Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1504 Everyone has their own thoughts

The Temple of Heaven in the center of Yunzhong City.

This is where the supreme angels hold their meetings, located in the center of Cloud City. The Temple of Heaven is built in the open air. Dozens of columns with a diameter of several meters surround a disc in the middle that looks like an upside-down saucer. Both the disc and the pillars are carved with exquisite patterns. The white holy light slowly follows the texture of the pattern. flowing.







The six supreme angels stood in their respective positions along the edge of the disk, and then looked at Uriel together.

Gabriel's handsome face was covered with anger, and he asked Uriel: "Why are the Blazing Wings with you? Why didn't the Archangel come?

And...why has your body changed so much? "

Unlike other supreme angels who all look like holy angels, Uriel did not hide the changes in appearance caused by the influence of divine power. He wore a full body of heavy armor, and the holy light emitted had a metallic color. His wings were also platinum-gold with flowing water on them. The flowing fire caused by equipping Blazing Sky Wings.

Uriel did not answer Gabriel's question. It would be better to leave this situation to Metatron.

Sure enough, Metatron said: "As for Uriel obtaining the Wings of Blazing Sky and why Michael did not come, I will give you the answer in a while.

Now... I have some magical images here that I invite all of you, the highest angels, to watch. "

Speaking... Metatron waved his hand, and a ball of white light rose in the middle of the Temple of Heaven, and then the entire process of ambushing Michael was presented in front of all the supreme angels.

The Supreme Angel's attention immediately shifted from Uriel to Michael in the image.

This was the Michael they had never seen before. It was a strong desire for killing that seemed to seep through the image magic. The image of the killing angel completely subverted the supreme angels' understanding of Michael.

While the Supreme Angel was shocked by this magical image, Metatron said: "I believe everyone knows that Michael closed the alchemy laboratory because the research on the divine plane has entered the final stage. Our alchemists It requires dedicated research.

The fact is... Coffdell discovered that Michael had been contaminated by divine power and turned into a killing angel, so Michael killed all the alchemists. This is an immeasurable loss to Yunzhong City...

And Uriel, who we all thought was looking for the obelisk in the Kingdom of the Dead, was actually arrested because he suspected Michael's changes. Michael even wanted divine power to pollute him and turn him into a killing angel like her, but Uriel received another kind of divine power.

Uriel is now a lawful angel and the owner of Seraph Wings.

And I...when Michael is no longer suitable to continue to be the Archangel of Cloud City, I will inherit the position of Archangel and continue to lead the angel clan to protect the good order. "

Gabriel's anger remained unabated, and he said angrily: "No matter what happened to Michael... who gave you the right to seal her? She just led us to defeat hell, and she will lead us to completely eliminate evil. camp, this is a victory that can bring the world into permanent peace...

When you arrested Michael, did you consider the consequences? How do you face...those angels and warriors from the good camp who died on the battlefield?

I demand that you release Michael immediately! "

Meredith looked at Michael in the image, frowned and said, "I have always wondered why Michael sent me to win over the black elves in the Endless Labyrinth. Those are creatures more evil than the natives of the underground city.

And those confusing commands...

If she was contaminated by divine power and turned into an angel with a taste for killing, then everything would be explained.

She killed Master Kovdel and our alchemists, and imprisoned Uriel... This is definitely not what a good angel can do...

However, I feel that Archangel Michael deserves a fair and just trial, with a council of supreme angels deciding whether she is guilty or not. "

Raphael and Salil just looked at the magic image without speaking, not knowing what they were thinking.

Metatron looked at the expressions of Raphael and Sariel, and then said: "This war itself is a wrong war launched by Michael after he was contaminated. This is not a war between the good camp and the evil camp. It’s Michael’s war and all those who oppose her.

Michael dared to kill innocent angels and imprison Uriel.

We don't know what terrible things will happen if we let her continue to be killed.

We ambush Michael and choose the time when she is at her weakest...she can already reach the demigod state. If we miss this opportunity, no one can defeat her. "

Gabriel pressed and asked: "Then you chose to ambush Michael with outsiders? I saw that there were five heroes participating in the ambush. Except for you and Uriel, they are the supreme angels of Yunzhong City... Holy Bella, Daliang , and the Angel of Arbitration, all heroes of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

No matter what crime Michael committed, it was also an internal matter within Yunzhong City. You colluded with outsiders to deal with our Archangel. You betrayed the Angel Clan and Yunzhong City!

I propose that there be a council of supreme angels to judge Metatron for his actions. "

Metatron gained a general understanding of the attitude of the High Angels.

Gabriel seemed angry because Michael was sealed, but he was actually competing for the position of archangel. If he can facilitate the Supreme Angel Council to judge Metatron, then no matter what the outcome is, it will be difficult for Metatron to inherit the position of Archangel.

So as the second commander-in-chief of Yunzhong City, Gabriel is a well-deserved candidate for the archangel.

Meredith, she saw clearly Michael's true identity, but she didn't see through the meaning behind sealing Michael this time. Her request for a public trial of Michael would be overly naive and optimistic.

Michael must never be released, not even where she is sealed...cannot be revealed.

As for Raphael and Saliel, they are the fifth and fourth supreme angels. Like Uriel, he is a supreme angel who has been promoted since the fall of Lucifer. Their silence only made Metatron worry about the two of them...

Sure enough, when Gabriel proposed to judge Metatron at the Supreme Angel Council, Raphael and Salil said successively: "No matter what mistakes Michael made, she is ours until she is judged. The archangel... leading outsiders to ambush her is not what a supreme angel should do. I agree that there will be a meeting of supreme angels to judge Metatron's actions."

"...I agree that there will be a council of supreme angels to judge Metatron for his actions."

After Raphael and Salil expressed their attitudes, Uriel said: "If another person handles this matter, no one can do it better than Metatron. Please pay attention to all the supreme angels. This behavior is likely to cause the division of Yunzhong City...

I don't agree with the trial of Metatron, we need him to lead the angels through this. "

At this time, all the supreme angels looked at Meredith. It was now three to two... Meredith's attitude was crucial.

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