Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1514 Evil Power

In Daliang's eyes, Angela is just a loser. She first betrayed Satan and then betrayed Lucifer. Although she was forced to have no choice but to betray herself, she might be "forced to have no choice" that day and betray her.

Therefore, how to treat Angela has always been a headache for Daliang. It is impossible to suppress her too much, and it is impossible to offer her sacrifices.

So after the Battle of Shangjiang, Daliang left Angela alone in Despair City to observe how she would change. The result is that no matter how the situation outside changes, Angela is very peaceful here and does not cause anything.

She probably also knows that Satan is a thing of the past, and that Lucifer being surrounded in the Crucible City may also become a thing of the past. Looking back at Despair City, the good camp and the evil camp were allowed to fight in the Crucible City, but they just stood still. Based on her understanding of Daliang, she could guess that he must have prepared a killer move to reverse the situation.

But what she didn't expect was... Daliang actually brought together the good camp and the evil camp!

Now Daliang stands behind the three major planes of order, preparing to establish a new world order. After being imprisoned for ten thousand years with Satan, she suffered setbacks every time she escaped. Therefore, after Angela heard the conversation between Daliang and Beria, she wanted to take advantage of Daliang's east wind to become a successful person.

Devotion is of course the easiest means to achieve the goal.

And Daliang was more determined than she imagined, and his methods were more vicious. His emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy were all contained in his words, and Angela couldn't help but express them.

For Angela who eagerly wanted to know the answer, Da Liang looked at the land of hell, as if reviewing his own country, and then said: "I am the Lord of Hell, and I can give the things of hell to whomever I want. Despair City is a hell Of course, the city must be taken back from the hands of the Five Color Flag Alliance. King Howard does not want the main world to be affected by too much evil. One main world plane is enough for him to keep busy.

Bartlett will leave Despair City and return to Shangjiang to continue assisting King Howard, so the city lord of Despair City will be vacant.

Originally, I wanted the fallen angels to temporarily manage the City of Despair for me, but I thought... it would be better to leave it to someone I can trust. "

Angela said eagerly: "Your Highness... I'm sorry for my behavior just now. I just stayed in Despair City for too long and was afraid of being forgotten by you. I know that every hell lord king is untrustworthy in your heart, but I have deeply admired your wisdom. I know that... under any circumstances, even in the face of despair... standing with you is definitely the most correct choice.

Hell can only rise again under your leadership, and if you leave the City of Despair to me... I swear on the name of Angela April Ramsden to never betray you. "

With that said, Angela knelt on one knee in front of Daliang, holding a badge in both hands.

Hell creatures are extremely self-centered. Any oaths issued by hell creatures are not afraid of any binding force. Only when they swear by their real names can they be strictly observed. Of course, hell creatures cannot take their oaths by their real names too seriously. They cannot break the promise, but they can exploit loopholes in it.

Just like Ergus, he ran away when he saw Daliang, leaving Daliang still with two wishes that he has yet to fulfill.

Angela swears by her real name here. At least she is still very sincere and willing to abide by this oath.

Daliang picked up the badge from Angela's hand... He didn't expect Angela to be as loyal to him as Julian, and he was already satisfied if he could raise the threshold of her betrayal. In hell, the strong are respected, and in the end everything has to be done with fists.

Putting Angela's Hell Lord King badge away, Daliang took out the Doomsday Blade and patted Angela twice on the shoulders.

“In the name of the Lord of Hell, I canonize Angela, the Demon King of Jealousy, as the Fourth Hell Lord King of Hell, and give Angela the City of Despair as the royal city of the Demon King of Jealousy.

I hope you can manage this city well and obey my orders at any time when I need you. "

Angela lowered her head and read out the oath that she was willing to serve the World-Destroying Demon King as the Lord of Hell, and then she saw that she had become the Lord of Despair City... After waiting for thousands of years, she finally had her own city and became a true ruler again. King of Hell Lords.

"Now, execute your rights as city lord..." Before Angela could stand up, Da Liang flew away from here.

Being alone with Angela is a kind of torture every moment. Even if she doesn't use charm, just making some small actions inadvertently can be a huge blow to men. Restraint, restraint, is probably what Daliang said to himself the most secretly when he and Angela were alone.

There are limits to people's endurance, especially for a straight man like Daliang, who is full of energy. If he hadn't been trained by Shu Xiao to have a high vision, he would have knelt down and become Angela's licking dog as soon as he came in.

Flying in the air, looking at Angela who was gradually moving away from the tower terrace and looking towards him from the terrace, Da Liang still felt a little bit regretful.


Finally, I collected all seven badges of the Hell Lord King.

Morgan's fist bone: attack +10%, defense +10%, physical attacks can produce a stun effect.

Angela's Whisper: Luck +1, Magic +10%, you can find the right way out in confusing space spells.

[Because you have Satan's horns, Ergos's gaze, Misuka's induction, Beelzebub's listening, Buck's heart-eating, Morgan's fist bones, and Angela's whisper, combined into an artifact: evil power. 】

Evil power: (artifacts, accessories)

The mixed formation of evil camp troops in your army will not be affected by the morale penalty, and the morale will not be lower than 0;

Favorability of evil creatures +1;

You can get 400 Demon Girls (level 8 hell creatures), 200 hell horses (level 10 hell creatures), and 50 abyss devils every day;

You can get 4 demons (level 13) and 2 big demons (level 14) every week

The recovery speed of evil creatures is increased by 10%, and all beneficial status effects are increased by 10%;

Increases attack power against good camp creatures by 20%.

Magic recovery speed +100%

Destroy magic effect increased by 20%

A great deterrent to all hellish creatures.

Magic skills:

Evil Contract (Inspires the evil side of good creatures. Once a good creature transforms into an evil creature, you will control the creature's soul. The probability of transformation is related to the caster's intelligence and the caster's mental resistance. The current number of contracts :0)

The origin of evil (help the bewitched achieve his wish and make him willing to trade with his soul. A soul can be transformed into an evil contract.)

Note: Moderate gaming is good for the brain, but addiction to gaming is harmful to the body. Arrange your time reasonably and enjoy a healthy life. If this game prop brings trouble to your life, please contact customer service in time.

Seeing the final game prompt, Daliang, who was originally happy because he got another artifact, couldn't help but warn himself.

Although it is a game skill, it is better to use it sparingly...

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