Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1520 Adjustment

Da Liang only reveals a little bit to make people feel how advanced he is in the plot progress of the game world. Before any player could figure out what was behind the plane war, he had already begun to get in touch with the next version.

Even before the meal started, Boss Jin felt that his heart was already full.

One is to deal with the opportunities after the end of the plane war, and the other is the crisis after the new version opens. The God Plane makes even Da Liang feel vulnerable, so ordinary players are just fallen leaves that can be swept away by the aftermath.

"We need to make a more long-term plan..." Boss Jin said solemnly, and then asked Daliang: "When will the divine plane be opened?"

Daliang thought about the three major god plane research systems in the game.

In the Furnace City of Hell, the fallen angels were defeated, Lucifer was captured and sealed, and Beria has made it clear that they have interrupted their research on the divine plane.

In Cloud City, Uriel will take over Michael's work and continue to attack the crack she created. That sword mark seems to be very inconspicuous compared to the crystal wall of the God's Plane, but no one knows whether to open the God's Plane is to penetrate the crystal wall of the God's Plane, or if it just needs to cut out a certain depth. Therefore, the time when Yunzhong City will open the divine plane is uncertain. It may be possible tomorrow, or it may take another thousand or ten thousand years.

The Bone Burial Tomb is a divine plane project hosted by Daliang. He is still aware of the entire research progress. Nicole's alchemy laboratory has determined all the processes for opening the crystal wall of the God Plane, and the success rate is very high. Now Princess Ziling has brought alchemists to research and manufacture the alchemical equipment needed to open the divine plane.

Nicole learns key energy techniques in the Torch Tower.

As long as both sides are ready, the experiment can be started immediately.

Daliang said: "I don't know the specific time, but... it should be soon..."

When Daliang, Boss Jin, Xu Man, and Shu Xiao were discussing how to make money in the game at the dinner table, Shi Fei also quit the game at this moment.

The blow was really too big.

This plane war not only started early, but also ended without warning.

You know... in Shi Fei's previous life, when he was reborn, the plane war was still going on. All the game plans he made at the game place were based on the progress in his memory...

As a result, the entire game quickly changed beyond recognition, turning Shi Fei's thick plan into useless paper.

Fortunately, no matter how the game progress changes, Shi Fei can still maintain his unique advantage by relying on his memory, experience and keen intuition, leaving other players far behind and establishing his own Southeast Asian federation. The only regret is that...he failed to fulfill his wish and defeat his old enemy.

Daliang hugged the soaring tree in Shangjiang. This luck could no longer be matched by human power.

Shi Fei, who knew the gap, temporarily put aside his ambition to compete with Daliang and concentrated on development, preparing to surpass him again if he had the opportunity. Plane wars are full of opportunities. Although the Dream Realm suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Shangjiang, the victory of the good camp in the Crucible City truly determined the direction of the world situation.

In front of the invincible Michael, the evil camp has no heroes left to fight, and the glory of the Five Color Flag Alliance is just a flash in the pan. The first empire of the main world will soon be divided among the major planes again, what can the prince do?

"When the nest is overturned, there are no eggs left!"

The higher you stand, the harder you fall.

Therefore, when Shi Fei knew that Michael defeated Lucifer and the angels rushed into the Furnace City, he felt extremely happy...

Dreamland, which had been demoralized by the Battle of Shangjiang, had its morale skyrocketed.

The elves have completed all-dimensional war mobilization, and are only waiting for Michael's order to march to hell, the kingdom of death, and the main world to avenge their past humiliation.

Shi Fei also mobilized troops from various places to reorganize his own elven army, waiting to follow Michael's victorious army to make achievements, improve his status, and expand his influence.

"When the Five Color Flag Alliance collapses, Da Liang will only have to look up to me."

However, all Shi Fei's ambitions came to nothing within ten minutes.

The good camp stopped fighting, the evil camp stopped fighting, and the neutral camp proposed to hold a peace conference... What kind of power could forcefully reverse the progress of the plot and make the war cease at the most unlikely moment?

Damn it!

Shi Fei, who quit the game, couldn't help but curse.

When plane wars are not fought, he is a close associate of King Wadsworth, a well-known general in the Dreamland and the first elf king. However, the first empire in the main world can use this armistice meeting to once again improve its status in the entire plane. The game world has three pillars, and the First Empire will be one of them.

Daliang is the prince in this pole.

Is this fate?

Ban Yue Mao knocked on the door and walked in. The sudden change in the game also caught her off guard, cutting off the development of her intelligence work. She walked forward, picked up the coffee pot on the table, poured a cup of coffee, and then said to Shi Fei: "It's rare to see you depressed. In my impression, no matter what difficulties arise, you can remain confident. Give us confidence.

Now... the whole game has become chaotic, but our people are very optimistic. We all believe that you can continue to lead us on the right path as before.

I also believe you, after drinking this cup of coffee, you will start telling me... what to do. "

Shi Fei took the coffee from Ban Yue Mao's hand, drank it slowly and said: "I just feel a sense of frustration... I have so many resources at my disposal, and I have an understanding of the game that ordinary people can't even imagine... .

I thought I would become the god of this game and be looked up to by all players... For a long time, I thought I had done it, but the result...

I have created for myself an opponent that I may never be able to defeat in my lifetime.

I don't even know where I failed...

Do you think I'm ridiculous? "

"Yeah... sometimes I think you are really ridiculous." Ban Yue Mao did not give Shi Fei any face, she said bluntly: "Do you know who I feel pity for when I am collecting information?

It is a person who clearly owns the world, but feels like he has nothing because of something that does not belong to him.

Boss, life is unsatisfactory in all likelihood, but you have done better than most people... Your experience is a miracle in the eyes of everyone.

Including me...why am I following you? Is it for your high salary? No……

It's the sparkle in you that attracts me. I believe...if you have that person's opportunity, you can definitely do better than him. "

Shi Fei smiled: "No, you don't know that person... but you are right, I should focus on what I got... and the person. Prepare to record my order, we have to deal with it as quickly as possible Adjustments were made for this emergency.

I have a hunch that this plane war is really not going to happen. "

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