Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1523 Showing Muscles

After Daliang finished speaking, the conference room became silent again. The expressions of the kings no longer looked like they were watching a good show, but they were seriously thinking to choose.

Most dungeon kingdoms have no direct stake in the founding of the Dark Elves. They supported King Scripps more because they looked down on the barbaric black elves and believed that they were not qualified to be equal to them. There is also the aggressiveness of the Black Elves... After the Black Elves establish their country, will there be more demands for land? If they expand, they may infringe on the interests of other dungeon kingdoms.

Among them, the Singing King mostly considers the issue of the dwarves.

The look of the kings told King Scripps that they had been frightened by the bright light. In fact, King Scripps didn't know whether Daliang really had the strength he said...or was just bluffing to force the kings to obey.

If I stand up and say "objection" at this time, what consequences will it bring to the Darkwing Kingdom?

But King Scripps also knew that if he didn't stand up first, the other kings would never take the initiative to stand up. Just when King Scripps was about to object, King Song took the lead and said to Daliang: "Your Highness... I have always deeply admired your wisdom, and I also know that your power is definitely not that of the First Empire. Prince is so simple.

The founding of the Black Elf nation is no small matter.

Will the Black Elf country expand in the future? How to keep our borders secure? And...since you have supported the black elves to establish a country, will you support another race to establish a country in the endless maze at some point?

You want us to agree to the founding of the Black Elf nation... Please let us see your true strength, Your Highness, and then answer the questions in our hearts. "

His words are unfounded, no matter how awesome he is, if he doesn't show his fists... the kings will only hesitate in the end. It's hard to guarantee that there will be no king who is not afraid of being frightened and wants to give Da Liang a try.

If Da Liang is just strong on the outside but hard on the inside, then the fight will be a fight.

But if Daliang really has the ability to fight the entire Endless Maze, after this war, the Endless Maze will probably be really destroyed. The current world situation is so delicate. If you can't avoid a war, you won't go to war, especially if you can't fight such an evenly matched protracted war. If Da Liang is defeated, there is still the main world to retreat to...

If the Dungeon Kings are defeated, where will they retreat?

The words of the chanting king made all the dungeon kings look at Da Liang. The most important thing in fighting is to know oneself and the enemy. The kings of course know that the Endless Labyrinth still has some strength. What they are concerned about now is... who is Daliang? He actually has the confidence to challenge the entire plane on his own.

King Scripps suppressed the urge to continue the provocation and waited for Da Liang's answer. If he continues to be secretive, he may not have to take the lead, and all the kings will stand up together... to make him look good!

As expected, the kings of the dungeon did not support the founding of the Black Elves' nation just by fooling around.

To shock these law-level heroes, you can't just rely on your words, you still have to show off the necessary muscles.

"Okay... If we can stop fighting and let the black elves build their country peacefully, it's no big deal if I reveal some secrets." Daliang said, and then put on the monarch robes of the Unsullied Holy See of the Kingdom of Death one by one: "The Kingdom of Death Now the leader of the evil camp, and I...

He is the immortal king of the kingdom of death, the death mentor of the Immaculate Holy See, and the bone-eviscerating monarch.

King Scripps, you now know why the Eviscerated Lord helped Monica deceive Fergmina, because it was me that Fergmina saw in the Cathedral of Misty City.

You should know what status I have in the kingdom of death. If you go to war with me, no undead will help you.


After Daliang put on the monarch's divine robe. Under the hood, he is the Eviscerate Lord, the Immortal King, worshiped by the undead. The strong aura of death prevented the dungeon kings from doubting the authenticity of his identity. They all looked at Daliang wearing the monarch's divine robe with wide eyes, and couldn't believe that Daliang actually had such an identity.

It seems that there is really no need to rely on the help of the undead allies to fight the civil war in the Endless Labyrinth. With the reputation of the Immortal King, it is possible for the entire Kingdom of Death to help the black elves fight the seven dungeon kingdoms...

But the cognitive impact brought by Daliang to the kings is not over yet.

Under the gaze of the kings, blazing fire burned outward from the monarch's robe. Soon, the fierce flames completely wrapped Daliang's body inside, and his appearance also changed accordingly.

The violent breath and burning heat filled the entire conference room, and a leader of flames appeared in front of the kings.

Da Liang's voice spoke again: "Then there is my other identity...the Demon King of Destruction canonized by Lucifer, the current Lord of Hell. Although the appearance of Hell makes me somewhat unworthy of my name, I can still do it by supporting the Black Elves on behalf of Hell. of. don't have to think that hell will help you. "

The kings felt that their brains were not enough.

What happened?

Why is it that a human race is not only the immortal king and bone-eviscerating monarch of the kingdom of death, but also the world-destroying demon king and lord of hell? What happened inside the former allies! What have you done?

But no matter how shocked and puzzled the kings were, the two identities revealed by Daliang were not false. The two important allies of the Endless Labyrinth will not stand on the side of the kings on the issue of the black elves.

As for swamp wetlands.

Daliang returned to his appearance as Prince Feichen of the First Empire: "This is where my strength in the evil camp is shown. In addition, including my current status... I have enough money to let the swamp ignore the disputes between us. .

Therefore... I said that the evil camp will support the establishment of the Black Elves' nation. You should have no doubts.

The Five Color Flag Alliance will not help you, they will support the establishment of the Black Elves' nation.

The good camp will not help you, and I can also make them support the founding of the Black Elf nation.

Until now...every word I said was not a lie. Even though it sounded ridiculous, it was all the truth.

If you are my enemy, you will not have any outside help.

And I... have time, space, troops, and financial resources to accompany you in the endless maze, fighting inch by inch.

Kings...I commit myself to you and sign the covenant. The Black Elf Kingdom will not take the initiative to provoke a war with the seven dungeon kingdoms; I will order Monica to march into the wilderness as soon as possible, integrate the Black Elf tribe there, and restrain them from harassing your borders.

And the dwarves...

As the king of the dwarves, I know what the dwarves really think... The dwarves like this place, but they definitely do not belong underground. They are a kind race and will eventually return to the surface.

Even if you don't return to the dreamland, there is enough land in the main world for dwarves to live.

The First Empire very much hopes that more dwarves will live in our cities, and is also willing to have a dwarf country to accompany us. "

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