Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1517 Master protects you

The dark cavalry of the black elves patrolled the truce line, and their sophisticated weapons gave off a cold glow in the dim light underground. The satisfied Marquis Stanley led his death army to retreat from the garrisoned city, gradually handing over the border defense tasks to the hands of the Black Elves of Thorn River.

Immediately afterwards... invitations to the ceremony where the black elves wanted to establish a kingdom were sent to the kings of the major dungeon kingdoms.

Along with the invitation, there was also a handwritten letter from Prince Feichen of the first empire of the main world, hoping that the kings could go to Obsidian City to discuss post-war matters in the Endless Labyrinth.

Now everyone knows that the Black Elves of Thorny River suddenly captured Golden Cave City and rapidly expanded. The manipulator behind the scenes is Prince Feichen Daliang of the first empire of the main world. Da Liang initiated the Endless Labyrinth Kings Meeting at this time, and his purpose was already obvious. Otherwise... why would he, a noble from the surface main world, call all the underground city kings to a meeting in Obsidian City!

To go or not to go?

The current First Empire of the main world is not what it used to be. Before the end of the Furnace City War, the First Empire was just an emerging country. Although it was powerful, part of it came from the support of the Five Color Flag Alliance and part of it came from Shangjiang's financial resources. After the Crucible City War ended, Emperor Howard, on behalf of the neutral camp, advocated an armistice with Metatron and the Sad Pope, and prepared to prepare for armistice negotiations, which meant that the main world was already qualified to be on an equal footing with the World of Heroes and the Kingdom of Death.

The first empire in the main world has the ability to influence the world structure, and it also has the ability to put small shoes on the endless maze in terms of armistice negotiations.

The kings of the dungeon have realized that the situation in the entire plane is about to change drastically, but their eyes are covered by doubts, but they don't know how the world will change. Since Da Liang is the prince of the first empire of the main world, and used scalpel-like precision to cut off a rich land from the core of the endless maze, he must know something inside.

Therefore, the Obsidian City meeting and the seven kings of the Endless Labyrinth had to come. Even if King Scripps knew that this meeting must be related to the founding of the Black Elves, he could only hold back his anger and come to the meeting.

After the Crucible City War ended, all warring parties obeyed the orders of Metatron, the Sad Pope, and Emperor Howard, and temporarily suspended the war, watching the changes in the world, and waiting for the Shangjiang Conference to be held.

Compared to Shangjiang City, which attracted much attention and was watched by the world, the meeting of the Endless Labyrinth Kings held in Obsidian City was much more low-key.

After continuous construction, Obsidian City integrated the dwarf city and the dungeon. The city is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The inner city is located in the center of the city and accounts for about one-fifth of the area. A huge pit is dug downwards from the inner city. The dwarves built a dwarf city on the wall of the cave imitating the Black Iron City; The outer city maintains the original appearance of Obsidian City and is used for the dungeon races to live in.

The generous character of the dwarves did not create a barrier between them and the underground aborigines because of the distinction between inner and outer cities. They do not engage in racism like the black elves. The residents of the dungeon found that as long as the dwarves were drunk, they were the most loyal brothers.

There are endless ores here... The dwarves who gradually adapted to underground life found that except for the fact that the underground was a little darker, life here was simply too happy.

Then as the dwarves who escaped from the Dreamland continued to join Obsidian City, the city became more and more prosperous.

As the organizer of the King's Conference, the King of the Hill knew that this was a good opportunity for the dwarves to integrate into the endless labyrinth. He needed to show the dwarves' powerful military power and also needed to make the various dungeon kingdoms realize that the dwarves were not interested in war and expansion. Dwarves just like to forge iron, and Obsidian City wants to use a weapons exhibition to win more orders.

The newly armed dwarf bear cavalry was sent to the border to greet the dungeon kings who came to attend the meeting.

Daliang, who organized the meeting, was pulled offline by Shu Xiao.

Shu Xiao is the only person who knows most of Daliang's secrets, and knows that Daliang is the Demon King of Destruction. In Shu Xiao's eyes, the King of Hell Lords was already a very prominent figure, and now Daliang has become the Lord of Hell...

"How do you manage to rule a plane? Come on, come on, tell me..."

Shu Xiao was even more excited than Daliang. When she saw that Daliang's gaming helmet showed that it had been disconnected from the network, she took off Daliang's helmet and urged her to ask questions.

Da Liang pretended to be helpless, shrugged and teased Shu Xiao: "There is nothing I can do? Lucifer was arrested, Beria and Willard were afraid that Cloud City would target the fallen angels and did not dare to become the Lord of Hell. Ergus Missing; Morgan was unwilling to cease the war and went to the Crucible Abyss to fight guerrillas.

Howard wants to be the emperor of the main world.

Angela and I are the only ones left. Since I'm popular, they insist on making me the Lord of Hell. There's nothing I can do about it. We can eat anywhere. "

"Ah?" Shu Xiao opened her mouth. She knew how Lucifer and Satan fought over the Lord of Hell. She thought that Daliang had won the Lord of Hell and had gone through a hard battle. Shu Xiao had even made up many scenes in his mind. Many hell lords fell to the ground in a mess. Only Daliang was seriously injured and stood with difficulty. That majestic and unyielding figure was surrounded by countless hell heroes who were worshiping on the ground.

"They shouted the name of the World-Destroying Demon King and elected him as the Lord of Hell."

As a result, Da Liang's Lord of Hell turned out to be forced upon him by many hell lords and kings. Shu Xiao, who knew the truth, was immediately disappointed: "There was no was so boring."

Seeing Shu Xiao's look, Daliang said with a smile: "You know how to fight, if the Hell Lord King fights again, Hell will really be over, and won't I become the polished commander?


Have you reached level 50? Now Metatron, the archangel in Cloud City, has a close relationship with me. For your level 50 main quest, take the route in Yunzhong City and get the master-level sacred energy. Give me a shout if you encounter any difficult tasks. Now there is no one in Yunzhong City who refuses to give me face. "

Shu Xiao said contemptuously: "You are said to be fat, but you are still out of breath. You are the Lord of Hell and the Demon King of Destruction, and Yunzhong City gives you face... By the way, you still have the identity of a human race, a member of the first empire of the main world. Prince, this identity may be of some use in Yunzhong City."

"What do you mean it's useful?" Daliang Niu B said: "I'll put my words here today, and you can record them for me. If you encounter any difficulties in Yunzhong City in the future, I will go there as the World-Destroying Demon King, no matter what Everything... will be settled for you...

Not only in Yunzhong City, but also in all planes from now on... except the elemental plane, if anything happens... Master, I will protect you.


Shu Xiao curled her lips, still expressing disbelief.

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