Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1529 Atonement

Holy Isaiah is not a simple-minded guy who cannot see the situation clearly.

If Urie led Daliang to capture Michael, then there would be only five supreme angels left in Yunzhong City, and at the same time, the two top artifacts, the Doomsday Blade and the Angel Alliance, would fall into the hands of the other party.

Starting a war recklessly at this time will not do any good to Yunzhong City. The war between the good camp and the evil camp has not officially ended. If the Five Color Flags Alliance gets involved again, without Michael's command... how can Yunzhong City and the good camp resist?

As Daliang said, Metatron's handling method at this time is the most correct.

Concealing the truth about Michael being sealed will not arouse Yunzhong City's hostility towards the first empire of the main world, thereby preventing the incident from expanding and ending in nothing but war. Only by limiting the truth of the incident to a small area can we actively save Michael.

If the reason for sealing Michael is limited to the crime of assassinating King Joyce, there is already a lot of room for maneuver.

Holy Isaiah understood Metatron's painstaking efforts and felt guilty for his collision with the Palace of Knowledge.

He said to Daliang: "I am sorry for the assassination of King Joyce, and I am willing to take full responsibility. No matter how you deal with me, I will never resist...

But Lord Michael is too important to Yunzhong City, and I hope His Highness the Prince can release her. "

Metatron wanted to say something, but was stopped by Da Liang. He said to Holy Isaiah: "You assassinated King Joyce... Even if you are executed, it cannot compensate for the crime you committed.

But Archangel Metatron intercedes with me on your behalf because you are most likely to be the next High Angel. Losing you... is a great loss to Cloud City, and an irreparable loss to Archangel Metatron.

Archangel Metatron is an elder I respect, and he has selflessly given me a lot of help.

My friend Saint Bella is an angel from Cloud City, and my guardian angel Julian is also from Cloud City. As a human from Shangjiang City, I still miss the moment when I was protected by Yunzhong City.

King Joyce's misfortune is only the private behavior of Michael and you. I don’t want to ruin the relationship between the First Empire of the main world and Cloud City, and I don’t have the heart to refuse Archangel Metatron’s request.

Michael... I will not release. There were many reasons behind this ambush on her. Uriel betrayed Michael, but he did not betray Cloud City. He was only saving the angel clan.

You don’t need to know the specific things... I think Archangel Metatron will make it clear to you after you are promoted to the Supreme Angel and begin to perform your duties of guarding Cloud City.

Now I will tell you what Archangel Metatron and I have already discussed...the sentence for you.

Holy Isaiah was convicted of assassinating King Joyce... You must protect King Joyce's spirit until she is resurrected; and swear to be the guardian of King Joyce and her family, and use your life to make up for it. crimes committed. "

At this time, Holy Isiah had calmed down a lot, and he also thought clearly that there must be many things that he didn't know behind the whole Michael incident. Why did Michael seal Uriel, and why did Uriel rebel against Michael?

Daliang said that Uriel was for Cloud City and the Angel Clan, but Metatron acquiesced... There are really too many things involved in this.

Breaking into the Palace of Knowledge had already made Holy Isiah aware of his recklessness. Metatron must have some unspeakable reason for not telling him the reason. At least the supreme angels knew what happened, and they all chose to remain silent. They had not expelled Uriel from Cloud City yet, which meant that they all believed that Uriel did nothing wrong.

Holy Isaiah did not dare to think about it anymore. Regarding Daliang's verdict, he said: "King Joyce has died and turned into a heroic spirit. It is impossible for a heroic spirit to be resurrected."

Daliang replied: "With the power of the current world, of course it is impossible to resurrect heroic spirits. But can the power of God do it? We don't know... We have to give it a try."

When guarding the spirit of King Joyce, you can concentrate on realizing your power. When King Joyce is resurrected, you can regain your freedom... The First Empire of the main world has enough manpower to protect the safety of King Joyce, so as a guardian you do not need to stay in the main world all the time.

This is also the agreement between Metatron and I. I dare not compete with him for a supreme angel. "

Holy Isaiah felt Metatron's care for him. Even Michael dared to ambush the seal, so he certainly wouldn't mind killing a holy angel.

If this can alleviate the hatred of Michael in the First Empire of the main world and allow her to be released early, Holy Isiah is willing to do anything.

He asked Metatron for instructions: "Ask the Archangel to give orders."

Metatron did not expect that Daliang would convince Holy Isaiah in this way. He nodded and thanked Daliang, and then said to Isaiah: "There are some things that I really can't tell you. You just need to know the most important thing about Cloud City." What is needed is stability.

I don’t know what the supreme angels think about Michael being sealed, but no one wants to be blamed for provoking a civil war among angels. a disciple of Michael, her divine left wing, there is a good chance you will be taken advantage of.

The heroic spirit guarding King Joyce is a punishment for you and allows you to leave this vortex. Take this opportunity to calm down and seek breakthrough... I will tell you all about it when you become the Supreme Angel.

Don't worry...if God's power cannot resurrect King Joyce, I will ask His Highness the Prince to release you. "

Holy Isaiah already knew that the whole matter could not be solved by his own recklessness. Anyway, if the law-level hero is not dead, there will always be a day when the truth is revealed and Michael is released. And the closer you are to Daliang, the closer you are to Michael. As long as time goes by, you can find out some things.

"I obey your command, Archangel... I obey the sentence imposed on me: to guard the spirit of King Joyce and become her family guardian after her resurrection."

At this time, Daliang said to Holy Isaiah: "I still have some things to discuss with Archangel Metatron... With so many angels surrounding the Palace of Knowledge, I will leave it to you to deal with.

I think you should know how to say...

Then, you go directly to the Joyce King Heroic Space to report...Don't think too much about things, and ignore any people or angels who approach you. No matter what you want to do, you can only do it if you become a supreme angel.

Remember... Cloud City's attitude towards me determines my attitude towards Michael. "

"I understand, Your Highness the Prince..." Holy Isaiah's spirit was a little sluggish. He saluted Metatron again and then left the Palace of Knowledge.

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