Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1490 Alliance on the City

King Scripps, who had seen the truth clearly, said to Daliang in a cold tone: "If you don't consider that Golden Grotto City is my city, His Highness's layout in this incident is really admirable.

There's just one thing I don't understand...

According to my intelligence, the undead army that appeared on the battle line was lent to Fegmina by the Eviscerating Lord of the Kingdom of Death. How did you make the undead army on the battle line obey your orders, or... why did the Eviscerate Lord cooperate with the Five-Color Flag Alliance, even at the expense of the interests of the allies, to defend the battle line for you.

Their existence prevented me from regaining an inch of land. "

Daliang replied: "Because it was originally Shangjiang's army... The leader of that undead army was the Lord of Jiading - Marquis Stanley. The Eviscerating Monarch just cooperated with us to strategically deceive Fegmina. The entire planning and implementation of the war was run by me.

I hope it doesn’t affect the relationship between Kingdom of the Dead and Endless Labyrinth.

As for Golden Cave City... I hope we can reach a tacit understanding here. The relationship between the First Empire of the main world and the Darkwing Kingdom can continue to be maintained. I think Your Majesty also hopes to get more dwarf weapons to arm your army. After all, you still have a war with the World Factory to fight.

The ownership of Jincao City depends entirely on their own fists.

It belongs to whoever occupies it. "

Entering formal negotiations, King Scripps quickly stated his conditions: "With the current battle line as the boundary, the armies of the Black Elves and the Five Color Flag Alliance are not allowed to move forward further.

At the same time, the territory of the Darkwing Kingdom that you occupy still belongs to me, and I have the right to take it back by any means.

You are responsible for delivering one-half of the gold produced by the Golden Cave every day to my Dragon Cave City.

Finally...give Fegmina to me. "

The conditions proposed by King Scripps can be said to be an advantage. Only oneself is allowed to attack, and the Black Elves and the Five Color Flag Alliance are not allowed to attack, which reduces the pressure on the battle line with the Black Elves.

Divide half of the gold output from the Golden Cave and use it to arm your own army.

And if you ask for Fergmina, you can split the black elf race at any time.

Of course, it was impossible for Daliang to agree to such harsh conditions: "Your Majesty, please see clearly the challenges you are facing now. These conditions you have proposed are forcing me to take advantage of your weakness to destroy the Dark Wing Kingdom.

And although I don't like to use war to solve problems, it makes me anxious. I don't mind marching to Dragon Cave City now. "

The threatened Scripps stared, the vertical pupils of the dragon's eyes emitted a frightening light, and the aura of a level 16 hero burst out: "Are you going to provoke a war between the evil camp and the Five Color Flag Alliance?"

Daliang said forcefully: "When we fight, the Five Color Flag Alliance will fully support me. And you... I guarantee that you will not get support from the evil camp.

Hell itself cannot protect itself and has no ability to help you.

Then the realm of the dead will fight for me, and the swamps...will fight for me. "

King Scripps stared at Da Liang, thinking about what he said... If a war breaks out between him and Da Liang, the Five Color Flag Alliance will definitely support him. Swamp wetland? The gold coins in Shangjiang City will make them forget their position. And the kingdom of death...

Although Daliang said that the Eviscerated Lord did not play a major role in the Golden Cave City plan, he was the most critical one. It was impossible for him not to know the entire plan, but he still helped Daliang deceive Fegmina.

The relationship between the Kingdom of Death and the Five-Color Flag Alliance has become very difficult to fathom.

But it was obvious that the Eviscerating Lord did not take his ally to heart.

On the premise that the World Factory has not been driven out of the endless maze, the Darkwing Kingdom must not fight another war!

King Scripps regained his momentum and said: "Then I will change the condition. Within one year, the fighting line will cease fighting, and the armies of both sides will retreat thirty kilometers back.

Shangjiang City cannot restrict the supply of weapons to the Darkwing Kingdom.

The First Empire of the main world wants to provide an interest-free loan of three billion gold coins to the Darkwing Kingdom.

Give me Fegmina. "

Daliang smiled and said: "The money... won't be lent to you, for fear that you won't pay it back. Fegmina can't give it to you either. The reason... you know very well.

I can promise you the rest. Anyway, I'm not very interested in war, I'm only interested in making money. "

Scripps knew that he had no bargaining power, and he was content to get a rest period with the Black Elves. Within a year, he would solve all the problems in World Factory, and then he would look back and think about how to take back Golden Cave City.

"Well... it would be good for both of us to have a truce." King Scripps compromised. He couldn't get anything more anyway: "I hope you can send someone to Dragon Cave City as soon as possible to discuss the truce together. matters and jointly sign the armistice proclamation.”

Da Liang has no need for more land in the Endless Labyrinth, and a one-year truce period is enough for him. When the new world order is established, if King Scripps wants to fight the black elves, he must first ask the three planes of order if they agree.

Of course Da Liang disagreed.

"I am very happy to see that a dispute has reached our consensus before the war breaks out. A one-year truce period may allow us to completely resolve the conflict. King Scripps, I sincerely invite you to the Golden Cave City. Government visit.

Even though the war has just happened here, I'm sure we'll be able to host a banquet befitting your status soon. "

The scar on King Scripps' face trembled. He refused Daliang's invitation and said: "Congratulations on defeating Fegmina. This is your banquet to celebrate your victory. I will not attend...

But please remember!

Golden Cave City is my city, no matter what kind of enemies I have to face, one day... I will take it back. "

King Scripps said a harsh word and left through the portal that opened behind him. The dragons of the King's Guard also evacuated from the portal one by one with caution. Soon the portal closed, leaving only Da Liang and his guards in the sky.

With the armistice agreement reached between Daliang and King Scripps, Monica can focus entirely on the battle to unify the black elves, and the black elf kingdom can be established faster.

"Notify Marquis Stanley to continue to stay in place, pay close attention to the movements of the Dark Wing King's army, and be careful of their sneak attacks. Spread the wings appropriately and drive the black elves towards the Golden Cave City.

Thirty kilometers behind the battle line, look for terrain conducive to defense and establish a fortress... Be ready to destroy the current garrisoned city and retreat at any time.

Finally, the old Marquis was invited to Jincao City.

Let's talk about how to distribute the gold here. "

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