Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1530 Collection

After Holy Isaiah left the Palace of Knowledge, all the angels waiting outside gathered around and asked him if he had seen Michael and what happened to Michael.

Holy Isaiah looked back at the Palace of Knowledge, thinking about what Metatron and Daliang said to him. Then he cheered up and said to the angels around him: "I have already met Lord Michael... Lord Michael's condition is indeed no longer suitable for leading Yunzhong City. For specific matters, I promised the Metatron angels I won't tell anyone.

You just need to know that it will take a long time for Lord Michael to continue to lead us.

The only thing we have to do now is to obey the orders of Archangel Metatron. He is the angel mentor, the guide of every angel... All his decisions are for Yunzhong City and for the angels..."

Holy Isaiah's answer certainly did not satisfy the angels, but Isaiah was Michael's closest divine left winger, so his words were naturally not doubted by the angels.

It could be heard that Michael was indeed in a serious condition.

But knowing that Michael was in Cloud City gave the angels some peace of mind. Michael is the strongest law-level hero. No matter how injured he is, he will always recover one day.

At that time, he could see the most powerful angel again and fight under her leadership.

The angels who were soothed gradually dispersed. Holy Isaiah glanced at the Palace of Knowledge again, then opened a portal and flew in.

He was about to fulfill his promise and atone for his crime of assassinating King Joyce.

This was the only thing he could do for Michael.

In the Palace of Knowledge, Metatron couldn't help but sigh after Holy Isiah left, and said to Daliang: "I didn't expect you to convince Isiah in this way. At first, I was really afraid that he would do something like this." Some extreme behavior.”

Daliang said: "An angel who is truly loyal to Michael will truly think about her. Besides, I have never thought about imprisoning Michael permanently. We have the same purpose as her, but we have chosen different paths.

When good and evil can really coexist, when Michael cannot change the world order we have established, when we face a crisis and need a God of War, I want the freed Michael to know what she should do? "

Metatron did not expect that Daliang would think this way. He said with some shame: "I actually also thought about releasing Michael one day. She is actually the most suitable supreme angel to be the archangel. This is what I You must personally guard Michael's selfishness.

If you think so too, I think it would be safer to hand Michael over to you.

It is indeed too dangerous for her to be locked up in Yunzhong City. "

Because Da Liang had a way to enter the crystal wall space of the plane of the Good God in the world of heroes, Metatron transferred Michael and Lucifer to other places after sealing Michael. He thought that one day he could release Michael, so he was afraid that Daliang would secretly snatch Michael away and seal him permanently.

Now that Daliang has expressed his willingness to release Michael at the appropriate time, Metatron is thinking about handing Michael over to Daliang. After all, no matter how well Michael is hidden in the Cloud City, he may still be discovered by the angels who are secretly investigating.

Daliang asked: "Where's Lucifer?"

Metatron did not think too much and said: "I will also hand it over to you... Since we want to build a world where good and evil coexist, we must start by solving our own hatred.

Lucifer and fallen angels represent the evil side of angels. What angels need is not hatred but facing themselves. Only constant vigilance can prevent large-scale corruption from happening again.

I trust your judgment in knowing when to release both of them. "

"You trust me...then I'll accept it."

Da Liang agreed with a smile and secretly calculated his collection.

Beelzebub, the Demon of Deception, Misuka, the Demon of Greed, and Baal, the Demon of Pain.

Spider Mother: Ingram, Fergmina.

The fallen angels sent Satan, the demon of pride.

Metatron is about to hand Michael and Lucifer over to him again.

Eight law levels, three of the world's strongest heroes.

If they held a collection exhibition, they could earn hundreds of millions just by charging tickets.

Ha ha ha ha……

Daliang felt happy in his heart, but he did not forget his purpose of coming to Yunzhong City to find Metatron.

"I have controlled the Black Elf race in the Endless Labyrinth, and am preparing to establish the Black Elf Kingdom with Golden Cave City as its capital. I very much hope that when the Black Elf Kingdom is established, the Archangel will represent the good camp and declare its sovereignty over the Black Elf Kingdom. Recognition.”

"What, you control the black elves and want to build a country in the endless labyrinth!"

Metatron really couldn't believe that Daliang was so energetic...

He is the prince of the first empire of the main world, so he naturally has to deal with many government affairs of the first empire.

He is the main ally of the Five-Color Flag Alliance and is responsible for the decision-making of the Five-Color Flag Alliance and many foreign affairs.

He is the Immortal King, the Eviscerating Lord of the Realm of Death. He is the proposer of the ultimate faith, the disseminator of the Immaculate Doctrine, and the mentor of death. It is estimated that there are many things waiting for him to deal with in the kingdom of death.

He was still the world-destroying demon king of hell, and now he has become the lord of hell. There was a mess in hell waiting for him to clean up.

Although his many statuses are honors, they also mean that he needs to spend more energy than ordinary people to stand in various positions and do what he is responsible for.

There will be some time to do things, such as sealing Michael or something.

Metatron really didn't expect that Da Liang would still have the energy to reach into the Endless Labyrinth...and it wasn't just a simple intervention. He wanted to control the entire black elf race and establish an eighth kingdom in the Endless Labyrinth.

Is this something a human can do?

Metatron asked carefully: "Do the other seven kingdoms of the Endless Labyrinth agree with the establishment of the Black Elves' nation? They seem to be fighting very hard with the Black Elves. Will the establishment of the Black Elves' nation lead to a larger-scale war?

Especially when all-dimensional peace talks are about to begin, is it appropriate for the Black Elves to establish a nation? "

Daliang said: "I have already met with the kings of the Seven Kingdoms of the Endless Labyrinth. They all agreed to the establishment of the Black Elves' nation, and also agreed to go to the Golden Cave City to observe the ceremony when the nation was founded.

The Endless Maze is peaceful and there will be no fights, so don't worry. "

Metatron is still a little worried: "Golden Cave City is an important city in the Darkwing Kingdom. King Scripps also agrees to the establishment of the Black Elves' kingdom? Is he willing to give up the gold from Golden Cave?"

Daliang smiled and said: "King Scripps also agreed...about the evil camp, the Sad Pope, and me, why do you care so much? Do you agree to support the establishment of the Black Elf nation...

This is a big step towards a world where good and evil coexist. "

"Promise, I promise..."

In front of Da Liang... Metatron discovered how small the difficulties he faced were. This is just a city in the clouds, but they have to manage several planes!

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