Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1519 Intelligence

"What! You, you... did you capture Michael?"

Da Liang's sudden and shocking revelation made Boss Jin, Xu Man, and Shu Xiao spit out the sip of tea they had just drank. And because they were listening intently to Daliang's speech, layers of tea sprayed out covered Daliang's face.

Daliang quickly took the tissue from Shu Xiao's hand, wiped the tea on his face, and said: "You guys... have such a big reaction to this matter, if I had known I wouldn't have told you. I did participate in the arrest of Michael, We know a lot about the things behind this war. In short... the World of Heroes, the Kingdom of Death, and the Main World have reached a consensus, and the three planes of order jointly manage the game world.

After the Shangjiang City Conference is held, this war will officially end, and the battle between good and evil will not be so turbulent in the future.

We must prepare early for how to respond to changes in the game situation.

I'm going to the bathroom to wash my face... I'll tell you something important when I come back, about the new version of the game. "

Da Liang casually wiped the water stains on his face and clothes, then left the dining table and went to the bathroom to wash himself properly. It’s okay for Shu Xiao and Xu Man to spray each other, Lao Jin, why are you joining in the fun...

Da Liang temporarily left the table, and the remaining three people could not recover from their surprise for a long time.

Shu Xiao is better. She knows many secrets about Daliang. She knows that he is the true world's number one lord, the strongest player in the world, and now the Lord of Hell. He is exposed to the most advanced plot missions in the game. Although it was unbelievable for Daliang to capture Michael, he could still accept it.

Boss Jin and Xu Man were really confused.

Michael is the strongest hero in the entire game world and the top boss. In a stand-alone game, this would be the big monster who passes the level at the end, a character who is so awesome that he can be coaxed.

Being able to participate in the plot of capturing Michael means that Daliang is qualified to compete with the top heroes in the game. Strength can certainly represent Daliang's strength, but in the eyes of Boss Jin and Xu Man, what they value more is...the qualification to participate in the battle to capture Michael.

Can any player participate in capturing Michael?

As Shu Xiao said just now, the Michael incident is a family scandal in Yunzhong City, and Daliang is a prince of the first empire of the main world. Metatron was going to stage a coup to overthrow Michael, so why should a prince of the First Empire participate?

Boss Jin and Xu Man deeply felt the horror of Daliang's position in the game. His identity was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

Before Daliang came back, Boss Jin asked Shu Xiao: "Xiaoxiao... do you know what Daliang does in the game and which system heroes he comes in contact with?

You reveal a little bit to uncle.

Save me, I always get startled when talking to Daliang. If I get a heart attack, I won’t be able to host your wedding. "

When he heard about the marriage, even the carefree Shu Xiao couldn't help but blush: "Uncle Jin, what are you talking about? We...we haven't had enough fun. How many of today's young people get married so early...

You... just don't worry about it.

As for Daliang's secret... I dare not tell you. Saying it... I'm afraid I'll scare you into having a heart attack right now. "

Boss Jin chuckled and said, "This guy Daliang is so good in the game."

Shu Xiao raised his eyebrows and said proudly: "It's more powerful than you think."

Since she confessed her heart to Daliang last time, Xu Man has also recognized the distance and relationship between herself and Daliang. Seeing Shu Xiao at this time, she knows that Shu Xiao and Daliang are destined, and they will definitely work out and eventually achieve success. . Although there is a lot of reluctance and envy in my heart, I also wish them both sincerely.

Seeing Boss Jin and Shu Xiao playing riddles with each other, Xu Man also joined in: "If Da Liang is really that powerful, then... we will definitely have the upper hand in the game.

What should we do in response to the end of this plane war? "

Boss Jin has money and Xu Man has people. After having Da Liang's information, he will definitely become more powerful. Daliang didn't know how to turn the changes in the game situation into substantial benefits, but Boss Jin and Xu Man were both experts in this area and already had a rough idea of ​​what to do.

After the exchange of opinions, Boss Jin and Xu Man reached an outline for joint action.

At this time, Daliang also washed his face and returned to the dining table: "What are you talking about?"

Boss Jin said: "Let's talk about how we should use this sudden change in the game's plot to make money. Now all the players are waiting and watching, not knowing what happened and whether the plane war will continue. We can be the first to do so. In front of people, make strategic adjustments.

A step ahead means a step ahead, not to mention that with you at the top of the gaming power circle giving us information, we can adjust our strategy at any time.

All in all...this meal was definitely worth it.

We will let you take a look at the specific plan after we come up with a detailed plan.

What did you just say about 'new version of the game'? Is the game about to be updated? when? "

Daliang asked first: "You all know something about the divine plane, right?"

There may be a god plane in the game, which is no longer a big secret. As the plane war progresses, the cause of the war is gradually known to the rulers of the major planes. Whether the God Plane exists has always been a research topic for the powerful planes. Therefore... when they realized that Yunzhong City and Furnace City had reached the final step of opening the God Plane, the plane rulers knew The divine plane is real, and research efforts have been intensified.

Regarding the matter of the God Plane, as some players came into contact with high-level plot missions, they gradually spread among some small circles of high-level players.

Boss Jin and Xu Man have very high status and influence at the level of game players, so naturally they know more or less about the affairs of the divine plane.

Xu Man asked: "Could it be that the new version of the game you are talking about... refers to the divine plane. Is Yunzhong City about to open the divine plane?"

Since Daliang participated in the battle to capture Michael, it meant that he had gained Metatron's trust and naturally knew some of the secrets of Cloud City. When Daliang mentioned the divine plane, Xu Man immediately thought of Yunzhong City.

Boss Jin also thought that Yunzhong City was about to open the divine plane, and was eagerly waiting for Da Liang to give the answer.

Daliang replied: "It doesn't matter who opens the God Plane. The important thing is... the God Plane is really about to be opened, and through the plot I have come into contact with... God's thoughts and the general trend of the current game world. There is a huge conflict in worldviews.

Therefore, the opening of this new version is likely to bring about a larger-scale war.

We have to be prepared. The achievements I have achieved in the game may be vulnerable to the new version..."

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