Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1487 Time and Space

The victory in the Golden Cave City War gave Daliang an important vote to influence the decision-making level of Endless Labyrinth. In addition, the money from Shangjiang can buy the support of the swamp. If the Kingdom of Death wants to replace Hell and lead the evil camp, all it has to do is wait for the furnace. The result of the city is over.

Now, in Daliang's strategy...only the Furnace City War is left.

Seal Michael and establish a new world order.

Then welcome the coming of God.

Da Liang, who transformed from the Flame Commander form back to the Human Priest form, slowly flapped his fallen angel wings and flew over the Golden Cave City. He looked at the fires all over the city and the fighting that gradually stopped, but his heart was filled with thoughts about the future. .

What challenges will God’s arrival bring to your journey?

At this time, Ye Shi adjusted the running space magic circle, opened the portal and moved the sealed ball imprisoning Fegmina to a safe area, and then she came to Da Liang: "Your Highness... Fegmina is already transporting it to the Great Tomb. On the way. At this moment, a level 16 hero is trying to break through the space confinement we have set up and enter the Golden Cave City. Do you want to continue to block it?"

Daliang first asked Yeshe: "Although we successfully sealed Feigmina, I am not satisfied with you disobeying my orders... You should know how much impact a high-level hero with space expertise can have on a war.

Any accident on your part will be an immeasurable loss to the Black Fire Territory, and will put us at a serious disadvantage in the space confrontation.

I don't want you to do this again next time, especially if you haven't fully mastered the time-based skills yet. "

Yezi's specialty is the track of time and space. In addition to controlling space, she can also control time. But it is much more difficult to control time than to control space...

In the battle with Fegmina, Yezi used space skills to connect all the space coordinates within thirty meters around her to the Golden Cave City. Therefore, no matter where Fegmina opens the portal to, as long as her space control If her ability is lower than Ye Xi, she will be sent to Golden Cave City.

After completing the space trap, Ye Shi released the time skill - "Time Counterflow" on herself at the moment she was killed by Fegmina.

This is also the reason why Night is resurrected from the dead. After Fegmina thought she killed Night and abandoned her body, the effect of time reversal brought Night back to the state before she was killed.

However, Ye Xie's control over time is immature, and the time she can reverse the flow is very short, and there is a random interval for the time she can reverse the flow. If she is "resurrected" and Fegmina does not leave, then she may be killed again...

Therefore, Yesha took a huge risk by setting up a space trap this time.

In Daliang's eyes, regardless of personal feelings, the value of Night is much higher than that of Fegmina. Even if Fegmina runs away this time, she won't be able to cause much trouble under the general environment, but she just needs to be more careful.

If Ye Sha died, all strategies of the entire Black Fire Territory would be reduced, and more manpower, material resources, and time would be wasted on space defense, and it would not be as convenient as Ye Sha.

In response to Daliang's scolding, Yezi lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "Yes, Your Highness... I know the mistakes I made. When I saw Julian, Juliet, Monica, and Sophia beside Your Highness being entrusted with important responsibilities, I Too eager to express myself.”

The heroes Ye Zi mentioned are all attendants who are following Daliang now or in the past.

Now Monica has led the black elf race to a significant victory and is about to establish the black elf kingdom and become the first black elf queen; Julian is Daliang's guardian angel and is in charge of the Angel Alliance for Daliang; Juliet can merge with Julian to become The 16th-level Arbitration Angel was also reused by Da Liang.

Sophia commands the vampire maids and vampire guards, and serves as Daliang's personal attendant. She naturally has a high status, and is often assigned to complete some important tasks.

And the night...

As a hero who followed Daliang in the early days, compared to other heroes, he has little sense of existence. Most of the time, she enters a state of "nothingness", hiding beside Daliang, performing counter-assassination and space defense.

Because her abilities were so special, Daliang tried his best not to let her participate in too dangerous battles, so that Ye Guang and Ye Feng, who joined later, took on more missions from Daliang than Yesha.

This made Ye Zi, when chasing Feigmina, think that Fegmina must not be allowed to escape, which would make her look... very incompetent in the hero sequence of the Black Fire Territory.

Daliang didn't expect that his protection of Ye Xie would actually make her a little emotional.

Da Liang said to Ye Xi: "No one can replace your position beside me. I dare to go anywhere at will just because you are by my side. Your spatial ability allows me to avoid any danger without worrying about being unable to escape."

I can send Monica to Songjiang City to be the city lord and lead the black elves to establish a kingdom.

I can let my guardian angels Julian and Juliet go where I need them to fight for me...

When meeting some special guests, I will ask Sophia and the guards to avoid them.

But I never dare to let you leave my side at will.

Think about how many times someone has tried to teleport to me, only to be blocked by you... That's your job.

Just like now... not even a level 16 hero can approach me across space. Your safety is my safety. Stop doing impulsive things. What I need is a calm night, not a corpse that makes me sad. "

Ye Xi saluted Daliang respectfully: "Your is my honor to be so valued by you, and I promise not to make today's mistake again."

"Okay..." Daliang waved his hand, ending this somewhat sensational conversation, and then said: "Since we have a level 16 hero visiting now, let him come in.

Jincao City is mine, no one can take it away! "

Since losing Golden Cave City, King Scripps has been thinking about recapturing it all the time. This golden cave is the most important source of funds for the Darkwing Kingdom. With the Golden Cave City... the Darkwing Kingdom has gold coins that can be squandered at will to maintain a huge army, maintain a vast territory, and then laugh at other kingdoms that dig stones.

After losing the Golden Grotto City, the Darkwing Kingdom immediately felt uncomfortable. How could King Scripps, who was used to being a spendthrift, endure a life of careful calculation every day?

Therefore, after the Golden Cave City was occupied by the black elves, King Scripps sent a large number of assassins and spies to the Golden Cave City to search for information about the Golden Cave City and look for opportunities to take back the Golden Cave.

Because of the existence of these spies, when Monica led the Black Elves of Thorn River to attack Golden Cave City, King Scripps immediately knew this information.

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