Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1499 Siege of Michael

"It seems like this is a premeditated ambush?" Michael has already felt a space confinement magic, unfolding from the circular alchemy platform. The alchemy platform concentrates the highest alchemy technology in the entire Yunzhong City, so it is impossible to break through without spending some effort. The five heroes around them will not give themselves the time to concentrate on dealing with the spatial confinement. Michael turned to Da Liang and said: "I finally understand why Lucifer attacked me so desperately. He probably already knew that he was part of your plan... What a poor guy, I think even if you can really seal me, I won't rescue him either.

He was the victim in the whole scheme.

But what I can't imagine is... how did you get in, and how did you convince Metatron. This is an internal matter among Angels. He knows what kind of crisis sealing me will bring to Yunzhong City. He also knows that once the Five Color Flags Alliance forms an alliance with the evil camp controlled by the Kingdom of Death, it will burn the flames of war into all the good planes? "

Da Liang's body burned and transformed into the state of the leader of flames. With the use of precious magic scrolls, circles of magic light arrays surrounded him. He made a gesture of preparation for attack and said to Michael: " I'm sorry, Archangel, I won't waste time to let you go through the period of weakness after slashing the crystal wall of the God Plane. Otherwise, Lucifer's sacrifice will be all wasted...

If I have to explain means that those who have gained the right will get more help, while those who have lost the right will get less help.

Just stay with Lucifer and Satan and see if the world order we have established can truly bring your era to an end. "

While speaking, all the magic arrays released by Daliang were in place, and the fire magic skills were upgraded to the law level. In his hand, the blazing spear condensed, and then he threw it at Michael with all his strength.

The blazing white spear was blessed by layers of magic arrays, emitting a white light that was more dazzling than the sacred energy. The distance seemed to disappear, and a white light connected Daliang and Michael.

Encountering an ambush here was completely beyond Michael's expectation. There were really too many things that she couldn't figure out.

The crystal wall space on the plane of the supreme good god in the world of heroes can only be opened by the Blazing Wings. How did they get in?

If Metatron knew about his change in identity, he would never collude with outsiders to ambush his archangel. This would undoubtedly betray the entire angel race and put Cloud City in danger.

And Uriel, why is the divine power he comes into contact with different from his own?

But the five law-level heroes who participated in the ambush did not give Michael an answer. Through the battle in the Crucible City, they all knew how terrifying Michael's strength was. This is their only chance to defeat Michael. Any waste of time may cause the final ambush to fail.

When Daliang launched a full-strength attack on Michael, the other four law-level heroes also launched their strongest attacks on Michael without any reservation.

Uriel turned on absolute defense. All the heroes who participated in the ambush of Michael were covered with a faint light shield, and their defensive capabilities doubled. Then Uriel summoned a light shield and rushed towards Michael in the strongest defensive posture.

Although Uriel, who has absorbed the divine power of protection and tenacity, cannot activate the demigod state yet, the use of divine power can also allow him to make breakthroughs in strength within a period of time. He is no longer the supreme being who can easily smash his defenses. Angel.

Among the teams that ambushed Michael, Uriel's defensive ability and defensive skills were undoubtedly the highest, so he deservedly assumed the role of MT, staying close to Michael and sharing the damage on behalf of his teammates.

Among the ambush team, the only one who could rival Michael in combat skills was Holy Bella. Therefore, when the battle broke out, she rushed in front of Michael as quickly as possible. The most basic fighting skills showed a return to nature in her hands. She was a battle angel who had survived countless battles. She When fighting, always choose the most practical and deadly skills and techniques.

The gorgeous light and shadow effects of advanced combat skills are rarely seen in Holy Bella's battles, but the coherent attacks are more pleasing to the eye than advanced combat skills.

The erupting holy flame provides additional power to Holy Bella's movements and makes her more aggressive. Michael had to deal with the combat intuition honed from the battle of life and death.

When Uriel arrived, he and Holy Bella formed a melee attack group, defending and attacking, preventing Michael from getting close to others and not giving her a chance to break through the confinement of space.

The Arbiter is the weakest of the angels on the battlefield, but also the most special.

Julian has integrated the ultimate good power, which is a mixed power of multiple good-side powers. It is not as specific as the power absorbed by Michael and Uriel, but it is more inclusive.

Especially the sacred energy transformed by the extremely good divine power, with the assistance of the Angel Alliance, has even more dominating power.

This is the crystal wall space of the plane of the Supreme Good God. Fighting next to the crystal wall, the Arbitration Angel seems to have entered his home court.

She did not get too close to the melee battle group, but used her speed to cruise around Michael. The sacred energy was gathered by the rolling movement driven by her, forming a translucent light curtain. The special environment caused the Angel Alliance and Arbitration, which were already attracted to each other, to resonate spiritually.

Then from the light curtain composed of sacred energy, four angels who looked exactly like Arbitration walked out.

Arbitration flew to the middle of the four angels, stood with his sword, and said in a bright voice: "In the name of Arbitration, I open the Arbitration Court..."

More angels came out of the light curtain. Like the arbitration angels, they stood around the battlefield. All the angels who were summoned stared at each other closely, without any expression on their faces.

The two-colored eyes of the Arbitration Angel, representing good and evil, seemed to be able to see through everything. She continued: "Michael... As an archangel, you kill innocent angels. As the leader of the good camp, you bring the world into war. abyss.

In the name of kindness, you blur the boundaries between good and evil.

The arbitration court will make the final decision based on your actions.

I guilty. "

When the Arbitration Angel pronounced Michael guilty, Michael seemed to have been hit hard by some kind of force, and his body suddenly became stiff. Then Uriel and Holy Bella seized the opportunity and attacked Michael repeatedly. Surrounded.

what's going on?

Originally, Michael sneered at the visions that appeared around him. This arbitration court seemed majestic and majestic, but in fact all angels were summoned creatures without independent consciousness, and they were not much different from those wild monsters without intelligence.

But when the arbitration verdict was announced, Michael found that he had an additional "sanctioned" state.

Physical attributes are greatly weakened across the board.

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