Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1522 Let me see clearly

The Song King expressed his attitude. King Scripps picked up a large glass of ale from the side and bowed and said: "The underground city is the underground city for the underground residents. We will never let any surface creatures take away our land."

The Singing King also picked up the wine glass, clinked it with King Scripps, and drank it all in one gulp.

After convincing the Song King, King Scripps went on to persuade the other Dungeon Kings. He believed... no matter how powerful the main world's first empire was, Daliang. As long as the seven kingdoms of the Endless Labyrinth unite, they will never allow the Black Elves to establish a country, and he will be able to recapture the Golden Cave City.

Soon... the seven dungeon kings reached a unified front on the issue of the founding of the Black Elf nation.

Then at this time, the host King of the Hill announced that the organizer of this endless maze king-level meeting, Prince Feichen of the first empire of the main world, had arrived and invited the seven kings to a special conference room for a meeting.

King Scripps and King Song looked at each other, and after giving each other a look of understanding, they took the lead to follow the King of the Hill and leave the banquet venue.

Daliang was already waiting in the conference room. He sat in the chair of the conference and greeted every king who walked in warmly.

After inviting King Chant and King Scripps to sit in the seats closest to him, Da Liang announced the start of the King-level meeting of the Endless Labyrinth.

"The main purpose of my invitation to all the kings to come to Obsidian City this time... is to establish diplomatic relations with the Endless Labyrinth on behalf of the first empire of the main world, and to conduct deeper cooperation in the all-dimensional trading market.

The Endless Maze is an important member of the evil camp. Now the kingdoms of Hell and Death have established diplomatic relations with us, and the Iron Hoof Kingdom has also recognized the First Empire's legal rule over the main world. Shangjiang City is about to hold a full-scale armistice meeting. If before that...the first empire of the main world can get the support of all the kings of the Endless Labyrinth, it will definitely greatly promote the friendship between our two planes. "

After Daliang finished speaking, he immediately realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere of the meeting.

All seven kings were silent and did not respond in any way. Even the Singing King of the Iron Shoe Kingdom, who had established diplomatic relations with the first empire of the main world, looked like it had nothing to do with him.

This is to give brother a show of strength.

"Hahahaha..." Daliang suddenly laughed: "It seems that your majesties all know why I summoned you here this time...

Then let’s not talk about friendship or cooperation, but let’s talk about the black elves.

The black elves currently occupying the Golden Cave City are subordinates of the Dark Saint Monica. And Monica is the city lord of Songjiang City in Shangjiang, and my most trusted subordinate.

The entire battle to capture Jincao City was planned and implemented by me. This process...King Scripps should be very clear...

This time, the kings were invited to Obsidian City to discuss the founding of the Black Elf nation. The black elves are an underground race. I hope that when they establish their own country, the seven dungeon kings can all go to congratulate them and recognize the black elf kingdom as the eighth kingdom of the endless labyrinth. "

This time, Daliang publicly admitted that he had controlled the Black Elf race. He showed an aggressive attitude towards the establishment of the Black Elf nation, and his irresistible momentum was unleashed at the meeting.

The seven kings did not expect that Daliang would reveal his relationship with the black elves and the purpose of convening this meeting without being tactful at all. He declared his support for the founding of the Black Elf nation without any reservations, leaving no room for maneuver.

The kings looked at King Scripps together. The black elves mainly occupied the territory of the Darkwing Kingdom, and Daliang had a direct interest in King Scripps.

Since there are negotiations... Scripps is naturally suitable as the representative.

King Scripps directly confronted him: "Since Monica is a city lord of the first empire of the main world, then she is not a member of the Endless Labyrinth, and she is not qualified to lead the black elves of the Endless Labyrinth, nor is she qualified to establish What a kingdom.

Now...the black elves still occupy my Golden Cave City. Since Monica is His Highness the Prince...your subordinate, then please give me my city back.

The plane war is coming to an end, and the evil camp will not allow the Five Color Flag Alliance to usurp the interests of the Endless Labyrinth. "

"The evil camp..." Daliang chuckled: "If I let you know my status in the evil camp, it would be too bullying for you.

There is also the Five Color Flag Alliance...

Now I am only negotiating with you on my own behalf. The black elf race is mine... and has nothing to do with the Five-Color Flag Alliance, nor with the First Empire of the Main World.

Of course... I am speaking for myself, but it does not mean that I am easy to bully.

Me, my subordinates, and the level 16 heroes who are willing to fight for me are enough to deal with a few of you. "

Annihilation, Julian the Arbiter, Abigail, Divine Bella, Angela, Will, King of the Hill.

Seven versus seven, Daliang faced the dungeon kings... without any fear.

There was also Nicole, who was studying alchemy puppets in the Torch Tower. After counting the level 16 heroes he could use for personal matters, he found that he still had a small advantage.

The kings did not expect that Daliang would challenge the entire endless maze with his personal strength. Judging from the aura and confidence radiating from him, it didn't seem like he was telling lies.

But...why can he invite so many level 16 heroes to fight for his personal affairs?

The prince of the first empire of the main world does not seem to be as simple as he appears.

King Scripps' momentum is obviously relieved, but for the future of the kingdom, he must prevent the Black Elves from establishing a kingdom. If Daliang is really as powerful as he said, and he treats the Black Elf Kingdom as his own private property... How can he sleep peacefully with him as his neighbor?

"Daliang... I don't care what your true identity is? I only know that the black elves are invading my territory, and I will never allow the black elves to establish a country on my land.

You dungeon kings will not agree to barbarians like the black elves living in the same land as us.

If the black elves insist on establishing a country, then... there is only war. "

Da Liang looked at King Scripps and the kings who continued to be silent.

"Kings... I actually don't need to summon them here to get your permission to establish the Black Elf Kingdom. I can establish the Kingdom in Golden Cave City now, and then let the good camp, neutral camp, and evil camp announce the Black Elf Kingdom at the same time. The legitimacy of the kingdom.

Even if you dare to disobey the peace orders of the three planes and attack the Black Elf Kingdom... I am still capable of defending it.

I'm not trying to scare you...

The black elves want to establish their country, and no one can stop it.

Those who are my enemies will definitely have a hard time in the future.

The purpose of my asking you to come was made very clear at the beginning of the meeting. I hope that when the Black Elves establish their country, you can all attend the ceremony. This is the prerequisite for peace in the Endless Labyrinth.

Kings... who oppose the founding of the Black Elves' kingdom, please stand up... and let me see clearly. "

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