Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1515 World Announcement

As the heroic world merges into real life, this second world is also affecting the values ​​and morals of the real world. Some behaviors that are normal in the virtual world may have serious consequences outside of the game.

Talking about feelings with virtual characters is just a small conflict of ethical ideas. What really causes major social problems is... the changes in the player's centrality and personality during the game.

Especially players who are often exposed to negative factors in the game can easily magnify and reveal the dark side of their hearts. Therefore, the game will issue some warnings on many game materials such as props and skills that may induce changes in players' temperament.

Origin of evil

evil contract

A soul that collects life becomes a contract, one that transforms good creatures into controlled evil creatures.

These two magical skills are not like other game skills that only need to be clicked to release. Especially for the evil origin, if you want to collect the soul, you need to be willing to give it up. In the game world, every NPC is so real. They regard their souls as the most precious thing. Even the undead who regard death as home will never hand over their soul fire easily. Therefore, the process of collecting souls is also a process for the caster to challenge his own moral bottom line.

If one's bottom line is breached one after another, the player's temperament may change drastically.

This is also the reason why the game official made a key reminder after the attributes of evil power.

Daliang warned himself, "I will never take the initiative to take the soul of a living person", and then put the evil power badge on his body.

At this time, Yunzhong City suddenly issued an announcement to everyone that shocked the world.

"Supreme Angel Michael resigned from the position of Archangel of Cloud City due to some reasons and will no longer manage the affairs of the heroic world and the good camp. The position of Archangel of Cloud City will be succeeded by the Supreme Angel Metatron."

For some reason?

what reason!

Michael had just led the good camp to defeat the evil camp army led by Hell in the Crucible City. Lucifer was sealed by her personally, and the angels occupied the city of the former enemy.

This is a decisive victory that has never appeared on the plane battlefield since the confrontation between good and evil. As long as the good camp continues to attack, it is possible to completely defeat the evil camp...

After the war in the Crucible City ended, Michael also announced to the world that she would bring the good camp to continue the war, with the goal of exorcising evil to end the war.

As a result...Michael suddenly announced his resignation!

What was the reason that made Michael give up completing this feat himself and choose to resign and retire?

Thinking back to Metatron suddenly appearing in the sky above the Crucible City and announcing the convening of a meeting of the Supreme Angels of Cloud City... everyone realized that something big had really happened in Cloud City.

While the world was still shocked by this news, the newly succeeded Metatron immediately issued his first order to become the Archangel of Cloud City.

"I am Metatron, the Archangel of Cloud City, and now I declare...

The Crucible City is under the management of the Supreme Angel Gabriel... Now, all the heroic world armies not stationed in the Crucible City are preparing to retreat from hell.

The lava river basin with a radius of 300 kilometers with the Furnace City as the center is the area occupied by the good camp... Regarding the distribution of control rights in the occupied area, I will organize a good plane meeting as soon as possible to jointly make a reasonable division. Allies in the good camp, you have left behind the garrisoned troops and the extra soldiers... you can let them go home.

Finally, as the archangel of Yunzhong City, the ruler of the world of heroes, and the leader of the good camp, I declare that the good camp will cease all military operations. All the troops of the good camp are on standby, using the battle line as the armistice line...remaining restrained and waiting for the order to end the war. "

After Cloud City announced that Michael would step down as archangel, he immediately dropped a bombshell.

do not fight!

In such a good situation, Metatron actually announced that he would not fight!

Not to mention the good camp who are celebrating, even the soldiers of the Angel Legion fighting in hell cannot understand why Metatron issued such an order? This is completely contrary to Michael's order!

At this moment, Michael has not been seen since leaving the Furnace City, nor has he said a word...

A bad premonition came to every angel's mind.

Of course they would not doubt that Metatron would launch a coup to overthrow Michael, but they would speculate whether Michael was plotted during the battle with Lucifer, and some kind of curse magic broke out after she returned to Cloud City, causing She lost the ability to lead Cloud City, so she passed the position of Archangel to Metatron.

But the supreme angel is immortal. Even if Michael is injured and can no longer fight, he can still let the victorious good camp continue to fight. Why does it stop fighting so inexplicably?

The whole world is full of confusion and doubts... If the good camp says not to fight, will the evil camp be willing?

But not long after Metatron announced the withdrawal of the Heroic World’s troops and the good camp unilaterally ceased fighting, the Sad Pope of the Death Kingdom announced to the world:

"I am the owner of the City of Sighs, the ruler of the Kingdom of Death, the leader of the evil camp, and the sad pope of the Unsullied See.

I declare that the evil camp will cease all military operations, and all the troops of the evil camp will be on standby, using the battle line as the armistice line... On behalf of the evil camp, I will conduct active negotiations with all parties and strive to end this meaningless war as soon as possible. "

Did the undead take the wrong medicine today?

Declare a truce on behalf of the evil camp... You, a thousand-year-old fool, usually can't beat a fart with three sticks, but suddenly the whole world issued an announcement asking the evil camp's troops to stay put. When can you represent the evil camp?

Have you ever asked about hell...

Although Hell's strength was greatly damaged in the Crucible City War, and Lucifer was defeated and sealed, they really showed their blood and displayed the majesty of the evil camp. Now the remaining troops in Furnace City have withdrawn into the abyss, and several Hell Lord Kings have gathered in Despair City. Although Hell is weak, it still has the strength to fight.

With hell ahead, who is your country of death?

Where was the army of the undead when the fighting in Furnace City was at its most intense? Now he comes out and declares a truce on behalf of the evil camp...

Sit back and wait for hell to slap you in the face.

Sure enough, not long after the Sad Pope issued a world announcement, the World-Destroying Demon King of Hell also issued a world announcement.

"I am the Demon King of Destruction, and I was elected as the new Lord of Hell by all the Lords of Hell. Now as the leader of Hell, I believe that Hell is in urgent need of getting out of the quagmire of war.

Hell is willing to cease the war and agrees to use the current battle line as the truce line. All Hell armies must immediately stop all military operations and wait for the end of the war.

In addition... I think in this special period, the Kingdom of Death is more suitable to represent the evil camp. I believe that the Sad Pope has the ability to lead the evil camp back to glory. "

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