Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1509 The remnants of the defeated army

Cursed Armor belongs to the Fallen Angels. Unlike the Doomsday Blade, the Cursed Armor is far more important to the Fallen Angels than other artifacts. They had snatched the Doomsday Blade from Satan, and if they lost it, they would lose it. Cursed armor is different. If Daliang has cursed armor in his hand, will he exchange it for the fallen angel?

If you don't give it... the fallen angels will always be thinking about it, making them always think of ways to get the cursed armor back.

To... Not only did he owe Metatron a favor, but it also gave the fallen angel less to worry about, and the artifact did not fall into his hands in the end. Do you still expect these evil angels to be grateful to you, pledge themselves to you, and be loyal to you?

Therefore, it is best for this artifact to be in the hands of Metatron. The fallen angels know that it is impossible for the angels to return this artifact to them, so they need to find a way with Da Liang.

It is far better to let Yunzhong City attract hatred and reap the benefits yourself than to hold this hot artifact in your hands.

In short... Daliang's calculations were very precise. The remnants of the fallen angels are probably already waiting in Despair City, and it's time to meet them.

City of Despair.

Fallen Angel Kings Beria and Willard, and Sin Demon King Morgan were sitting in the reception room of the Lord's Mansion in Despair City in embarrassment.

All of the Crucible City fell, and before the Gate of Hell was captured, they used all their strength to direct the fallen angels and the elites of Hell to withdraw to the City of Despair. After the gates of hell were closed, they were able to rest...

Thinking about the future path of themselves and Hell, the three Hell Lord Kings looked extremely depressed.

Without Lucifer, without Furnace City, without the army of hell, how could they resist the attack of the good camp...

Morgan has the unique irritability of hell creatures. He said: "At this time, we can only have a chance to reverse the situation by releasing Satan. He has the authority to reunite hell, and at this critical juncture, he needs our power, absolutely not Will take revenge on us."

Beria knows more than Morgan. Although he does not know the whole incident, through the last words of Lucifer, it seems that Da Liang is planning something.

The City of Despair belongs to Hell, but in fact this city and the surrounding territory are the sphere of influence of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Here are the last elite troops of Hell. What confused Beria was that although Despair City was also in a state of war readiness, it was not as nervous as before the war was approaching.

It felt like... it was like they were guarding against the defeated army coming from the Crucible City, rather than guarding against the invasion of the good camp after a great victory.

Even Bartlett, the Lord of Despair City who was waiting for him, couldn't see... that he was facing a large army.

Beria secretly observed this fallen angel who belonged to the Demon King of Power, trying to see from him why Despair City, or the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, would be so calm in the face of the upcoming good camp.

But when Morgan proposed to release Satan, Beria immediately stopped him and said: "Even if Satan is released now, the current situation cannot be saved. Since he lost to Lucifer, it means that his era has truly passed. .

If we lose, he can't win.

This war has nothing to do with us for the time being. His Royal Highness Prince Feichen must have a complete plan.

Yes or no?

Lord Bartlett. "

Of course, Beria will not release Satan. He shoulders the heavy responsibility of continuing the fallen angel race. Once Satan is free, he will definitely kill all the fallen angels first. When there are no more worries, then fight with the good camp.

Moreover, Lucifer’s order was also to hand over Satan to Da Liang. The fallen angels no longer have the ability to imprison Satan. Even Morgan, who participated in sealing Satan twice, wants to release Satan, not to mention the demons who have lost their leader.

These demons, who are bent on taking back the Crucible City, don't know what they can do.

After the suggestion was rejected by Beria, Morgan stopped talking, the flames on his body became very dim, and he was also greatly traumatized during the battle in the Crucible City.

After temporarily appeasing Morgan, Beria said to Bartlett: "Thank you, the Demon King of Power, for taking us in at this time. Hell is now in complete chaos. Facing the attack of the good camp, Despair City is our last stronghold of resistance.

The Demon King of Power Desire, the Demon King of World Destruction, and the Demon King of Jealousy have joined forces with us. We will definitely be able to stop the good camp here and allow the evil camp to reorganize its army. "

Bartlett is not a fallen angel from the Crucible City family, and he does not need to be so respectful to the fallen angel king. He sat on the main seat like a master and was neither humble nor arrogant to the three hell lord kings. Faced with Beria testing the Five Color Flag Alliance's attitude towards this war, Bartlett replied: "King Beria, I am just the city lord guarding the City of Despair on behalf of King Howard. Will the good camp attack? After the attack, How to fight is not up to me.

Please rest here peacefully, the three kings, and the warriors from Furnace City can rest assuredly here.

I haven't received any news that the good camp will call. I think the situation should still be under our control.

Prince Feichen is already on his way to Despair City. I think such an important issue should be left to you kings for discussion. "

Beria said the title of Demon King, but Bartlett replied with the title of King of the First Empire in the main world, which means... this is not an internal meeting of the Lord King of Hell, but the Five Color Flag Alliance and Hell. formal negotiations.

Is the Five-Colored Flag Alliance planning to add insult to injury and seize the opportunity to recruit the remnants of the Crucible City army?

At this time, he was under someone else's roof. Even if Beria resented Despair City for refusing to save him, he could only suppress his anger and wait patiently here.

As time passed, the fallen angels completely lost contact with the Crucible City. Less than a thousand soldiers successfully evacuated to Despair City. How many of those fallen angels who lost contact and broke out on their own could survive.

I'm afraid no one could have imagined that the once powerful Fallen Angel Legion would collapse into this state. If something goes wrong, you will end up being exterminated.

Therefore, Beria decided to endure it no matter what kind of treatment he received in Despair City.

All for the continuation of the race.

After waiting for nearly a day, the three escaped hell lord kings saw the belated arrival of Daliang.

"King Belia, King Willard, King Morgan, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long." Da Liang, wearing a prince's dress, walked into the reception room. After Bartlett gave up the throne, he sat down and spoke enthusiastically Greeting the three lord kings as cordially as the most sincere friends. Daliang asked the attendants to pour red wine for the kings, and then said: "The war is over, what are your plans?"

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