Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1516 Three-Party Truce

This is simply a matter of negotiation.

Metatron, the Sad Pope, and the World-Destroying Demon King all tacitly released world announcements in order. The contents were surprisingly consistent, which made people wonder about the stories behind these three plane bosses.

The behind-the-scenes of this truce must not be that simple. A scene seemed to appear in front of everyone's eyes. Metatron, the Sad Pope and the Demon King of Destruction were sitting together at this time...reciting lines and smiling at each other.

Can anyone tell us what happened?

Why did the atmosphere of the whole world suddenly change after a vigorous war in the Crucible City... Michael disappeared, and the plane war suddenly stopped at the most critical moment.

Why didn't Yunzhong City fight?

The Kingdom of Death is preparing for war without participating in the war, and has gathered the strongest troops of the evil camp, seemingly just to wait for this moment to come.

Why did Despair City, which was also an army of hell, not support the war in Furnace City from beginning to end? The Demon King of World Destruction, the Demon King of Power Desire, and the Demon King of Jealousy watched the fall of Furnace City, were they just waiting to seize power? But if they didn't know that the war would stop at this moment, Despair City would definitely be the next Furnace City.

The appearance of all this seems to represent a hand controlling the world situation. A well-written script has made the world's heroes a character in the script. Even Michael and Lucifer have not escaped from the script. determined ending.

If this is really the case...

That's really terrible.

The world is silent at this moment. No one can guess who or what caused the war in Yunzhong City to cease, the Kingdom of Death to take over, and Hell to choose to take a back seat after paying a heavy price.

And just when the heroes from the good camp and the evil camp felt that there was a dark cloud of conspiracy hanging over their heads, Emperor Howard also issued a world announcement.

"I am Howard, the master of Shangjiang City, the emperor of the first empire in the main world, and the first ally of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. On behalf of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, I welcome the good camp and the evil camp to stop this meaningless war, and also call on all the people who are still there Where war is fought... an unconditional truce.

The First Empire of the main world is willing to serve as a neutral party and contribute our strength to achieve the final war in all dimensions as soon as possible.

Shangjiang City has made preparations to convene an armistice consultation meeting. I sincerely invite Archangel Metatron and the Sad Pope to come to Shangjiang to discuss the armistice and the establishment of a new post-war world order..."

The world was in an uproar again. The Five Color Flag Alliance actually joined in, and even the venue for the peace talks was ready.

He said that you didn't discuss it in advance...who would believe it!

A big net successfully caught the whole world, and then closed its mouth. The fire, which was burning more and more fiercely, turned into a wisp of smoke in an instant.

Layers of truth hidden in the fog make it difficult for everyone to adapt to this sudden change.

King Scripps in the Endless Labyrinth, after Howard issued the world announcement on behalf of the Five Color Flag Alliance, he couldn't help but angrily cursed the first empire of the main world and Daliang for their shamelessness.

Howard said in the world announcement, "Wherever the war is still going on across the plane... there is an unconditional truce."

Once the war ceases, the Darkwing Kingdom will really lose all its money.

After reaching a truce agreement with Daliang in the Golden Cave City, King Scripps temporarily eliminated his worries and could go all out to regain the land taken away by the World Factory. With the end of the War in the Crucible City, King Scripps believed that the good camp would definitely increase its forces in Hell again.

Invest and strive to conquer the entire hell plane.

This is an opportunity for King Scripps.

If the World Factory increases its troops to Hell, their military strength in the Endless Labyrinth will weaken. What the Darkwing Kingdom needs to do at this time is... to regain the lost territory as soon as possible, and then increase its military strength to welcome the invasion of a larger-scale good camp.

Although the good camp has defeated Hell, the Death Kingdom's surge in strength and the endless maze with complex terrain will allow the plane war to continue for a long time...

The premise, of course, is that King Scripps takes back all the lost land, including defeating the Black Elves and taking back the Golden Cave City, and turning the entire Endless Labyrinth into a unified battlefield for the outside world.

For the next war, King Scripps formulated a complete set of plans, and even retreated to the wilderness to hold on under extreme disadvantage. He believed that he could hold out until the good camp was unable to attack, until the war automatically ended.

But now, the good camp and the evil camp have said they will stop fighting, and the Five-Color Flag Alliance also called on all parties to cease fighting.

The battle line shall be the armistice line.

One-third of the Darkwing Kingdom's land is occupied by World Factory and the Black Elves. How can we regain it once the war ceases? Especially Golden Cave City... The academic faction is a surface force, and the land occupied by the World Factory can be taken back by finding ways to squeeze out the warlocks in the future. The people who occupy the Golden Cave City are the underground race of black elves, and they are supported by the Five Color Flag Alliance. Once this land is divided like this, it will be difficult to take it back.

Da Liang must know something. He knows that this plane war will soon end. He knows that the good camp, the evil camp, and the five-color flag alliance will simultaneously ask all parties to stop all military operations.

King Scripps thought hard...

What is called

“The ownership of Jincao City depends entirely on their own fists.

It belongs to whoever occupies it. "

The so-called negotiations in Golden Cave City were all a delaying tactic by Daliang. He deceived himself into targeting the World Factory so that he could seize the opportunity to seize land and consolidate his territory... Now the black elves he controlled had just annexed the Golden Cave black elves, and the three major planes were All parties are required to cease fighting... Good, evil, and neutral are in unison. Hell doesn't even want the position of the boss of the evil camp. Everyone can see that there is someone behind this... At this time, who has the courage to go against the will of the three major camps? Attack the Golden Cave City?

At this time, King Scripps was mute and eating Coptis chinensis - unable to express his suffering.

And Monica is happy that she is still one step away from reaching her peak...

The black elf of the Golden Cave who lost Fegmina can be said to be a giant beast whose head was chopped off. Then when Monica and Abigail attacked, the remaining black elves lost all their fighting spirit.

They don't know who they are fighting for, and they don't know if there is any point in continuing the fight. They didn't know that the spider mother flying in the air with eight spider legs dancing wildly was just a law-level monster that had lost its mind and was controlled.

All they knew was that... Feigmina was defeated!

The Golden Cave City is lost!

A powerful black elf group is launching a strong attack on them. The road leading to the wilderness area is blocked. The betrayal undead army is stationed in the important place and stares at their backs.

The black elves obeyed the strong. When the new strong replaced their mistress, they had no intention of fighting and would only surrender.

The Black Elves of the Thorny River simply engulfed the Black Elves of the Golden Cave at a marching speed, and then when Metatron, the Sad Pope, and Howard announced the truce, they completed this crazy swallowing, and Chen Bing and the Darkwing Kingdom were on the truce line. .

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