Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1486 Seal Feigmina

Level 16 heroes have the ability to forcibly tear apart space. If you want to restrict them from moving in space, you not only need a special magic circle, but also need a high-level hero with space expertise to preside over the operation of the magic circle.

After realizing that she could not open the portal, Feigmina immediately looked around.

At this time, there are still sporadic battles in Jincao City, but they are no longer relevant to the overall situation. The Black Elves of Thorn River have truly occupied the city. They controlled all the outer city walls and set up assembleable and mobile magic amplifying devices on the walls.

At this time, all the magic amplifying devices on the city wall opened their magic eyes to the sky above the city. The flow of magic energy emitted from the magic eyes combined to form circles of magic arrays in the air, jointly sealing the entire space of Golden Cave City.

High above the city, the space hero who should have been killed was resurrected and teleported for some reason.

Feigmina is very sure that she should be completely dead... But now she is alive and well, still under heavy protection, presiding over the operation of the entire space confinement circle, making it impossible for 16th-level heroes to break through The space barrier leaves here.

Daliang and Abigail, who were in the flame command state, were in the nearby airspace, and all the heroes and ultimate creatures of the Black Elf of the Thorn River were flying around them.

Figmina was surrounded by people, alone and helpless.

Not only were the black elves of the Golden Cave unable to save her, but also Cloud City... Even if Michael wanted to help, the war in Furnace City made her afraid to allocate any of her forces.

At the end of her rope, Fegmina suddenly felt that the world had abandoned her. She prayed to the Dragon of Darkness, but received no response.

Da Liang was not in a hurry to attack Fegmina, nor did he expand the flame field. The fire in the city provided enough brightness for the aerial battlefield. He said to Feigmina from a distance: "Mother Fegmina, I have been preparing for this day for so long, and I will not let you escape from my hands.

I once promised Mother Ingram that after I completely control the black elf race, I would release her... to assist Monica in co-leading the black elf kingdom into the mainstream world.

My promise is also valid for you.

As long as you accept my seal without resistance, I guarantee that Monica will accept the black elves of the Golden Cave and release you after establishing the black elf kingdom.

If you still resist at this time...then I will imprison you until...I will forget you. "

In the situation before her, Feigmina knew that the possibility of her escape was almost zero. In the fierce battle between the good camp and the evil camp, the black elf was targeted by the Five Color Flag Alliance and had no choice but to admit his misfortune.

Black elves are a race with a strong desire for power, but it also makes them better at sizing up the situation, being patient when they know they are at a disadvantage, and then rising up when they are strong enough.

Therefore, after being surrounded, Feigmina, like Ingram, had no determination to fight to the end.

Fegmina asked: "How do I know... are you lying to me, just like you have been lying to me again and again. If I had not trusted you at the beginning, Golden Cave City and I would not have ended up where we are today."

Daliang said: "I just said... you, a spider mother, cannot lead the black elves to stand here. Without me, your end will only be worse.

After the faction war is over, the Seven Kingdoms will definitely attack the black elves, and you will definitely be sealed forever.

Follow me...the black elves will get the support of the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Kingdom of Death, and the ideal of founding the country can be realized. As for whether I will deceive you?

What else do you have for me to deceive? "

Daliang's last words were very heartbreaking, but Fegmina thought about it carefully... After the black elves of the Golden Cave were completely annexed by the opponent, she would have nothing but law-level power.

As long as he agrees to accept the seal and wait for release, his law-level power will also be obtained by the other party...

There really is nothing to be scammed about.

Anyway, the law-level hero will not be killed. The flexible black elf knows how to choose between a permanent seal and a temporary seal.

Fegmina finally made the same decision as Ingram. As long as she could be released...her life would be enough to kill Monica, who had not understood the law level.

"Dear Your Highness, maybe taking some time off is not a bad thing for me. I sincerely hope that in your hands, the Black Elf can become a force that the world cannot ignore.

But I still have a question...

Obviously I opened the portal leading to the excavation city, why was I teleported here? And... I obviously killed her, why did she come back to life again? "

Fegmina asked, pointing to the night sky.

Daliang smiled and said: "You have two questions, but I choose not to answer them. Before we become truly reliable allies, I will be ready to seal you again at any time, so when you want to betray me, you'd better think I wonder if I can escape from my hands after my failure.

If you are ready, the sealing begins immediately.

I'll put you next to Ingram so... you won't be too lonely. "

When she didn't get an answer, Fegmina gave Daliang a sharp look. The two questions she wanted to ask were to prepare for the next fight with Daliang. That space hero was really too tricky.

If she is immortal, then really consider the price of betrayal.

The vampire guards in charge of the seal approached Fegmina with sealing props. Under the watchful eyes of Da Liang, Abigail and many Black Elf heroes of Thorn River, Feigmina did not dare to play any tricks. She put away her spider legs to show that she gave up resistance, and then allowed the vampire guards to lock her in a seal. in the ball.

The war in Jincao City is over.

The Black Elves of Thorny River achieved a key victory in the unification battle of the Black Elves.

As the biggest obstacle to Monica's unification of the black elf race, after Fegmina was sealed, the blocked golden cave black elves became the fat in her mouth. It was only a matter of time before she accepted the golden cave black elf group and territory. .

After asking for instructions from Daliang, Monica entered the main palace of Jincao City to formally occupy this gold-rich city. Next, she will not only attack other cities of the Golden Cave Black Elf, but also send troops into other dungeon kingdoms.

According to the plan that Daliang had already made, the enemy of the black elves in the Thorn River was the black elves. Before other scattered black elf tribes could react, they were forcibly annexed and the separate black elf races were united into one force.

At the same time, Monica also wants to march into the wild areas and bring this infinitely vast underground world into her own territory.

A powerful black elf kingdom borders all the underground city kingdoms. With the support of the Five Color Flag Alliance, the seven kingdoms will treat this rising new underground kingdom with caution.

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