Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1531 Arrival at the Covenant City

Daliang went to Cloud City and easily resolved a trouble for Metatron.

As expected, Holy Isiah calmed down the angels who didn't know the truth, and then went to guard the entrance to the heroic spirit copy of "Joyce". The Judgment Legion guarded the entrance to this dungeon and refused to let anyone in, which had already caused a lot of dissatisfaction and rumors among the player community. However, the strength of Da Liang made all players who wanted to enter the dungeon dare not speak out, but it also aroused the interest of many high-level players in this heroic spirit dungeon.

There are rumors that this is a copy of the heroic spirit of the original Shangjiang King Joyce. Joyce's death was a major event that shocked the entire plane. She was one of the souls of the Five Color Flag Alliance and almost became the first emperor of the main world.

Joyce is currently the NPC with the highest status of death in the game... This is definitely the best copy. If you can get in, casually collecting materials will definitely be better than other ordinary heroic spirit copies, not to mention the rewards in the many levels inside.

Daliang's fame and the strict defense of the Judgment Legion cannot stop those conceited high-level players. Players who occasionally attack the entrance to the heroic space dungeon can cause the Judgment Legion's battle group guarding here to scramble.

Shu Xiao has repeatedly increased the number of people guarding this heroic copy, but it seems that at some point, a player will rush in.

Players who have the ability to break through the defense of the Judgment Legion battle group will naturally have the strength to conquer this dungeon.

We don’t know when the method to resurrect Joyce will be found, and as the player’s strength increases, the difficulty of defense becomes more and more difficult...

Xingyue City is a fifth-level small town in the World of Heroes.

An originally inconspicuous human city has attracted much attention due to the arrival of Metatron... The Judgment Legion strictly guards the entrance to a heroic spirit dungeon here, and it has also attracted more and more players to come here to pay their respects.

Around the entrance to the Heroic Spirit Dungeon, the Judgment Legion has placed several combat groups stationed here alternately. Since this is the center of the city, players are not allowed to build buildings here, so the Judgment Legion can only use vehicles to set up a simple separation wall here.

The new Lord of the Covenant City knew who Daliang was, and he also knew that in order to protect the entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space, he would not mind capturing a city in the Heroic Spirit World. With Metatron's permission, the Lord of the Covenant City turned a blind eye to the Judgment Legion's not-too-excessive actions.

However... now, under the call of Metatron, the Sad Pope, and Emperor Howard, all parties have gradually ceased fighting. The human expeditionary force is also returning from the battlefield of Furnace City. The return of the army has suddenly increased the military strength of Faith City.

So the Lord of Xinyue City, who had straightened his back, increased the patrol team in the central square to show his strength to the Judgment Legion and used various reasons to reduce the scope of the Judgment Legion's control.

In short...if you can find some trouble, find some trouble.

The last time Metatron... the archangel compromised with the prince of the main world, he must have been unwilling to offend the Five Color Flag Alliance during the critical period of the war. Now that the good camp has defeated the evil camp in the Crucible City, it is probably time to clean up the Five Color Flag Alliance.

When the city lord of Covenant City was speculating on when he should take back the sovereignty of the entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space, Holy Isaiah suddenly descended over the central square of Covenant City.

The entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space is at his feet.

The combat group on duty of the Judgment Legion immediately entered a state of war as if facing a powerful enemy... During the battle in Xinyu City, they had all seen Holy Isaiah. At that time, he was the one who led the human army to counterattack Xinyu City. If it weren't for Daliang and Mei Tatron suddenly arrives and prevents the fighting from breaking out.

They'll all die a few times in that battle.

The Lord of Covenant City also recognized Holy Isaiah. He is Michael's holy left wing and his status in Cloud City is extremely noble, second only to the supreme angels.

The last time he wanted to destroy the invaders, he was stopped by Metatron, who took the overall situation into consideration.

His arrival this time...does it mean that after the victory in Furnace City, Faith City can drive out these invaders?

The Lord of Xinyue rushed from the Lord's Mansion to the central square as quickly as possible. He walked close to the entrance of the Heroic Spirit Space, glanced contemptuously at the battle group of the Judgment Legion, then saluted Holy Isaiah and said: "Dear Holy Lord Isaiah, welcome to the City of Faith again. I am Victor Keppel, the city lord of the City of Faith.

As you can see, these adventurers rudely invaded the square of Xianye City and placed their vehicles haphazardly, seriously affecting the order of the city.

As the new city lord of Faith City, I believe that their actions have damaged the majesty of Yunzhong City. We should immediately end their ridiculous farce here and drive them out of Faith City and even the World of Heroes. "

The arrival of Holy Isiah has also aroused a lot of attention in the player world... Where is his identity? Especially those players who are deeply involved in the plot of Yunzhong City know that Holy Isiah is the most likely to understand the law. Become the Holy Angel of the Most High Angels.

Although Michael is missing, she is the hawk of Cloud City. As her holy left wing, Isaiah came to Covenant City at this time and appeared directly from the entrance of the heroic spirit copy occupied by the Judgment Legion. His purpose has been it goes without saying.

Recently...Daliang's momentum in the game has really grown by leaps and bounds. Some people are happy, some are distressed, and most people feel sad.

When everyone is playing games together, it makes most players very unhappy if you are so lucky and bad, and they would like to see Daliang unlucky.

This time Holy Isaiah wants to drive the Judgment Legion out of the Covenant City, which is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Daliang. Not only does one kill show off one's vigor, but it also presents this top-notch copy in front of the majority of players.

The players surrounding the Covenant City Square are ready to rush. As soon as Holy Isiah starts driving people away, they will rush into the dungeon together.

Everyone looked at Holy Isaiah, waiting for the "starting gun!"

Holy Isaiah looked down from a high position, glanced at the Judgment Legion battle group preparing to fight, and then looked at the city lord of the Covenant City: "I am Holy Isaiah.

I swear in the name of the holy angel that I accept the judgment of Prince Feichen on me. From this moment until my death, I am willing to be the guardian angel of King Joyce and protect her and her family.

This is King Joyce’s heroic spirit space. I will protect King Joyce’s peace with Prince Feichen’s warriors.

Anyone who tries to get close to this place, no matter who he is, will be mercilessly killed by me.

Lord Kepel, you have entered my guarded area. If you don't retreat, you will be the first person I kill... during my guarding here. "

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