Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1492 The worst plan

Unlike Michael, who absorbed divine power and cut a crack in the crystal wall of the God's plane. Lucifer used the properties of the artifact to curse the armor, and used the patience of "grinding an iron pestle into a needle" to corrode the crystal wall of the God's plane bit by bit.

Of course, this method does not need to worry about the backlash of divine power, but the cursed armor has to stay on the crystal wall of the god plane.

Even when Satan attacked the Furnace City, Lucifer did not think of removing the cursed armor from the crystal wall of the plane of God. But facing Michael, Lucifer decided to take out the cursed armor after much hesitation...

Regarding Beria's suggestion, Lucifer said: "Michael and I have both fallen into Da Liang's layout. The Kingdom of Death has not moved yet. It is obvious that there is a bigger plan.

I understand Daliang. His lack of movement means everything is under his control. Neither I nor Michael can escape. Since he watched Michael win this war, it meant... that he had completed all preparations to bring down Michael.

Metatron was his man.

And we are the victims.

Our only task now is to survive in this war.

The study of the divine plane is no longer important. I estimate that the obelisk tower lost by Yunzhong City in the Kingdom of Death is in the hands of Da Liang... Do you think he will let us continue to study the divine plane? "

King Beria couldn't believe Lucifer's analysis. He said: "I admit that what Daliang did was really unexpected. Maybe he really found the crystal wall of the plane of God and snatched the obelisk tower of the kingdom of death, but How could he convince Metatron?

We all know Metatron, he will never betray Cloud City and Angel.

Even if Daliang can prove that Michael is no longer a holy angel, Metatron will not take any precautions against Daliang and let Michael lead the angels to attack us with all his strength.

I think it’s better to be cautious. The research on the divine plane is related to the future of fallen angels. "

Lucifer said very firmly: "According to the latest intelligence, Daliang is building a Golden Cave City occupied by the black elves in the Endless Labyrinth.

King Scripps was unable to see the full extent of Daliang's entire plan until the end.

Therefore... Da Liang is in the mood to grab a golden cave in the Endless Maze, which means that everything on the battlefield in Furnace City is going according to his plan. To bring down Michael, he must get Metatron's support.

I don’t know how Da Liang persuaded Metatron to cooperate with Michael in launching this war.

But I know that if we continue to fight this war the normal way, we are really screwed. most trusted brother.

A war between level 16 heroes is about to break out on the battlefield of Furnace City. Michael feels very dangerous to me. I don’t know if equipped with Cursed Armor and Doomsday Blade, he is her opponent...

I'll give you a task.

After the battle breaks out, I will arrange the demons to go to the front, and you choose the potential fallen angels to stay in the rear. I will fight with all my strength. If I am defeated by Michael, you will immediately take Satan and the selected fallen angels to the City of Despair...

Da Liang would not wait for Michael to attack the city of Despair before implementing his plan.

Tell him that I have terminated my research on the divine plane and that he will need you. The fallen angels will continue to exist there... and become stronger. "

Beria heard that Lucifer was extremely pessimistic about this battle. It seemed that even if he was equipped with two top-level artifacts, he had no confidence that he could defeat Michael. But there was no hatred for Daliang in his words. Instead, he planned to hand the fallen angel into Daliang's hands.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Lucifer smiled and said: "If I lose, the devil will definitely find a way to release Satan. And the first thing Satan will do when he comes out is to destroy the fallen angels. Metatron also wants to destroy the fallen angels. I'm afraid the Sad Pope doesn't want it either. One day a fallen angel rescued me from being sealed.

At that time, only Daliang could suppress the devil and accept Satan and dare to accept you.

Although we were miserably deceived by Daliang, sometimes...he is still trustworthy.

Remember, don’t try to rescue me from the seal without Da Liang’s permission. "

Listening to Lucifer seeming to be explaining his affairs made Beria feel very uncomfortable. He was once a supreme angel, but in order to follow Lucifer, he chose to fall. Lucifer also gave him enough trust to be responsible for recruiting fallen angels, and even the research on the divine plane was handed over to him.

Now Lucifer gave him an even greater burden.

Beria replied: "King Lucifer, I know what to do."

After taking a deep breath, Lucifer regained his kingly posture: "Don't be so depressed, I'm just used to preparing for the worst. If I defeat Michael, then I will definitely teach him a lesson that deceives and exploits him. my guy.

Let's go... let's fight like brothers. "

Behind Lucifer and Beria, the Gate of Hell opened, and they walked into the Gate of Hell... When the Gate of Hell opened again, they appeared above the Furnace City.

At this time, the Furnace City was suspended high above the Abyss Furnace. In the trapezoidal city, the elite hell army built a three-dimensional defense system with the magic tower as the core.

In the airspace outside the city, all the fallen angels took off, and then divided into groups to guard their respective areas in an orderly manner. More demons stood in the air, their positions scattered, but their morale was high.

The outer airspace of Furnace City has been occupied by angels, and three Super Cross Air Fortresses are parked less than three kilometers away from the city. The angelic legions were scattered in the air, surrounding the Furnace City from all directions.

Lucifer and Beria flew to the highest position in the city and met with another fallen angel king, Willard, and the sin demon king, Morgan.

At this time, Michael also left her Super Cross Air Fortress. She spread out her blazing wings and flew towards Lucifer, with the sacred wings guarding her on both sides.

Gabriel and the other two supreme angels also surrounded him from other directions.

Four supreme angels versus four lord kings of hell.

Throughout the battlefield of Furnace City, the sound of explosions shook the earth, various magics flashed, and magma pillars rose from the lava river. The offensive and defensive sides were fighting in full swing. The floating islands collided with each other, and the warriors who fell into the lava turned into balls of fire. The intensity of the war was beyond words.

But the airspace around the Furnace City was quiet. The ultimate warriors from both sides formed a confrontation here, and the low-level flying units stayed away from this place.

Lucifer had put on the pitch-black cursed armor, and all the hostile warriors on the battlefield were subject to several cursed states. The good camp's offensive immediately weakened, and the defending evil army finally had time to breathe.

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