Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1506 Doomsday Blade

The Sad Pope felt that what happened was too magical, even more bizarre than becoming the Pope of the Kingdom of Death...

But he also knew that Daliang would not joke with him on this issue. Therefore... Michael was indeed sealed, but how did he do it? Is he preparing to seal Michael by not allowing himself to send troops to Furnace City?

Da Liang did not have the appetite to continue fishing for sadness. He concealed something that needed to be concealed, and persuaded Metatron to ambush Micah in the crystal wall space of the god plane in the world of heroes with Uriel, Julian, and Holy Bella. Le's matter was told to the Sad Pope again.

"Michael was influenced by divine power to create all this. Metatron will lead Cloud City to correct the world situation, and then it will be a matter of jointly establishing a world of order.

Hell no longer has the power to hinder us. The remnants of the fallen angels are in Despair City. I will be responsible for comforting them. The Kingdom of Death can send troops to hell to reassure the panicked hell lords.

Furnace City was defeated by Yunzhong City at great cost, and Angel would not give up easily. During this special period, we should not provoke the angels or influence Metatron's appointment as archangel. The ownership of this city will be discussed later. Anyway, the abyss is still in the hands of hell. Without the abyss to provide energy for the gate of hell, the Furnace City is just a larger aerial fortress in the hands of the angels. "

The sad pope let out a long sigh, whether he was sighing for Michael's fate or letting go of his worries about the war situation. He restored the dignity of a plane ruler and began to think about things after the war.

"The Furnace City can be temporarily handed over to the management of Cloud City, but it should eventually be returned to Hell. I understand the demons in Hell. Once they go crazy, it will be a disaster for the world."

Daliang also agreed with the Sad Pope's view that the Angel's control of the Furnace City in Hell was not conducive to the balance of world power, and there was no way to plane teleport such a large city. The world of order cannot change the mutual hatred between angels and demons. Angels occupying the Crucible City are just pouring water into a hot pot of oil.

"I will persuade Metatron to return the Crucible City to Hell as soon as possible. It is best to have fallen angels rule and let the fallen angels manage the disobedient demons. The world will be much cleaner.

His Majesty……

I saw the results of Angel's research on the divine plane in Yunzhong City, and I had some concerns about the research on the divine plane in Sighing City. "

At this time, the plane war is over. How to open the divine plane to welcome the coming of death has become the top priority of the Sad Pope. After Sighing City accepted the research results of the Wizards Guild, its research on the divine plane has reached a critical point. With just a little luck, the crystal wall passage of the divine plane can be opened.

The Sad Pope knew that Yunzhong City's research on the divine plane far surpassed that of Sighing City. When Daliang saw the crystal wall passage of the divine plane opened in Yunzhong City, he said that there was a problem with Sighing City's research, which meant there was a real problem.

The Sad Pope asked anxiously: "What went wrong with our research on the divine plane?"

Daliang said: "The space of the crystal wall of the God Plane opened in Yunzhong City is filled with sacred energy, and the extremely good divine power is exuded on the crystal wall of the God Plane. And all the research data on the God Plane in Sigh City comes from the Wizards Guild. Part of the research data of the Wizards Guild comes from Yunzhong City.

That is to say... we will continue our research in this direction and open the crystal wall of the plane of the extremely good god..."

After being reminded by Daliang, the Sad Pope suddenly realized: "Yes... we are going to welcome the God of Death, and finding the crystal wall that is the God of Kindness is definitely the greatest blasphemy to the God of Death!

Your Highness, your reminder to me was very timely. I almost made a mistake that I will regret for the rest of my life.

I will go to the Death God Research Institute now to correct the mistakes we are making.

Regarding the establishment of a world of order, the Kingdom of Death will fully cooperate with you..."

The Sad Pope left in a hurry, and Da Liang no longer had to worry about the embarrassing incident of meeting the Sad Pope at the crystal wall of the plane of the Good God in the Kingdom of Death.

At this time, the war in the Furnace City has completely ended, the army of hell has retreated, and the army of the good camp is waiting for instructions from Yunzhong City amid speculation.

The dust gradually settled, and Daliang also had time to take stock of the rewards he had received in this plot.

Since the good camp has not announced the end of the plane war, the final rewards of this big plot have not yet been settled, but just a summary of the rewards has already made Daliang happy.

The best thing among them is to get the top artifact-the Doomsday Blade.

Taking the Doomsday Blade into his hands again, as the owner of this artifact, Daliang finally saw its properties and full picture.

The Doomsday Blade itself has no entity. It is an aggregation of fire elements and evil energy in the shape of a flaming sword.

Doomsday Blade (artifact)

Attack: 20

Defense: 20

Intelligence: 20

Knowledge: 20

Attributes: Fire magic is enhanced by 40%

Fire Domain (if you have mastered the Fire Domain, the effect will be increased by 40%)

Fire immune constitution, the fire magic resistance of the subordinate army is increased by 20%

Enemy morale -1

Can use all fire magic. If you have mastered it, the effect will be enhanced by 20%

Divine skill: Doomsday Judgment (Release condition: master fire magic at master level or above. Effect: Perform a fire rain attack in a large range, and your own army can be immune to sanction attacks. Note: Forbidden spell-level skills, if you are too addicted, will be counterattacked by the forbidden spell)

Axis of Evil (Choose to be controlled by the Doomsday Blade or control the Doomsday Blade, you can gain power, being controlled is easier...)

Note: If you are not strong enough, please do not hold the Doomsday Blade for a long time, as you will be forcibly controlled by the axis of evil.

As an artifact of the same level, Daliang not only compared his Angel Alliance with the Doomsday Blade.

The Doomsday Blade is an independent artifact, and its basic four-dimensional attributes are much higher than those of the Angel Alliance. The Angel Alliance is a combination artifact, and the attributes of all components added up are a little higher than the Doomsday Blade.

With the additional attributes, the emphasis of the two artifacts is also different. The Angel Alliance is a strategic-level artifact. It focuses on increasing the strength of its subordinate armies. Whether it is a large-scale prayer magic, racial mixing that does not affect morale, or a blessing to the strength of angels, it allows the Angel Alliance to perform in large-scale wars. important role.

The Doomsday Blade focuses on the enhancement of individual strength, stacking the power of fire magic to an extreme height. The Doomsday Blade created the invincible reputation of the arrogant devil Satan, shocking the world.

Finally, there is the magical skill: Doomsday Judgment.

Daliang once used Doomsday Judgment against Shi Fei's army in the battle of Forward Fortress, and wiped out a hundred thousand troops. The power is equivalent to the final sanction of the Angel Alliance. Also under the protection of the artifact, one's own side will not be accidentally harmed by the forbidden spell.

Magical Skill 2: Axis of Evil.

Being controlled by evil can gain power, which has been confirmed by Poseidon. But how the Doomsday Blade controls players, Da Liang doesn’t know what will happen, but if you think about it carefully, you will definitely have to pay something...

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