Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1528 I did it


Hearing that Da Liang actually told the truth, Metatron felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He persists until now, but is unwilling to tell the truth.

And Da Liang...

Such unexpected revelation made Metatron seem to have seen Cloud City disintegrating in the flames of war... For the sake of angels, is it necessary to kill Holy Isaiah to silence him?

Metatron realizes that he made a serious mistake by letting Da Liang convince Isaiah. At least before that, say hello and unify the tone.

Holy Isaiah did not expect that Daliang would say such a ridiculous thing. He laughed and said: "Seal Michael? Is it just you? You can't even beat me. I'm afraid you can't even touch the hem of Lord Michael's clothes." Can't even touch it."

Daliang smiled back and said: "In a normal fight, of course I am not Michael's opponent, but my true strength is more than enough to deal with you. And I have Holy Bella, Arbitration Angel, Lucifer's self-sacrifice, and a whole team of high-level heroes An ambush team formed.

Michael was severely wounded in the battle with Lucifer, and at the same time relaxed his vigilance in the unprecedented victory.

Michael was ambushed by us when he left the sky above Furnace City... Lucifer's sacrifice was very valuable, and the entire battle went extremely smoothly.

This is why Michael never showed up. Metatron doesn't even know where Michael is being held by me, so how can he tell you? "

Holy Isaiah still didn’t believe it: “What a lie full of loopholes... How could Lucifer make such a big sacrifice to help you defeat Lord Michael.

Not only was he captured and sealed, the Crucible City was also occupied by us, and the fallen angels were almost exterminated by us?

What's the benefit to him? "

Daliang said easily: "What's the benefit if he doesn't do this? Can he stop Michael and your Furnace City? Defeat is a foregone conclusion, and the victorious Michael will definitely kill the fallen angels.

Only when Michael is sealed can the fallen angels continue. Lucifer knew my plan, so he fought so hard against Michael. The more damage he caused to Michael, the greater my ambush success rate would be. "

During the decisive stage of the Crucible City War, although Holy Isaiah was responsible for monitoring the movements of the Kingdom of Death, he had also been paying attention to the decisive battle between Michael and Lucifer. In retrospect, Lucifer's performance in the battle was indeed very abnormal... Fighting to the death and exchanging injuries for injuries has never been Lucifer's style. But in that battle, Lucifer was trying to cause as much damage to Michael as possible.

Holy Isaiah believed a little, but he still raised a major doubt: "How could you possibly know where Lord Michael went when he left the battlefield of Furnace City? The angel had already controlled the battlefield at that time, and you had absolutely no chance to interfere with her opening. Portal, Sir Michael will not be easily confused by space skills."

Da Liang replied: "This requires an internal response...Didn't you notice that Michael's Blazing Wings are not in Metatron's hands?"

Holy Isaiah quickly said: "It's Lord Uriel... Do you think I would believe that a supreme angel would betray Lord Michael? Lord Uriel has the wings of the sky, which were given by Archangel Metatron of."

Daliang said: "I am not interested in the grievances among you angels, but I accidentally... discovered Uriel who was sealed by Michael himself.

Uriel seems to have discovered some secrets of Michael and believes that Michael is no longer suitable to lead Yunzhong City, and I also want to arrest Michael to end the threat of the good camp to the Five-Color Flag Alliance.

So a plan was drawn up.

Lucifer was responsible for consuming Michael, and Uriel led us to carry out an ambush where Michael would definitely go.

Uriel got the Seraph Wings, and I... got the Doomsday Blade. "

When Da Liang stretched out his hand, the Doomsday Blade appeared instantly, and then disappeared instantly.

At this time, Holy Isiah was stunned. Although he still didn't want to believe this fact, the Doomsday Blade was not fake. This is the artifact that Michael snatched from Lucifer with his own hands. She would never take the initiative to give it to the enemy she has identified in her heart.

And Urie did lose contact for a period of time.

Could it be... could Lord Michael really be...

Holy Isaiah looked at Metatron, hoping to get a negative answer from him: "God... Archangel, this... is this true?"

"Of course it's true..." Daliang continued to sell Urie: "The Wings of the Blazing Sky are the symbol of the Archangel. If Metatron really got the Wings of the Blazing Sky, how could he give such an important artifact a ranking? The last supreme angel?

If it were you...would you do it? "

Da Liang concealed something and completely ignored Metatron from this incident. He needed to continue to lead Yunzhong City and not be speculated or questioned by the angels, so Da Liang took over everything.

As for Uriel...

Let's take the blame too. Anyway, he has obtained the Blazing Wings, so he should share some firepower, and as the angel's last defender, he doesn't need a good reputation.

The truth is very clear.

The Doomsday Blade I just saw cannot be faked, nor can Uriel's Blazing Wings be faked. Metatron wouldn't let him see Michael because he didn't know where Michael was being held.

The angry Holy Isaiah pulled out his angel sword and said sternly to Daliang: "Give Lord Michael to me, otherwise I will lead the angel army and wipe you and the Five-Color Flag Alliance from this world."

Daliang faced the tip of the sword pointed at his nose and said motionlessly: "Isaiah...when you carried out Michael's order and assassinated King Joyce, did you think of today's scene?

Michael and you don't know what King Joyce means to Shangjiang City, the main world, and the Five Color Flag Alliance. At that time, we were not at war with Yunzhong City, and there was no direct conflict of interest. Instead, your allies attacked the city.

Then a despicable assassination cost us our beloved king.

You asked me to give Michael to you, who can give me Joyce in exchange? "

Holy Isaiah did not expect that Daliang already knew the truth about the assassination, but he still argued forcefully: "How can a king of a city-state in the main world be compared with the Archangel of Yunzhong City?

It was I who assassinated King Joyce.

Let Lord Michael go, and you can kill me... to avenge your king. "

Daliang pushed Holy Isiah's sword away from his face and said: "Isiah, you should learn from Metatron... How dare I hand over Michael to you in a cloud city full of hostility?

Don’t you think you died quickly enough? The angel's high profile will not do any good in solving this matter.

Do not worry……

Anyway, I can't kill Michael, so I can only seal her and keep her. When to release her depends on when I think Cloud City is no longer a threat.

At this time, what you have to do is... help Metatron stabilize Cloud City, instead of causing chaos here.


For the assassination of King Joyce, Michael, the mastermind, is receiving the punishment she deserves.

And the executor of the assassination, you should also accept punishment! "

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