Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1498 Salvation

Michael also did not feel the joy of winning the final victory. A city that had been fighting against him for countless years was right under his feet.

What happened was so unreal.

"Warriors of the good camp, we have won!

We have broken through the core of evil and given the light of goodness a chance to illuminate this evil world. This is a sign that the known world is about to enter a new era, in which we will dispel all shadows of evil and eliminate all evil accomplices.

This journey will be our best memory, and the fallen heroes will also be remembered by history.

All armies on the lava river have retreated to suitable areas to rest. There is still a battle waiting for us, and our attack will not give the evil any chance to breathe. "

After Michael made a brief declaration of victory, he opened a portal and left hell with the sealed Lucifer.

The crystal wall space of the extremely good god plane in the world of heroic spirits.

The moment he came in, Michael's spirit became a little sluggish.

Lucifer's desperate attack at the last moment did indeed cause serious damage to her. In order to maintain her majesty, she held on to her injuries and pretended to win easily in front of the good camp's troops.

After entering the crystal wall space of the God Plane that only he could enter, the holy flame erupting from the Blazing Sky Wings was instantly extinguished. The consumption of the full output of the artifact was really too great.

After releasing a healing spell for herself to slowly recover the lost physical strength and blood volume, Michael brought Lucifer in the seal to the front of the sword mark she made.

At this time, Lucifer, whose physical strength and magic power were all gone, fell into a deep sleep, without any awareness of what was happening in the outside world. In the seal, the holy flame will continue to consume Lucifer's recovered physical strength. As long as the holy flame does not go out, he will sleep like this forever.

Urie, who had obtained the results of the battle in Furnace City, had already prepared a disguise in advance. The white-gold divine power was pressed into the depths of the sword mark by the blood-red divine power, and the changes in his body returned to their original appearance as the divine power retreated.

Seeing Lucifer wrapped in the holy flame, Uriel couldn't help but sigh: "When Lucifer rebelled against Cloud City, I was not the supreme angel. He was the idol I worshiped. Even when he fell, I I once hesitated whether to follow him.

I didn't expect that when we meet again, it will be like this.

Michael, you won in the end and got in deeper. If you have no opponent, how do you know whether the path you are taking is correct? "

At this time, Michael was full of thoughts, including the high-spiritedness of achieving unparalleled achievements, and the emptiness caused by the sudden absence of enemies; the joy of being about to unify the world, and the worry of facing the opening of the divine plane.

After another persuasion by Uriel, Michael said: "There is no opponent, no matter what path I take, it is correct. No matter what our world will face in the future, I am the only choice.

Now that Lucifer has been sealed by me... I have completely defeated the angel's mortal enemy. Even if I show my appearance as a killing angel now, Yunzhong City can only accept my thoughts. Then Da Liang, the Five Color Flag Alliance, and the Kingdom of Death will soon be defeated by me...

At that time, I will prove you wrong and I will define goodness in the name of God. "

Urie smiled and said: "Definition of kindness? It's just that those who obey you are kind, and those who rebel against you are evil. If God is good, the world will be good... I don't think there is anything good in such a world.

I don’t think such a world should exist.

I still like the world now, and kindness is something that everyone understands but cannot be defined. "

"Then you continue here and understand what the world of the God Plane is. The rules are always made by higher-level beings. What you insist on now is simply vulnerable to divine power."

Unable to convince Uriel, Michael stopped paying attention to this dull angel. Put Uriel and Lucifer here, and the endless sacred energy will provide eternal energy to the magic circle that seals them both. An absolutely closed space, so outsiders can never find them.

Michael raised the angel sword, and the bloody divine power enveloped her.

Her eyes turned blood red and her wings turned blood color.

Originally, according to her current state, she really shouldn't continue to attack the crystal wall of the God Plane. But for thousands of years, no matter what happened, she never stopped using this sword for a day.

Today, she will not stop cutting because of her physical condition. Even if this sword can open the crystal wall of the divine plane, she will still cut down.

The killing power poured into Michael's body, and soon reached the critical point that she could bear. She continued to absorb the divine power to maximize the destructive power this sword brought to the crystal wall of the God's plane.

Then, at the moment when her body was about to collapse, she slashed hard at the sword mark made by her.

The blood-red sword light hit the crystal wall and made a dull sound, spreading towards the open crystal wall space.

At this time, something strange appeared on the sword mark in front of Michael that she had never seen in thousands of years. In the blood-red divine power, the white-gold light gradually became brighter, as if something was about to come out from inside.

Is the divine plane about to open?

This thought only flashed through Michael's mind, but she instinctively summoned a light shield to block her side, and then there was a crash, and the light shield blocked her from the sneak attack from around her.

"Urie, you actually broke the seal?"

Michael saw clearly who was attacking him. The magic circle that sealed Uriel was destroyed at some point. At this time, he was holding an angel sword and pressing it against his light shield. The white-gold light that came out of the sword marks enveloped Urie, and the holy light he emitted gradually took on a metallic luster.

At the same time, Michael felt that Uriel's strength was getting stronger and stronger, and a crack appeared in the light shield he had summoned in a hurry.

"You actually absorbed divine power!" Michael saw Uriel's change and knew that he was also affected by divine power like himself, but there was a big difference between the divine power that affected him and the divine power he had obtained. Michael swung his sword to repel Uriel and asked: "Even if you gain divine power, I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through the seal without telling me. Who saved you?"

Uriel, who was knocked away, did not rush to attack, but locked firmly on Michael to prevent her from escaping.

"Michael, no matter how strong you are, you are only one person. Even if you become a god, you cannot single-handedly lead the world against the gods on the divine plane with your dictatorial rule. Your end today is just coming early, your failure. Let the world take the path it should take.

Only the union of all dimensions, the unity of good and evil, can our world exist the way it should. "

At this time, several figures flew up from the circular alchemy platform below, surrounding Michael in the middle.

All the faces were faces that Michael had never expected yet were familiar with.


Holy Bella;

Arbitration Angel;

And... big bright!

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