Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1527 Holy Left Wing

Except for the supreme angels who know the truth, other angels generally believe that Michael's sudden lack of news is related to her battle with Lucifer. She must have been severely traumatized to leave the task of continuing to lead Cloud City in the hands of Metatron.

Michael's prestige among the angels made the angels very concerned about her condition. They believed that... even if Michael could no longer fight, he could still serve as the archangel and continue to lead them in the next war.

At this time, there is a truce. How can the angels who captured the Furnace City be willing to do so! If they take one step further, they will be able to occupy the entire hell.

The angels seeking war did not dare to openly oppose Metatron. They hoped to see Michael... They believed that a truce was definitely not what Michael meant. As long as they could see the only archangel who led them to create a glorious victory, This time the war can continue.

Holy Isaiah, as the Holy Left Wing of Michael, asked to see Michael, seeing that Metatron had no reason to stop him.

But Michael’s situation is really not suitable for too many people to know.

Metatron said to the somewhat aggressive Holy Isaiah: "Holy Isaiah... The Holy Wings were formed under the orders of the Archangel. Their duty is to protect the Archangel, but they are not the private soldiers of a certain supreme angel.

My inheritance as the Archangel of Cloud City was approved by Michael and recognized by all the supreme angels. What qualifications do you have to question me?

Holy Isaiah, your behavior is no longer suitable for the position of Holy Left Wing. As an archangel, I take back the position you currently hold. I will announce your appointment after I return from Shangjiang City. "

Holy Isaiah did not expect that Metatron would just revoke his position as the Holy Left Wing. Without this identity, he is just an ordinary holy angel, not qualified to see Michael whenever he wants.

And when Metatron returns from the meeting in Shangjiang City, everything is a foregone conclusion, and he won't be able to fight even if he wants to.

Holy Isaiah said anxiously: "Archangel Metatron, I apologize to you for my recklessness. I have no intention of contradicting your majesty. I am willing to abide by Lord Michael's instructions and the will of the supreme angels, Acknowledge that you are the Archangel of Cloud City.

But I am very concerned about Lord Michael's situation, and all the angels are concerned about Lord Michael's situation.

We just want an answer...

What happened to Lord Michael?

Why did she never appear again after she left the battlefield in Crucible City? Why is Lord Michael's last order to continue fighting this war, but you are anxious to end it?

This is definitely not Lord Michael’s wish.

Archangel Metatron, no matter how you punish me, as long as you let me see Lord Michael, I am willing to be dealt with as you wish. "

Even though Holy Isaiah was deprived of the honor of the Holy Left Wing, he still did not flinch. He insisted on seeing Michael and continued to contradict Metatron.

Metatron protected Holy Isaiah in front of Da Liang, so how could he be involved in the whirlpool of this incident.

When Metatron was about to use his identity as an archangel to drive Holy Isiah out of the Palace of Knowledge, the guarding angel outside the palace came in to report: Prince Feichen of the first empire of the main world arrived at Yunzhong City and asked to see Meta. Archangel Troon.

What is he doing here?

When Holy Isaiah heard that Da Liang was coming, he couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart.

After Metatron heard about Daliang's visit, he did not let Holy Isiah avoid him, but directly invited Daliang to come in. Since Daliang wants to make Holy Isiah the guardian of the Joyce family, let’s see if he can convince Isiah...

Da Liang walked into the Palace of Knowledge under the escort of angels, and then walked forward happily to Metatron: "Archangel Metatron, first of all, I would like to congratulate you.

I believe that under your leadership, Yunzhong City will surely enter a new period of glory. The power and wisdom contained in knowledge are far more suitable for the nature of angels than swords and blood.

Hmm... isn't this Holy Isaiah?

Have you told him everything about our agreement? "

Da Liang saluted Metatron, and then saw Holy Isaiah standing aside. Thinking of his agreement with Metatron, he thought that Holy Isiah was here to accept Metatron's order to guard Joyce's heroic space.

Holy Isaiah asked alertly: "What agreement?"

Seeing that Holy Isiah looked like he didn't know anything, Da Liang asked Metatron: "Didn't you tell him?"

Metatron originally wanted to appease Holy Isaiah first, and then tell Holy Isaiah about the matter after the Shangjiang meeting was over and everything was a foregone conclusion.

Now when Daliang saw Holy Isaiah, he proposed an agreement. Metatron said to Daliang: "Isaiah came to me to meet Michael. As for our agreement, I want to wait until the Shangjiang meeting is over before dealing with it... …”

Daliang looked at the confused Holy Isaiah and said, "I saw many angels gathering outside the Palace of Knowledge, and I guess they are all waiting for news about Isaiah.

If you don't want Isiah to be used, it's best to let me take him away this time. "

After hearing what Daliang said, Holy Isaiah said angrily: "Who will use me...and why do you take me away?"

Metatron considered what Daliang said.

Holy Isaiah was very faithful to Michael. Even if he drives him out this time as an archangel, he will definitely not be willing to do so. From the size of the angels gathered outside the Palace of Knowledge, one can see his influence in Yunzhong City. If he knew that Michael was actually sealed by him, there was no guarantee that he would not do something drastic.

Although the supreme angels have promised not to reveal the truth, except for Uriel... none of them can be trusted.

Gabriel, who is far away in Furnace City, is probably also waiting for the civil strife in Yunzhong City.

But without telling Holy Isaiah the truth, how could he be willing to follow Daliang and become Joyce's family guardian.

Metatron said to Daliang: "If you were in my position, what would you do?"

Holy Isaiah's heart suddenly agitated at this moment. From Metatron's words, it can be heard that Da Liang actually knew what happened to Michael?

How can this be?

He was just a prince of the first empire of the main world. As Michael's personal attendant, he didn't know what had happened to her. How did he, a human, know?

Holy Isaiah discovered that this incident seemed to be far more complicated than he imagined. There are more hidden secrets to Michael's disappearance...

He looked at Da Liang, waiting for his answer.

Metatron also looked at Da Liang to see how he would solve the problem of Holy Isaiah.

Daliang rubbed his nose and said casually: "Michael has been sealed by me."

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