dark Dragon.

You are the last one.

No matter how great the Dark Dragon is, it is impossible for him to create the fourth Black Elf Spider Mother in a short time...

The black elf race...I'm sure of it. Only under my leadership can you truly stand up and be respected by the world. "

Daliang's words were like a heavy blow to Feigmina... When leading the black elves of the Golden Cave, what she felt the most was the pressure. She has to face seven dungeon kings. Although the invasion of World Factory prevents the kings from concentrating on dealing with the black elves of the Golden Cave, the war will end one day and what needs to be faced must be faced.

Fegmina did not want other spider mothers to appear to dilute her rule over the black elves, but she also hoped that other spider mothers would share the pressure she was under.

Now it seems... It's not that there are no other black elf matrons who have obtained the power of the Dark Dragon, but that they have all been poisoned.

I could have established the Black Elf Kingdom more easily...

The distraction caused Fegmina to be hit hard by Da Liang, and her body was penetrated many times by Abigail.

The crisis of survival made Feigmina dare not continue fighting, so she seized the opportunity to hide in the portal...

After closing the portal and looking at the few subordinates left, Feigmina waited for her skills to cool down and opened a portal again. After feeling the coordinates behind the portal, she couldn't help but cursed: "Damn, the space has been destroyed. Interference, heroes with space expertise can locate my teleportation coordinates."

After discovering that she was being tracked, Feigmina immediately searched around and saw a portal opening not far away, and Da Liang and Abigail... were chasing them again.

The flame domain unfolded again, lighting up the dark space like the sun.

At this time, Feigmina also saw the appearance of the space-specialized hero who could track her.

She was completely black and blended into the dark underground space. Even with dark vision, it was not easy to find her. Her body exudes the aura of a 15th-level creature, and her limbs are sharp swords. At this time, there were two other identical creatures standing with her, guarding her safety.


The battle once again started in a strange underground space.

This time Fegmina was not in a hurry to open the portal and escape, because as long as there was a level 15 hero with that space specialty, she would never be able to teleport to where she wanted to go, and she would also be followed by her pursuers.

She must be killed!

But with two level 16 heroes entangled, how can it be easy to raid a high-level hero who is far away from the battlefield and focused on defense?

Fegmina tried to attack Yesha several times, but was blocked in time by Daliang, who focused on protecting Yeshe. Ye Feng and Ye Guang were also by Ye Shi's side. They did not enter the state of "nothingness" and used the same appearance to confuse Fegmina's identification.

After being divided several times, there were not many black elf heroes left with Feigmina. During the siege by the vampire guards led by Sophia and Monica, Zheng was killed one by one.

Some of the free vampire guards turned to the siege of Fegmina. They were scattered on the periphery of the battlefield. Some used magic scrolls to set up magic circles and launched various attack magics at Fegmina. Others took out sealing items and prepared to seal Fegmina for the final time.

There were fewer and fewer subordinates around her, and Feigmina, who had attacked Ye Xi several times without success, was ready to make a last-ditch effort. She opened a portal and immediately got in regardless of where it was on the other side.

Then wait for the skill cooldown to end and open the door again to escape.

Open the portal again and again...

She bet that the opponent's hero with special space skills would make a tracking error; she bet that she could teleport to the underground city and escape with the help of the city's defenders; she bet that her remaining magic power would drain the opponent's magic power.

The night keeps tracking Fegmina. She can interfere with space, but without enough preparation time, she cannot stop Fegmina from opening the teleportation gate, and can only confuse her teleportation coordinates.

Now she is tracking a level 16 hero. Any mistake may cause her to escape, and she also has to guard against Feigmina's attack.

If you continue chasing like this, the possibility of losing you is very high.

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