Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1521 The King’s Banquet

The sudden change in the plot of the game has caused player organizations all over the world to adjust their strategies. They are all watching Shangjiang City in the main world, waiting for the peace meeting to be held, and whether this war will be fought or a real peace.

After Daliang finished the dinner with Boss Jin and Xu Man, he took Shu Xiao home and re-entered the game. The situation in the entire game world stands at the most critical juncture. He must stay in his position at all times and be prepared to deal with any emergencies.

He didn't want to lose everything due to negligence at the last moment. No caution, no caution, is ever too much.

Moreover, the Dungeon King's Meeting in Obsidian City is also waiting for his arrival.

At this time...the seven kings of the Endless Labyrinth have arrived at Obsidian City. In the dwarf palace, the King of the Hill held a banquet specially for the arrival of the kings.

In order to make the banquet more grand and ceremonial, the King of the Hill specially invited the officials in charge of the palace banquet from the Shangjiang Kingdom, as well as a full set of attendants and etiquette masters. The banquet team of Shangjiang Palace lived up to the high expectations of the King of the Hill. They arranged a venue in the shortest time that was both human and dwarfly luxurious.

Wooden wine glasses that can be filled with five kilograms of fine wine are placed around the three-meter-high wine barrel; large pieces of marinated meat are grilled on the burning bonfire.

The dwarves summoned the strongest tauren in Obsidian City and asked them to wear full-coverage armor specially designed for tauren to serve as guards around the venue. The exquisite full-body armor, gorgeous accessories, and the shining ax in his hand are illuminated by magic, all showing the exquisite iron craftsmanship of the Obsidian City dwarves.

The kings and their attendants who came for the meeting were soon immersed in the wine ponds and meat forests, as well as the weapons and armor that dazzled the eyes.

King Chant and King Scripps were talking alone, while the other five kings deliberately made a more private space for them.

The Iron Hoof Kingdom can be said to be the only winner in this war among the seven kingdoms of the Endless Labyrinth. Before the black elf from the original Thorn River could accomplish anything, he was beaten to the ground by Daliang and swallowed into his mouth. The other black elf rebels in the kingdom were quickly wiped out by the iron-hoofed king's army equipped with dwarf weapons.

The Iron Shoe Kingdom is the first underground city country to cooperate with Shangjiang City. After their military power surged, and at the suggestion of Daliang, they did not rush to counterattack the invading warlocks of World Factory, but instead turned their troops against the black elf rebels in other kingdoms.

In the ensuing war, the Iron Hoof Kingdom snatched a lot of land from the black elves and sold black elf slaves to make the Iron Hoof Kingdom's army stronger and stronger.

At this time, the Iron Hoof Kingdom has surpassed the other six kingdoms in terms of comprehensive strength and has become the strongest in the Endless Labyrinth.

On the other hand, the Darkwing Kingdom was once the strongest country in the Endless Labyrinth.

Where the black elves rebelled, they not only lost an important financial source - Golden Cave City, but also catalyzed the emergence of the 16th level hero - Feigmina. With charisma and funds, the Black Elves of the Golden Cave are rapidly expanding...

Then the Black Elves of the Golden Cave received funding from Yunzhong City and Shangjiang City, and their military strength was able to compete with the Dark Wing King's army. Feigmina also showed a strong desire to attack, defeating the Darkwing Kingdom's army and occupying a lot of land.

Attacked by the World Factory and the Black Elves, the Dark Wing Kingdom's national power declined rapidly during the two-front battle, and was overtaken by the Iron Heel Kingdom's strength in a short period of time.

If the Darkwing Kingdom can retake Golden Cave City and drive away the black elves, then their backwardness this time will only be temporary. But if the black elves are allowed to establish a nation, with the support of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, the Darkwing Kingdom will really be the second in command in the endless maze.

King Scripps called the Singing King aside alone and said: "You must have received the letter of appreciation for the founding of the Black Elf Nation. What impact do you think the founding of the Black Elf Nation will have on us."

The Singing King certainly knew how important the Golden Cave City, occupied by the Black Elves, was to King Scripps. In addition, if all the black elves go to Golden Cave City, it means that the threat of the black elves to the Iron Shoe Kingdom will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the Song King said: "This black elf rebellion has caused great losses to our seven kingdoms. When we hate the black elves, we must also reflect on the wrong things we have done.

The black elves are a race with great potential and power. Even if we unite to drive them back to the wilderness, they will threaten our borders again and again, and will rebel again if given the opportunity.

We think we should recognize the black elves as a member of the underground race, give them a land, and let them build a country. When they enter the mainstream world, they will definitely learn how to communicate with us...

The endless maze will also become stronger with the addition of black elves. "

That's because the black elves occupy not your territory!

King Scripps thought hard, but to prevent the Black Elves from establishing a kingdom, he needed the support of the Song King.

"Your Majesty Chanting... The establishment of a country by the black elves this time is not as simple as you said. We all know that the black elves currently occupying the Golden Cave City have the support of Prince Feichen, the first empire of the main world.

The Black Elf Kingdom will not be of the same mind as us. They are the pawns of the main world that interfere with our endless maze.

Besides... Prince Feichen hid the secret from everyone in the Endless Labyrinth and cultivated such a powerful group of black elves. Who knows if he has supported other races?

Look at the dwarves in Obsidian City, they regard this place as their home, and the dwarves from Dreamland are gathering here.

If we agree to the establishment of a country by the black elves... and the dwarves want to establish a country, how should we refuse? "

King Scripps' words sounded the alarm to the high-spirited Song King.

This Obsidian City was originally a city belonging to the Ironhoof Kingdom, but is now occupied by dwarves...

The Singing King thought that the dwarves had no intention of staying in the endless maze for long. After all, they came from the surface world and would one day return to the dreamland. But now... the dwarves seem to really have plans to live there, and they have the intention of becoming an underground race.

What if the dwarves are no longer satisfied with an obsidian city?

What if the dwarves asked for a nation and more land to house their increased population?

Now, the Ironhoof Kingdom supports the Black Elves in establishing a nation at this time, so when the dwarves want to establish a nation, the Darkwing Kingdom will definitely retaliate.

The Singing King thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty Scripps... you are right! When it comes to dealing with the black elves, our seven kingdoms should stand on a unified front.

Although the Iron Shoe Kingdom and Shangjiang City have a very close cooperative relationship, when it comes to the internal affairs of the Endless Labyrinth, I definitely stand on our common interests. "

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