Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1505 The Road to Peace

Although Meredith did not see the subsequent problems caused by sealing Michael, after Uriel reminded her, she immediately noticed the strange atmosphere of this meeting and knew what her vote could have. s consequence.

At this time... who is more suitable to lead Yunzhong City?

Metatron? Or Gabriel?

After a long silence, Meredith finally said: "At the end of this video, I saw Michael handing the Seraph Wings into Metatron's hands.

I think Michael's meaning has been expressed very completely. She does not think Metatron's ambush is a betrayal of Cloud City. In this way, she handed over the important responsibility of leading the angel clan to Metatron. Long.

Michael trusted Metatron and I trusted him.

I object to the trial of Metatron at the Council of the Supreme Angels. When the angels have made many mistakes, we need to take back the spears and seriously reflect on the disasters we have brought to this world. "

Metatron breathed a sigh of relief at Meredith's choice. If she also chooses to judge herself, Metatron will have to use some extreme means to deal with these supreme angels who have their own agendas, and a civil war will almost inevitably break out.

Now... at least the conflicts between the parties have been controlled at this meeting. Although they are still on the verge of war, there is a lot of room for maneuver.

Metatron said after Meredith made her choice: "I also object to my trial at the meeting of the Supreme Angels. Now it is three versus three. Without more than half of the Supreme Angels agreeing, Gabriel's proposal is rejected.

Gabriel, do you have any questions? "

Gabriel did not expect that Meredith, who had a good relationship with Michael, would vote against it at this time. If Metatron cannot be judged here, his path to succeeding as Archangel will be very difficult.

Gabriel looked at Raphael and Sariel, and then said to Metatron: "I have no doubt...but at least three supreme angels think that you have greatly compromised the honor of angels by sealing Michael. Big insult.

I don't care what your reasons are, the heroes of the Five Color Flag Alliance should not appear there. They attacked the archangel of Yunzhong City, who are the enemies of Yunzhong City.

Yunzhong City should declare war on the Five Color Flag Alliance at this time. "

Metatron reprimanded Gabriel: "That's enough, Gabriel... the war is over! I know that inviting Prince Flying Dust to ambush Michael has damaged the angel's honor, but His Highness the Prince convinced me, I think Angel's loss of honor is a mistake for us, and for the future of a stable world order.

The loss of these honors is nothing at all.

I know that we are no longer those newly born angels. I believe that angels are beautiful and willing to sacrifice everything to protect kindness and justice. For most of the High Angels...goodness may simply be a position that we represent goodness.

This is a wrong idea and a dangerous idea.

Kindness needs supervision, otherwise "evil things done in the name of kindness" will happen in the future. That is the biggest insult to the name of angel.

Prince Daliang proposed to me a new world order.

The world of heroic spirits represents the good order, the main world represents the neutral order, and the kingdom of death represents the evil order. The three planes of order coordinate to manage the entire world. End the countless years of confrontation between the good camp and the evil camp, use order to prevent the spread of chaotic thoughts, and let good and evil coexist.

Good and evil stare at each other, watch out for each other, and supervise each other, rather than one party trying to completely eliminate the other.

This new world order was first proposed by the Sad Pope. The Kingdom of Death did not provide large-scale support to Hell throughout the Crucible City War, which has shown that the undead are ready to carry out their duties.

The first empire of the main world also agreed to jointly establish a new world order.

The rest is our world of heroic spirits...

This is unstoppable civilizational progress, and the faction war will end in our hands. "

This is the first time most of the High Angels have heard of the plans for a New World Order. For a moment, the supreme angels were shocked by the transition from the thought of the world of inherent camp to the thought of the world of order.

Good, neutral, and evil, the three planes of order jointly manage the world. The confrontation between good and evil is no longer the main contradiction in the world, and naturally there will be no camp war.

A vast world appeared in front of the supreme angels.

It is not difficult to accept new ideas. The difficulty lies in how to break through the limitations of ideas and think them out.

After Metatron finished speaking, he looked at the supreme angels. No supreme angel expressed his opinion at this moment. This idea was more impactful than Michael being sealed.

This is the beginning of a new era.

Gabriel no longer competes for the position of Archangel at the meeting. Metatron holds the strongest trump card. At this time, the struggle for power will definitely fail miserably. He decided to observe temporarily and wait for the best opportunity.

Raphael and Salil didn't express any further opinions. They lowered their heads and didn't know what to think.

Meredith recovered from her shock and asked, "Is good going to sit with evil?"

Metatron said: "Good and evil are originally together, so we have fought so many plane wars and there has never been a winner.

The continuation of this plane war will have the same result. Even if we wipe out all life, we will eventually have to face the evil in our hearts. "

Daliang, who is far away in the kingdom of death, is not worried that Metatron cannot control the situation in Cloud City. As long as Michael is locked up, there will be no supreme angel in Cloud City who can truly carry the banner of the good camp.

Metatron has Uriel's support. Even if the situation worsens and the angels have to fight a civil war, Metatron can still control a certain number of angels. With the support of the Death Realm and the Overworld, Metatron can control Cloud City. Of course... the intervention of foreign troops into the civil war in Cloud City would be an extremely serious blow to Metatron's prestige, and it was the last alternative.

In short... Cloud City must be under Metatron's control.

Metatron also knew that if he did not want foreign troops to enter Yunzhong City, he would have to take a tough stance and stabilize the turmoil caused by Michael being sealed.

The Sad Pope stood in front of Da Liang, his mouth wide open and he felt like his jaw was about to dislocate.

"Seal, seal Michael?"

Michael had just defeated Lucifer and occupied the Furnace City. He was high-spirited and arrogant, shouting that he wanted to continue the war. How come it was sealed in the blink of an eye?

Could it be that she was so happy that she stumbled, hit a stone, fainted, and was picked up by you?

"This...this...what happened?"

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