Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1533 Comfort

Daliang set the time for the establishment of the Black Elf nation on the eve of the Shangjiang Conference. Although he can dominate many things in this world, at the Shangjiang Conference, almost all prominent rulers from all planes will participate. How long the meeting will last... is uncertain; what kind of resolution will be reached at the meeting... Da Liang cannot completely control it.

After the Shangjiang Conference, many things are unknown, so the Black Elves can establish their country early and save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The Golden Cave City has been restored under the supervision of Monica. Standing on the pointed tower of the City Lord's Palace, you can overlook the entire Golden Cave City.

The Cihe black elves are deeply influenced by the Songjiang black elves. Although they are also xenophobic, they are not as extreme as the original Golden Cave black elves. In order to make the capital of the Black Elf Kingdom look prosperous, and to cater to the harmonious atmosphere of the various races of the Black Fire Leader. Monica invited the undead from Mist City, the humans from Judgment Territory, the orcs from Snowfield City, the dwarves from Obsidian City, and even centaurs and unicorns from Palm Tree City.

The angel's holy light softly filled the entire city, and the dragon's roar echoed in the golden cave.

The black elves drove all the underground city natives they could find around them into the city. After Fegmina occupied Golden Cave City, she slaughtered all the natives in the city, so there were only black elves in the city who were both soldiers and civilians. The number of black elves is really too sparse for the huge Golden Cave City. Moreover, all the kings of the seven kingdoms of the underground city will come to the Golden Cave City to watch the ceremony. Monica must create a scene where the underground races and the black elves live in harmony.

In Da Liang's words, the enemy of the Black Elf Kingdom is definitely not other dungeon kingdoms, at least not for a long period of time.

The black elves should try their best to eliminate the hostility and rejection of the underground aboriginal people towards the black elves, and while retaining their own unique traditions, they should change their values ​​to integrate into the mainstream world.

All the aborigines who were driven into Golden Cave City were very scared. Some of them were the former residents of Golden Cave City who escaped from the black elves' massacre. They thought that there would be only one end for being caught by the black elves this time.

But the black elves did not want to carry out the massacre as they imagined, but drove them all to the square in front of the castle of the city lord's palace.

Soon the spacious square was filled with underground city natives coming from all directions. Cavemen, harpies, minotaurs, poisonous eyes, Medusa... They looked at the people riding underground lizards around them with fear. The dark cavalry, the group of griffins soaring slowly in the air, and the huge bodies of angels and dragons higher up.

I don’t know what kind of fate awaits me next.

The black elf warriors were all wearing fine armor, and the weapons in their hands reflected cold light. In the eyes of the indigenous people, the equipment of the black elves has been significantly improved compared to the crude appearance when they first rushed into the city, so that the indigenous people who were rushed to the underground city did not dare to have any idea of ​​resistance...

I heard that Jincao City was captured by another black elf group, replacing the original black elf group that massacred the city.

But so what, the black elves are bloodthirsty and xenophobic. They just like to use killing to break the enemy's belief in resistance. Black elves can kill other people even when they are killing their own people, let alone foreigners.

But why did they bring us all to the central square of the city?

Aren't you afraid of trouble when transporting the body in the end?

The natives of the dungeon looked around in fear, trying to find their fate on the faces of the surrounding black elves. But even the most ordinary black elf warriors wear helmets with visors and enchanting patterns. Only the faint red light from their eyes can be seen through the gaps in the helmets.

The aborigines could not get any clues other than marveling at the wealth of the black elves.

The aborigines in the square did not worry for too long. When the square was filled, a loud trombone sounded from the castle of the city lord's palace on the front.

Monica flew down from the tower and landed on the platform above the main entrance of the castle's outer wall. She was wearing a red leather dress with the characteristics of a black elf, with a rolled-up leather whip on her waist, and she looked down at the natives of the underground city whom she had spent a lot of effort to capture.

Then she used the aristocratic aria she learned in Shangjiang and said to her future city residents with rich emotions:

"I am the envoy of the Dragon of Darkness, the Dark Saint, the Lord of Songjiang City, and the owner of the Golden Cave—Monika, the Divine Favorite.

My people, you do not need to worry about your lives. I am not Fergmina, nor am I a short-sighted black elf who has lived deep underground for a long time and only knows how to use force.

I come from the main world and have been to many places with my master.

I have seen the most prosperous city in the world, the great Cloud City and the Furnace City. I've even been to the elves' cities and sat drinking with our sworn enemies, the elves.

I stand on the shoulders of giants and can see higher and farther than any black elf.

I know that in the eyes of mainstream races, black elves are uncivilized barbarians. The black elves seem to be accustomed to these contempts, and then use self-isolation, go their own way, use killing to cover up our inner inferiority, and finally forget our noble ancestors.

I learned many things during my journey with my master, the most important of which was... letting go of the dark elf's ridiculous and ignorant arrogance. My master is a human male. I never think this is an insult to a female black elf. Instead, I am willing to present our relationship in front of all black elves.

The last thing the black elves need is to regard all races as enemies. All underground races are important members of the Endless Labyrinth just like the black elves. In Songjiang Underground City, the underground races of the main world and the black elves live in harmony in the same city. In the future, in Golden Cave City, we also welcome any race that is willing to call this place home to settle here, regardless of underground race or surface race. need not be afraid.

I used some unusual means to invite you here without any malice, simply because there are too many vacant houses in Golden Cave City. Fegmina has paid the due price for her crimes, and I assure you on my behalf and that of my master... the tragedy will never happen again.

You can choose housing at will in Jincao City. Those who are willing to do business can choose any shop to conduct permitted business. I would like to waive some of the rent and taxes. I am also willing to introduce Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to you. This super chamber of commerce that connects almost all dimensions will bring you unimaginable wealth.

I also welcome all skilled craftsmen to enter my workshop. There are really too many things that need to be manufactured in the emerging Golden Cave City. The wealth of the Golden Cave means that I do not need to owe you any remuneration.

The army of Golden Cave City also welcomes brave warriors...The army of the black elves needs the battle ax of the tauren, the bows and arrows of Medusa, the rays of the poisonous eyes, and the harpies and manticores to protect our sky..."

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