Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1518 Chapter 680 Meeting

Da Liang continued to brag, but at this time Xu Man called.

Such a big thing suddenly happened in the game. Not only the heroes and plane rulers of all parties were shocked, but it also caused a big earthquake on the player level.

Michael disappeared, and Metatron unexpectedly rose to power and became the new leader of the good camp.

The Kingdom of Death has become the leader of the evil camp, and Hell ranks second.

The first empire of the main world actually issued a world notice to hold an armistice conference.

This series of mutations means that overnight, the entire game has changed.

Players who thought that the plane war would last for a long time found that all their preparations were in vain. Without a war...the hoarded troops and reserves of supplies would become completely useless. Not only will they not be able to make war fortune, but they will also lose a lot of money. Those players who took out loans to make big bets in this plane war will probably lose all their money.

Peace... makes the players wail.

All players with connections at the top of the game started to find out what happened. Is there really going to be a truce, or is it just a slow down for everyone to take a breath and then get on with it.

As the leader of the College Alliance, the Northern Lords Alliance, and the East Asia United Organization, Xu Man has also put a lot of thought into this plane war. She must maintain the lead in this super plot.

Now inside and outside the game, players are in chaos, looking for first-hand information everywhere.

And Xu Man knows that in this game, there is probably no player whose information in this super plot is fresher and hotter than what Daliang has in his hands.

Therefore, Xu Man immediately contacted Daliang after arranging to activate the emergency plan of the university alliance. After discovering that Da Liang was offline, he called directly.

Shu Xiao also received a call from Boss Jin at the same time. Any disturbance in the game world would be a red ticket outside the game, not to mention this subversive change in the game's plot.

When getting information, Boss Jin also immediately thought of his niece-in-law.

Of course, Da Liang also cares about his own money. Only when he has people, money, and power can he make a lot of money by colluding with both internal and external parties. Otherwise, although Daliang is making a big splash in the game, it will not have much impact on his assets outside the game. Even if you control a Golden Cave City, it will cost money to build a country for the Black Elves, and it will be very difficult to get much profit from the Golden Cave City for a while. Monica is very good if she doesn't ask for money.

How to use plot to make big money, you still need to find an expert.

Daliang, who controlled the entire plot, acted very calmly. He said: "This plot change... I really know a little bit about the inside story, and I couldn't explain it clearly on the phone. Since everyone is offline, let's make an appointment to eat somewhere...

Hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with the changes in the game world. "

Since Da Liang said that the structure of the game world is going to change, it is really going to change... Only by being the first to make targeted plans based on the changes in the game plot can we be able to get ahead of everyone and eat the biggest cake.

Boss Jin immediately put down all the work at hand, casually mentioned a hotel he often visited on the phone, and then asked his assistant to book a room, and he hurried to meet Da Liang and the others.

Xu Man rushed to the hotel quickly, and then Daliang and Shu Xiaocai arrived together.

After Boss Jin ordered some food and drinks, he poured tea for Daliang himself and asked: "Brother Daliang... Now the whole world is going crazy because of what happened in the game today. If you know anything, you must tell me... …

I don't seek to make money, as long as I can recover the capital I invested in hoarding goods. "

Although Boss Jin and Daliang are brothers, Daliang does not dare to act like a big boss in front of Boss Jin. He quickly took the teapot from Boss Jin, and after letting Boss Jin sit down, he poured him tea and said: "The four of us are our own family members. I will definitely explain everything I can say clearly. This time the plane The war is really over."

Xu Man asked: "When the plane war is in full swing, how can it stop immediately? There is no reason for the good camp to stop... We have no way to participate in the war in Furnace City, but we are all ready to participate in the next war plot. .

The losses from this ceasefire were really too great. "

Daliang turned to pour tea for Xu Man and said: "Michael has been arrested. Metatron was originally a dove of President Yun and had no interest in plane war. This coup has caused extreme tension within Yunzhong City. Unstable, Gabriel was sent by Metatron to guard the Crucible City. Although he was entrusted with an important task, he also didn't want him to cause trouble in Cloud City.

The current good camp is powerless if they want to fight, so it is better to give up when things get better.

Otherwise, once the Kingdom of Death joins the war, the territory occupied by the good camp will probably be vomited out. "

Michael's sudden disappearance also triggered a lot of speculation among players. Most people believed that although Michael won the battle with Lucifer, he was plotted against him and had to pass the position of Archangel to Metat. Long.

Although there are still many things that cannot be explained in this speculation, no one thinks that Metatron seized power through a coup. Not only because Metatron is not a careerist, but because there has been no turmoil in Cloud City so far, it means that this is a smooth transfer of power.

Michael's reputation reached its peak due to the occupation of the Crucible City, and she was overthrown... It is impossible that there is no movement in Yunzhong City. There must be a supreme angel who will rise up...

Now Daliang said that Michael had been arrested... I guess if someone else said this, no one would take this news seriously. But Boss Jin, Xu Man, and Shu Xiao knew that they were definitely the first players to know this important information.

When Boss Jin and Xu Man were still surprised by the information about Michael being arrested, Shu Xiao asked: "I have met Metatron. He is probably the most unlikely supreme angel in the entire Yunzhong City to carry out a coup. Put Michael What good will it do to arrest him?"

Daliang turned to pour tea for Shu Xiao: "Metatron certainly has no ambitions, but he found that there was something wrong with Michael. She was too extreme to eliminate evil, and even killed some angels with very special status in order to achieve her goal. The Supreme Angel Uriel was also sealed and imprisoned.

If Michael is allowed to continue to lead Cloud City, the angels may be led to some sewer.

Compared with personal honor, Cloud City and Angels are the most important things in Metatron's heart... So he took advantage of the fact that Michael and Lucifer were finished to launch a sneak attack to get Cloud City back on track. "

Shu Xiao didn't quite believe what Daliang said: "How do you know such details... I don't believe Metatron would spread the scandal about the angel clan everywhere.

Where did you get the information from? Is it reliable? "

Daliang sat down and poured himself tea, and said: "Reliable, absolutely reliable. Metatron and I ambushed and sealed Michael, do you think my information is reliable?"




Three sips of tea squirted all over Da Liang's face.

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