Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1485 Give it your all

Ye Sha, who specializes in time and space, has extremely excellent control and affinity for space. She once again located the location where Fegmina teleported, then opened the portal and chased after her. Night Breeze and Night Light, who were closely guarding her, followed closely and got into the portal.

Ye Xie deliberately opened the portal at a random location about 500 meters away from Fegmina. In this three-dimensional space, it would be difficult for Fegmina to launch a sneak attack on Ye Xie without being able to predict. She had no intention of sneaking into the night. It would take some time to deal with three level 15 heroes at the same time, and this time would be enough for Da Liang and Abigail to come over with support.

Fegmina must open the portal without stopping to increase her chances of escaping tracking.

She stared at Ye Xi who was catching up with her. After the skill cooldown ended, she immediately opened the door and that Da Liang who came through the teleportation door was always one step slower.

"I have a plan..." After Ye Xie tracked the coordinates of the space where Fegmina left, he did not immediately open the door to pursue her. Instead, he said to Da Liang who teleported over: "You go to Golden Cave City and wait, I will send Fegmina Take it over."

After hearing Ye Zi's plan, Da Liang immediately thought of what she would do... Ye Zi had to track down Fegmina alone without backup, so the danger could be imagined.

But they have paused here. If they continue to waste time, Fegmina will open the portal in another space. In that case... she will be completely lost.

Daliang nodded and said: "Be careful...don't take risks if you don't have a chance. You are more important than Fegmina!"

"Yes, Your Highness." The night sword cut through the space and opened the portal to the Golden Cave City. Then, before Daliang and the others could teleport to the Golden Cave City, she opened another portal and chased Fegmina.

As soon as the teleportation was completed, Ye Shi saw Feigmina ducking into the open portal. If she had been a step late, she would have lost Fegmina's trace.

Ye Sha, who has the special ability of space, can almost do everything smoothly by opening a portal to this extent. The moment the portal opened by Fegmina closed, she immediately opened a new one and reached the vicinity of Fegmina's teleportation position.

Feigmina felt deeply frightened by the space control ability shown by the night. She knew her position in this cat and mouse game...

Seeing that there was only one pursuer approaching, Feigmina became more careful and cautious. When the opponent was tracking, there was a moment of pause, and then there were obvious changes in the pursuers.

Facing the night chasing her alone, Feigmina didn't take any chances and just thought about how to escape from this terrifying space-specialized hero.

The cooldown time of Fegmina's plane teleportation skill is very short. The moment the skill reset ends, she immediately opens the portal to escape.

Ye Shi once again widened the teleportation distance from Fegmina and pursued her carefully.

The two heroes chased and escaped like this, teleporting more than ten times in a row, but the night never lost Fegmina's position. But Ye Zi knows that every time she teleports, Fegmina may find an opportunity to escape.

By this time, His Highness should have completed the arrangements in Golden Cave City, and it was time to make the final arrest of Fegmina.

Seeing Fegmina opening the portal again, Ye Shi opened the portal almost simultaneously, and then the two of them flew into the portal together...

After coming out of the portal, Feigmina immediately felt that there was another person beside her. She was on guard and instinctively attacked. Then she saw the level 15 hero who was tracking her. This time, she actually saw her through the portal. around.

Fegmina opened the portal in fear. While she was worried about Da Liang rushing out from inside, she also saw the opportunity to kill this space hero.

Even if he couldn't kill her, injuring her severely would cause errors in her spatial tracking.

Taking a risk, Fegmina speeded up her attack frequency. She was prepared to resist the attacks of Da Liang and Abigail, and also to kill this deadly pursuer...

The Shadow Dragon Demon, who can use four swords, is also a hero with high attack speed. When the four swords hit the spider mother's eight spider claws, the impact sound was as dense as a rainstorm hitting bluestone. The dragon's physique makes Yeshi no weaker than Feigmina in terms of strength and skills, but there is an insurmountable gap between level 16 and level 15 after all.

In order to facilitate the use of skills, Ye Xie did not let Ye Guang and Ye Feng follow her, so that when she and Fegmina fought at close range, she was instantly at a disadvantage. She was riddled with various negative states and toxins. Even though Ye Xie was not stabbed during the battle, her blood volume was reduced as quickly as the medicine in a syringe.

In the end, Ye Shi was disturbed by various negative states, and when her movements became sluggish, her body was pierced by Fegmina's eight pointed legs at the same time.

The vital signs disappeared and the blood volume cleared...

Finally killed her!

Although things went smoothly, Fegmina couldn't imagine it, but this tracker with special skills in time and space did die in front of her. Without this hateful creature interfering with the space, Feigmina would have the confidence to escape to safety even if she was besieged by Da Liang and Abigail again.

Feigmina pulled out her claws from Ye Xue's body, letting her body fall to the ground below, and then Fegmina opened the portal to the excavation city.

The coordinates are correct... Fegmina, who had been nervous, suddenly became relaxed, as if she was gradually regaining control of the war. Just the moment Fegmina walked into the portal, she seemed to see the fallen body floating.

But before Fegmina could see clearly, she had already passed through the portal and reached the other side of the space.

She saw an underground city, and the thick smoke floating everywhere showed that a war had just occurred here.

Could it be that the excavation city was also attacked by the black elves of the Thorny River?

But Fegmina soon discovered that this city was much larger than the excavation city, and the surrounding splendid cave walls were so familiar...

This...this is Golden Cave City! How can this be!

Looking at this familiar city, Fegmina couldn't believe what she was seeing. He clearly opened the portal leading to the excavation city. When entering the portal, he also sensed the coordinates on the other side of the space.

I should be in the Excavation City, why would I appear in the Golden Cave City...

Although she didn't know why she appeared in the Golden Cave City, Feigmina knew that she must have been plotted by the hero with special space skills. She must have used some method to change the actual location of the portal and let herself fall into the trap.

Fegmina quickly opened the space and prepared to escape, but found that the portal was forcibly closed before it could be opened.

"Damn... that hero with special space skills is not dead."

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