Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1507 Inspection

In order to understand the side effects of the Doomsday Blade, Da Liang returned to the Boneyard Tomb.

In Nicole's alchemy laboratory, Daliang summoned all the alchemy masters, including Princess Ziling, in a closed space. First, the masters drew a confinement circle, and then Da Liang summoned the arbitration angel Julian to his side.

Seeing that the alchemist masters were already in place and could activate the magic circle at any time, Daliang said to Julian: "I want to see what kind of impact the Doomsday Blade will have on me. You have to watch me closely... Once you find out anything Strange, or you feel that I am controlled by the Doomsday Blade, attack me immediately.

If necessary, you can kill me!

Take the Doomsday Blade and find the Prophet to resurrect me. "

Julian knew that it was extremely dangerous to equip the Doomsday Blade. She said, "Your Highness, let me equip the Doomsday Blade. If there is danger... I can handle it."

Da Liang waved his hand and said: "When you equip the Doomsday Blade, you must replace the Angel Alliance. Without the Angel Alliance, you cannot maintain the status of the Arbitration Angel. The Doomsday Blade is more dangerous in your hands than in my hands.

Don't worry, Metatron said that I will not be affected by the Doomsday Blade in the state of Flame Commandery. Flame Commandery is the body specially modified by Poseidon for the Doomsday Blade.

I'll be fine.

Even in my human state, with my strength, it is impossible for the Doomsday Blade to control me in a short period of time.

Get ready to start..."

After speaking, Daliang signaled to Princess Zi Ling, and the alchemist masters cast spells together. The magic circle on the ground suddenly lit up, and a barrier surrounded Daliang and the arbitration angel Julian.

With a 16th-level Julian and a group of purple dragon mages, Da Liang felt that even if he went berserk under the influence of the Doomsday Blade, he would be subdued in a short time and would not cause too much damage.

Daliang first switched to the sub-hero state, and the burning body of Lieyan Commander appeared in the middle of the magic circle. The fire magic skills were upgraded to the law level, and Daliang added several magic states to himself that could increase mental resistance.

After confirming that everything was ready, Daliang equipped the Doomsday Blade.

A huge energy impacted Daliang's body. The Flame Commander and the Doomsday Blade produced a passionate collision of flames. The originally burning fire head turned into a jet state, and the red outer flame wrapped the blue fire core.

Da Liang immediately checked his attributes and the impact that the Doomsday Blade might have on him.

The hero's attributes have been significantly improved with the addition of Doomsday Blade's attributes, but they have not exceeded the superficial indicators of this artifact. But Daliang is no longer a rookie who only looks at attributes. This is an extremely real game world. There are too many things that can create an uncrossable gap between two heroes with the same attributes.

Holy Bella also said that artifacts are very good weapons regardless of their superficial attributes. Their true value lies in the resonance they create with their users.

The current Da Liang has not yet reached the level of controlling the Doomsday Blade, but the compatibility between the Flame Commander and this fire-type artifact is really too high. Sparks started to fly just after the equipment was installed.

Da Liang checked his attribute list and felt the changes in his body. As Metatron said, the leader of the flames who masters law-level fire magic has enough strength to use the Doomsday Blade without worrying about its forced counter-control.

So what's left is to test what kind of effect the Doomsday Blade will have in the human state?

Daliang waved the Doomsday Blade and said to Julian, who looked nervous next to him: "I'm fine... The Doomsday Blade is indeed powerful, and I feel like I can defeat Michael by myself.


Just kidding, I am going to change back to human state now, pay attention to my changes. "

Julian nodded and held the Angel Alliance in both hands to gain momentum: "Your Highness, I won't let anything happen to you."

After looking around, Daliang switched his hero status back to the human race.

【warn! You are being eroded by the evil energy of the Doomsday Blade. Your strength is in a state of rampage, and all attributes are increased by 50%. After 30 minutes, the Doomsday Blade will take over control of your body and you will be forcibly kicked off the line. Your character will stay in the game and become a temporary system hero.

Time limit is 24 hours.

All actions of temporary system heroes in the game are the responsibility of the player! ! ! ! ! 】

It turns out that the so-called being controlled by the Doomsday Blade is like this...

Da Liang understands that this is a privilege given to players by the game. After all, a game is a game after all, and the player's safety must be the first priority. It is impossible for the player's mentality to change drastically after being controlled by the Doomsday Blade.

Being a temporary hero for a day is a very big side effect.

You can imagine what the temporary system hero controlled by the Doomsday Blade will look like. Don't say that Daliang is a big company. A small loss can make people cry for a year. Even for an ordinary player, one hour of madness is enough for this temporary hero to destroy all his family property and then lead to death a hundred times.

Da Liang did not dare to wait for half an hour. After seeing this warning, he immediately removed the Doomsday Blade and threw it into the space backpack.

"It's so scary. Fortunately, I reacted quickly. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to withstand his troubles."

Daliang breathed a sigh of relief, but saw that Julian was still looking at him warily, and the alchemy masters led by Zi Ling had not removed the confinement barrier.

Seeing their looks, Daliang smiled and said: "I'm fine... The Doomsday Blade is indeed not something I can use in my current state. I have put the Doomsday Blade away, so you can rest assured.

Your Highness, you can cancel this magic circle. "

Zi Ling and the alchemist masters still maintained the confinement barrier, and Julian was also on alert, preparing to strike.

Seeing such a scene, Daliang stopped joking and asked: "What happened?"

Julian said: "Your Highness, the moment you held the Doomsday Blade and returned to human form, you looked very scary. We are not sure whether you are controlled by the Doomsday Blade...

We are what you prepare for the worst-case scenario, and we need you to prove that you are not being controlled. "

Princess Zi Ling outside the barrier also said: "Your Highness, I have never seen you so scary. Now I only believe in Julian. Only when she thinks you are fine will we release you."

How to prove this?

Daliang didn't expect that he would put away the Doomsday Blade so quickly, but he would still be affected by this evil artifact. Although he knew that he was definitely not under control, how could he prove that he was not under control... He couldn't explain it even with all his words?

When thinking about how to explain to Julian, Daliang pulled up the video he recorded to see what he looked like at that moment.

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