Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1491 Decisive Battle in Furnace City

Just as Daliang and Marquis Stanley were discussing how to distribute the gold coins produced in Golden Cave City, Michael on the battlefield in Furnace City also completed preparations for the attack.

Under the leadership of the Angel Legion, the entire army of the good camp that participated in the battle on the battlefield of Furnace City launched an attack on the defense line of the Hell Army. Under the influence of magic, the lava river set off huge waves dozens of meters high and hit the evil army. The evil army also used magic to make the lava in the river roll in the opposite direction, shattering the incoming lava waves.

Soon dark clouds covered the entire fighting area, and the heavy rain fell into the lava river and turned into steam, stirring the air upward to form an impactful heat flow. The flying creatures in the good camp that had just entered the battlefield were forced to retreat, waiting for their own mages to use air magic to blow away the rain clouds.

The offensive and defensive sides competed with each other for magical power, and large-scale magic burst out alternately, forming fragmented space cracks in the air.

The ground troops of the good camp rode on the floating islands after the lava cooled down the river from the upper reaches. These floating islands have been transformed for offensive and defensive purposes. The low walls can provide certain cover for the soldiers; there is a strong gun emplacement in the middle of the wall with an arrow tower and a catapult; some large floating islands are also accompanied by mage groups, equipped with Alchemy equipment with various functions.

The Behemoth beast stood on the floating island and roared, and the Titan threw thunderbolts and lightning at the enemy's defenses.

Angels and dragons pierced the sky, and after the air flow stabilized... griffins, Pegasus knights, thunderbirds, and gargoyles swarmed toward the Furnace City.

The armies of the good camp launched a full-scale attack, attacking the defensive positions set up by the evil camp layer by layer.

In the palace of Furnace City, Lucifer summoned his important generals together, including the two fallen angel kings and the sin demon king Morgan.

Lucifer, who was sitting on the throne, tried his best to maintain his majesty as the Lord of Hell, but the sudden deterioration of the battle situation made him still look worried.

The development of events completely exceeded his expectations.

He went to the birth pool and told Metatron his guess about Michael, in order to split Cloud City and let Michael's backyard catch fire, so as to reduce the pressure of the war in the Furnace City.

Based on his understanding of Metatron, as a conservative supreme angel, after receiving the news, he would definitely scale back his support to the Crucible City and base his strategic focus on Yunzhong based on Michael's various actions. On the defense of the city.

And Michael will definitely question Metatron.

If Michael really has a problem, then Cloud City will definitely fall into a divided civil war. At that time, Hell will reverse the defeat and wait for an opportunity to attack Yunzhong City.

Even if Michael is fine, it will take some time for her to prove herself. Then she will discover that her real enemy is the Five Color Flag Alliance that has quietly risen; it is Daliang who has completely destroyed the strategic advantage she spent countless time, energy, and financial resources to create.

Hell will get time to rest and be able to devote its energy to solving the problems of the kingdom of death.

After Michael has dealt with the threat of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance and Lucifer has stabilized the good and evil camp, he will become a good man again!

However... the development of things was completely wrong.

At first, the good camp temporarily stopped attacking, allowing Lucifer to think that his plan had succeeded. But what followed was... the largest attack since the outbreak of the Crucible City War.

The outer defense line of Furnace City was quickly broken through, and the Angel Legion was approaching Furnace City. There are calls for help from Lucifer everywhere, but there are not so many reinforcements in Furnace City. The troops left behind by Despair City and Daliang have long since been filled in by Lucifer into the bottomless pit of this war. If they are sent again, they will be his real wealth.

Lucifer regretted a little, why he had listened to Daliang and lost his mind.

Take down Michael?

She probably killed me myself before Michael was finished.

At this time, the battle situation ahead showed that the three Super Cross Aerial Fortresses of the Angel Legion had entered the battlefield and were heading directly towards the Furnace City. Lucifer knew what Michael was doing...

This was a decisive battle, and Michael couldn't help but take action himself.

Lucifer summoned Macaulay, who had been promoted to the Angel of Sin, from outside the hall, and said: "Notify the Demon King of World Destruction, the Demon King of Power Desire, and the Demon King of Jealousy that hell needs them to perform their duties as the Lord King of Hell... No matter what What are they going to do? I hope they can come to Furnace City..."

Lucifer knew that Daliang, Howard, and Angela had formed a group of hell lords. They have not appeared here since the outbreak of the Crucible City War. They firmly control the City of Despair and do not send a single reinforcement to the Crucible City. Hell's current predicament was caused by Daliang himself.

Therefore, if you want to solve the immediate trouble, you still need to invite Daliang.

Macaulay has some knowledge of what happened, and knows what role Daliang plays in the relationship between the planes. He didn't know if he could complete the task assigned by Lucifer, but he still replied: "Yes, my king... I will try my best to convince the Demon King of Destruction."

Macaulay left, and Lucifer stood up from the throne. He reached out and held the flaming Doomsday Blade in his hand, and then said to his brothers and subordinates: "Although the fallen angels and I were not born in hell, But our determination to guard hell is the same as that of every demon, and our hatred of angels is stronger than that of demons.

This battle is not only a feud between me and Michael, but also a battle of life and death in hell.

At this moment, I am willing to stand together with all the demon warriors who are willing to guard hell, using the fire of hell and our blood to jointly push this epic war to a new peak.

At any cost...

Guard the Crucible City!

Guard hell! "

In the hall, all the heroes, regardless of fallen angels or hell demons, pulled out their weapons and raised them high, shouting: "Guard the Furnace City!

Guard hell! "

Then more than a dozen hell portals opened, and the heroes, who were ready to fight, walked into the portals together.

After the heroes were all gone, Lucifer stopped King Beria and whispered: "Go and get the cursed armor."

King Belia was stunned for a moment and said worriedly: "We have been using cursed armor to corrode the crystal wall of the God's Plane for these thousand years. Under the current situation, the crystal wall of the God's Plane will be opened by the cursed armor at any time.

If we take out the cursed armor now, all these thousand years of hard work will be in vain. I think we should consider the issue of retreat... As long as we can open the divine plane, even if Furnace City is defeated, we still have a chance to come back. "

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