Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1493 The collision of flames

Michael unfolded his blazing wings, with a relaxed expression, as if he had already secured victory. Facing Lucifer, the former traitor in Yunzhong City and now her old enemy, her expression showed no hatred or resentment. Instead, she acted like an old friend who had been friends for many years.

With a smile on her face, Michael stretched out her hands to show the battlefield beneath her feet.

On the lava river, huge waves surged into the sky, and various roars seemed to shake the sky. Looking at the magma splashing high and falling down, one can't help but worry for the soldiers fighting in this environment.

But Michael seemed to enjoy the pleasure this killing brought to her.

She said to Lucifer: "In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy will become a laughing stock. My power is not something that you... and Da Liang can understand.

You think that some small means can allow you to obtain short-term benefits, but this is exactly pushing you to a dead end step by step.

If you had not overthrown Satan in hell, I would never have been able to defeat the evil camp so easily.

If Daliang does not want to support the kingdom of death to take the place of hell, an army of death will keep this war going for a long time.

If you don't go to Metatron and tell him all the identities of Da Liang... I won't see through your bluff, and I won't make up your mind to fight a decisive battle.

Your failure is that you are too smart, but you are also short-sighted, self-righteous, obsessed with fighting for power and profit, constantly fighting among yourself, and completely unable to see through the trends of the world.

The overestimating attempt to challenge me and prevent me from unifying the world.

Facts have proved that these are all in vain!

I will destroy the evil camp, the Five Color Flag Alliance, and all those who oppose me...all of them. I will become the first god in the known world and usher in the era of theocracy. "

Lucifer maintained a calm look, and his black wings were also spread out, with a wingspan comparable to Michael's. Faced with a powerful enemy and a pessimistic battle situation, he said: "Michael... I admit that this war is likely to end with your victory, and the Furnace City will also be occupied by you.

At that time, no one in the entire known plane can challenge your status, and you will become the only god in the known world.

As a former friend and now an enemy, I want to know an accurate answer from you.

If I lose, will you let the fallen angels go? Allow them to survive in a remote, barren plane, and give them a certain amount of freedom as long as they cannot threaten your rule. "

Michael chuckled and asked, "When you asked this question, you should have known how I would answer it, right?"

Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief when he got the answer. He erased an option in his mind, and his momentum exploded instantly. The cursed armor emitted black mist, the Doomsday Blade in his hand sprayed out a fire blade several meters long, and the flame field spread out...

"Michael, when I was in Yunzhong City, I was defeated by you once, but it doesn't mean that I will input it to you this time. You will be defeated by your arrogance and your contempt for me."

The best battle in the known world is about to break out. Facing Lucifer who is determined to fight to the death, Michael dare not take it lightly even if he is confident of winning. She said to the holy Isaiah behind her: "Stay behind and do not participate in the battle. Pay close attention to the movements of the Kingdom of Death. Once you find that the undead are preparing to join the battle, immediately let the Dreamland resist with all its strength.

Before I defeat Lucifer, no undead will be allowed to enter the core battlefield. "

Holy Isaiah, who was originally eager to try, immediately led the left wing guard angels under his command to retreat to the vicinity of the Super Cross Air Fortress after receiving Michael's order. Then the plane portal opened frequently, and under the command of Isaiah, groups of angels entered the portal and headed to the kingdom of death.

The back road is guarded by the Holy Isaiah who has reached critical level 16, so Michael can safely and boldly end his grudge with Lucifer.

Michael summoned his own angel sword, the blazing wings expanded outward, and the white holy flames emitted a dazzling light, like a sun descending into the dark red hell. If the fire of Doomsday Blade is like a beating war drum full of violent power; then the fire of Blazing Sky Wing is like a striking bell with huge and irresistible majesty.

The two strongest heroes unleashed their coercion infinitely, and the white and red flames formed a tide in the air like thousands of horses galloping, rushing towards the enemy.

Then two afterimages pierced the sky, and the sound of collision spread in all directions along with the spreading circular shock wave.

Michael and Lucifer launched an unprecedented battle in the sky, and battles between fallen angels, demons and angels also broke out. The three Lords of Hell faced off against the three supreme angels. Facing their destined enemies, all the ultimate warriors were determined to drive each other out.

The collision of the top artifacts created cracks in the sky that could not be closed, as if Black Wing and White Wing could never get back together.

For this world, the ongoing decisive battle in the Crucible City... is a disaster. The elites accumulated by the good and evil camps for thousands of years are constantly being consumed.

For players, this is definitely a visual feast. Although they are not qualified to participate in this war, there are many players who take risks for money, risking their lives and rushing into the battlefield to make passionate live broadcasts for players around the world.

Live broadcasts are started at various locations on the battlefield at all times, and the death of live broadcast players causes live broadcast interruptions at all times. The players gave up all activities and wandered between live broadcasts. Although they could only watch a corner of the battlefield, they could think about the greatness of this war.

Especially in the core war, the collisions that can change the color of the sky attract players' endless yearning. Although the live broadcast of the core battlefield can definitely bring high clicks, no player has been able to reach there alive so far.

Daliang also watched the live video given by the player. Of course, he could enter the Crucible City battlefield casually, and even enter the core battlefield and be welcomed by Lucifer's hands, but he still had more important things to do.

When Michael launched a decisive general attack on Furnace City, Daliang disregarded the situation and divided the gold with Marquis Stanley in Golden Grotto City and headed to Shangjiang City as quickly as possible.

On the way to join the Arbitration Angel and Holy Bella, Daliang was stopped by Macaulay as soon as he entered Shangjiang City.

At this time, Macaulay was far less energetic than before. Watching the fallen angels step by step towards the abyss of destruction, he seemed extremely decadent. While he was worried about the outcome of the battle in Crucible City, and at the same time anxiously waiting for Da Liang's return, he was in a very bad state, and the fallen angel's wings were a little messy.

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