Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1508 Arbitration

The Doomsday Blade is a fire-attribute artifact, but it contains powerful evil power at its core, making it a very evil artifact that can unknowingly affect the holder's character.

If you cannot control it, you will eventually be controlled by it.

Pulling up the recorded video, Daliang saw the momentary change that occurred when he held the Doomsday Blade and returned to his human form.

To be honest, at first glance, Daliang didn't see any difference between himself in the image and usual. It's just that there is a burning fire sword in his hand, which is more stylish than before.

But after taking a closer look, he felt horrified.

My appearance in the image has not changed, but my temperament is completely different. Daliang is a person with high spirit, full of vitality and strong affinity. At that moment, his demeanor dropped completely, and his expression exuded an extremely cold aura, making him look extremely sinister and evil.

No wonder Julian and Zi Ling reacted like this. Even Daliang was frightened and had lingering fears after seeing what he looked like in the video.

The special effects are too exaggerated!

But now it’s better to explain clearly to Julian quickly, because if he gets clicked here, it will be too bad luck.

"That..." No matter how eloquent Daliang was, he didn't know what to say at this moment: "Julian, I shouldn't be the one to prove whether I am controlled by the Doomsday Blade at this time.

This is your responsibility. I gave you the right to kill me because of my trust in you.

Now is the time for you to complete your duty.

Look at me, pick up the League of Angels…

I stand here and it's up to you to decide whether to kill... or not. "

Daliang stood in front of Julian without any defense. He looked into Julian's eyes, waiting for his most trusted hero to make a decision...

Julian continued to hold the Angel Alliance and prepared to release the most powerful skills. She also looked at Daliang, knowing clearly the heavy responsibility she had been assigned to this position. Her two-colored eyes seem to be able to see through people's souls...

When the Angel Alliance groaned in her hands, Julian said: "In the name of the Arbitration Angel, I declare... you are not guilty!"

Julian put away his attacking stance, saluted respectfully to Daliang, and said: "I don't know the power of arbitration yet. If I use it earlier, I can see earlier that you are not controlled by the Doomsday Blade."

Julian confirmed that Daliang was safe, and Princess Ziling also led the alchemy masters to remove the confinement barrier, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Don't use the Doomsday Blade casually in the future. Everyone knows that this is an extremely evil artifact.

Also... don't call us together casually in the future to do things that have nothing to do with research on the divine plane.

We are all very busy. "

After saying that, Princess Zi Ling left with the alchemy masters. Now that we are getting closer to opening the God Plane, the alchemists involved in studying the crystal walls of the God Plane want to spend all their time on the research and development of alchemical equipment.

At this time, Da Liang called them together to experiment with the Doomsday Blade, just to waste their time.

Soon Julian and Da Liang were the only ones left in the room.

"Your Highness, can I release the arbitration angel status now?"

After Julian and Juliet merged into the Arbitration Angel, Julian was in a dominant position. If you are in the arbitration angel state for a long time without fighting, it will easily cause Juliet's dissatisfaction.

Now that the test of the Doomsday Blade is completed, Juliet begins to break up.

Da Liang stopped him and said: "Wait a minute...I already know the side effects of the Doomsday Blade. But you...

What happened to the arbitration tribunal you suddenly set up during the ambush of Michael?

And just now, you said that you used the power of arbitration to see whether I was affected by the Doomsday Blade. What happened? "

At this time, Da Liang had already seen the attribute box of Arbitration Angel.

In her skill bar, I don’t know when the skill item "Arbitration" was added.

"Arbitration": When the Arbitration Angel Julian and the Artifact Angel Alliance resonate with energy, you can use the right of arbitration.

There is no further explanation, which means that this is a huge and complex power system. But just from the literal meaning, it can be seen that this is a very shameless power skill.

Julian didn't know much about the "arbitration" skill he had just acquired, so he could only give a simple explanation to Daliang based on his own knowledge and feelings.

And Daliang’s understanding is “If you are guilty, you are guilty, and if you are not guilty, you are guilty.”

As long as they find an excuse to say that you are guilty, they can use their arbitration power to undermine you in various ways.

The tricky thing is to activate the Arbitration Tribunal to overwhelm others. A group of Summoning Angels has a large number of people and will make you weak before you fight. The Arbitration Court has a very strong ability to weaken the arbitrators. Top heroes like Michael have been weakened to the point of surrender.

However, if the Arbitration Court is activated, Julian will not be able to move, and the summoned angel will not actively attack. Therefore, Julian can only act as a super support, and he also needs a fighter to fight.

Without opening the Arbitration Court, Julian in Arbitration Angel status can also exercise arbitration rights. The weakening effect is not as powerful as the Arbitration Court, but Julian can move freely...

Whether it's a group fight or a one-on-one fight, it's a very powerful skill.

Of course... Arbitration does not depend solely on one's mouth. The Arbitration Angel is a combination of the Holy Angel Julian and the Hell Angel Juliet. She can really see through good and evil. If she wants Binggong to enforce the law, she can still do it fairly.

Therefore, whether Daliang is controlled by the Doomsday Blade or not, Julian can easily tell by using the power of arbitration.

After Julian explained his newfound power clearly, Daliang rubbed his nose and said with a little regret: "Sigh... I really hope that you can feel with your heart whether I have changed.

Instead of judging by skills.

After all, you are my guardian angel and should be the hero who knows me best. "

Hearing what Daliang said, Julian's face turned slightly red and he whispered: "With your wisdom, Your Highness, you will never be controlled by the Doomsday Blade... I know it very well in my heart, but I just confirmed it with the power of arbitration."

After saying that, the arbitration angels separated, and Julian and Juliet stood in front of Daliang, one on the left and one on the right.

Juliet, who finally came out, said eagerly: "I can prove that my sister has indeed believed that you are not under control, and it was me who decided to use the power of arbitration.

Because I think you are an evil guy. How can I confirm whether the Doomsday Blade controls you just by feeling. sister has the Angel Alliance, you have the Doomsday Blade, why don't you help me get the Cursed Armor. "

Daliang said: "The Doomsday Blade belongs to Satan, and the cursed armor belongs to the fallen angels. Some things can be wanted, and some things cannot be wanted... The fallen angels who escaped from the Crucible City are all in the City of Despair. Come with me to meet them. Meet them."

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